
Meet the Team

Matthias Otto aka Despotto

Age: 25
Field of study: Molecular Biotechnology (M.Sc.)
Fun facts:
When he doesn't get enough sleep he tends to be quite bossy and likes to order people around.
Whenever he gets angry he needs a Snickers so that he doesn't become a diva.
iGEM low point/ what depressed me the most during iGEM: I tried to add a stop codon at the end of one basic part and failed multiple times because I just got colonies without the stop codon.
My iGEM highlight: The moment when I realized that the Human Ferritin has been detected in the MALDI TOF.

Irina Rais aka Irinabacter Maisi

Age: 21
Field of study: Biochemistry (B.Sc.)
Fun facts:
She is our living alarm clock as she also beeps when an alarm clock in our lab goes off.
During a python programming course we attended for our modeling Irina scripted an endless loop and incapacitated the whole servers of our facility. The programming course had to be interrupted for the day and Irina was suspended from using our facilities servers by the admins.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: Working about 3 hours on a graphic on Inkscape just to hear from Christoph WHEN IT WAS ALMOST READY that we can just take it from Wikipedia - and we took the one from Wikipedia.
My iGEM highlight: All days with good lab memes and the days I was NOT knocking out genes with CRISPR Cas/9.

Johannes Ruhnau aka Jojo

Age: 24
Field of study: Molecular Biotechnology (M.Sc.)
Fun facts:
During iGEM he fell asleep sitting in front of his laptop. He had slept so deeply that even some crushed ice put on his neck did not wake him up.
He likes to sing in the lab when listening to his headphones. Very loudly and crooked. So he nerves the whole team that is listening to different music.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: When I noticed one week before part submission that I totally forgot to remove the stop codons in my fusion proteins.
My iGEM highlight: When several corporations were willing to support us after we visited a fair in Munich.

Antonin Lenzen Antonio aka Lenzano

Age: 22
Field of study: Molecular Biotechnology (M.Sc.)
Fun facts:
His shirts have holes everywhere: He doesn't own a single shirt that isn't torn at all. He taped the door knop of another team member to the ceiling.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: When my IDT gene synthesis turned out to be broken.
My iGEM highlight: Meeting all the awesome people and seeing the awesome projects at the Munich European Meetup.

Christoph Geske aka Chrizzle-Shizzle

Age: 26
Field of study: Bioinformatics and Genome Research (B.Sc.)
Fun facts:
He once wanted to warm up a hard bun in the microwave and the bun started to smoke yellow. The stench was so unbearable that we had to discard the microwave.
Once he borrowed Erika's bike and when he came back he told her that she can pick it up herself – it is not his bike.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: The time we realised that our initial idea to create full sized copper nanoparticles inside the cell is not feasible and we had to make some major adjustments to the project. So glad it worked out so well in the end.

Jakob Zubek aka JAY-Z

Age: 23
Field of study: Biochemistry (B.Sc.)
Fun facts:
His mortal enemy is 50x TAE buffer.
He talks to himself aloud when he thinks he is alone.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: When the worst tube rack shacked because I stroked it a little and just threw out ALL tubes. Problematic was that the filling order on my gel was resembled by the order on the rack. I took the rack, threw it on the ground and stomped on it multiple times.
My iGEM highlight: When I expressed OprC in E.coli and they started to die in Cu(II) ion solution.

Erika Schneider aka Erik*a

Age: 24
Field of study: Genome-Based Systems Biology (M.Sc.)
Fun facts:
She thinks she can not cook and she is right as her cakes come out burned at the outside and still liquid in the center.
She often uses new methods and thinks they are better without comparing them.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: The moment I recognized I had been working with a wrong basic part all the time and all my composite parts were wrong because I used a wrong primer in my PCR and exchanged the last five aminoacids of my protein.
My iGEM highlight: When my experiments with my copper uptake system showed first positive results as it was my first entirely self-planned and -made project.

Levin Joe Klages aka Levin-Kevin

Age: 22
Field of study: Molecular Biology (B.Sc.)
Fun facts:
Levin has been called "Kevin" during iGEM because the autocorrection of some member´s mobile phones changed Levin to Kevin. During his lab work he had some epic lab fails so that the team kept on calling him "Kevin" all the time. After some time he even listens to the name Kevin.
For his ESTA formular Levin payed 80$ instead of 14$ as he went to the wrong internet page.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: When I cut with XbaI und EcoRI and had three bands instead of one.
My iGEM highlight: The days I could sleep for more than 8 hours.

Vanessa Kraemer aka Vava

Age: 24
Field of study: Bioinformatics and Genome Research (B.Sc.)
Fun facts:
She looks innocent, but she is the devil in disguise.
When she's sitting in front of the computer she's cursing all the time and makes pitiful sounds.
What depressed me the most during iGEM: That I forgot to add a stop codon at the end of my gene sequence.
My iGEM highlight: Finishing the animations on the front page.

Boas Pucker

Current position: PhD student
Research group: Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Julian Droste

Current position:PhD student
Research group: Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology

Pascal Schmidt

Current position: PhD student
Research group: Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology

Marten Linder

Current position: PhD student
Research group: Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology

Carsten Hain

Current position:PhD student
Research group: Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology

Svenja Vinke

Field of study: Molecular Biotechnology (M.Sc.)

Dr. Christian Rueckert

Christian is a member of the research group Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology at Bielefeld University. With his vast expertise in synthetic biology, bioinformatics and Next Generation Sequencing, he advises us especially with regards to useful methods for our lab work.

Prof. Dr. Joern Kalinowski

Joern is the head of the Technology Platform Genomics and the research group Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology, and a member of the Technology Platforms Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics. With his comprehensive knowledge in the field of synthetic biology, he advises us especially with regards to safety and current research.