Team:Hong Kong HKUST/Education and Engangement

iGem HKUST 2018 Hielo by TEMPLATED

Education and Public Engangement

Synthetic Biology Exhibition during the HKUST Information Day

Aim of the exhibition:

  • - Promote synthetic biology as a tool to solve current problems and explain on how the synthetic biology field tries to involve safety, ethics, policies, and the environment into our research and product designs. (For public engagement)

  • - Demonstrate our project and give explanations to encourage public engagement. (For integrated human practices)

  • - Promote environmental sustainability (For project benefits)

Apart from involving public's participation, there are several objectives for our exhibition. We would also like to promote the use of synthetic biology as an advance concept to solve current problems, promote student activities in HKUST through demonstration of iGEM project and suggest bioenergy as a fuel source for environmental sustainability.

There are three things we would like to do for the exhibition: the promotion and introduction to iGEM and synthetic biology, the project description and survey, and education on bioenergy as a renewable energy source.

To start with, the team would like to take this opportunity to promote synthetic biology as a tool to solve current problems and explain on how the synthetic biology field tries to involve safety, ethics, policies, and the environment into our research and product designs. The iGEM competition calls on students to build interdisciplinary teams of biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, and computer scientists to ask new questions about what synthetic biology can do. We are required to "go beyond the lab" and apply our project in a social/environmental context, to better understand issues that might influence the design and use of our technologies.

Besides, a project can never be made into a product if we do not consider its users carefully. Thus, project explanation to the public is one of the key components in the development of our iGEM project. We would need to consider the many ways that our project can impact society as well as how the public might perceive our project in order to build a safe and sustainable project that can best serve the public interest. For biosafety concern, we will not use any engineered bacteria for display. We will display our prototype running with coloured liquid instead to serve as an aiding tool in our explanation, as well as posters and simplified diagrams to show our ideas of the project. A survey, including questions about the areas of concerns that people might have when consider using our products, will be distributed for the purpose of collecting public opinions.

As a project focusing on to solve the environmental issue of PE plastic pollution and energy deprivation, the team is dedicated in educating the public on the different renewable energy source as an alternative source for household use.

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