- <p>"Break a leg"-Rica: She got well soon after her injury from the DIES</p> <p>Marie and Rica with our poster at the masters information day</p>36 KB (4,936 words) - 17:24, 17 October 2018
- <div class="team-container_heading">Rica Bremenkamp</div>16 KB (1,887 words) - 20:26, 17 October 2018
- <td>Rica Bremenkamp, Malte Holmer, Jonas Jennrich, Veronika Lutz, Janek Meißner, Li3 KB (454 words) - 06:41, 18 September 2018
- <p>Rica presents our iGEM project to an interested group of new students.</p>14 KB (1,973 words) - 17:24, 17 October 2018
- "name": "Costa Rica"109 KB (14,082 words) - 06:58, 26 September 2018
- ...0.27l1.42,0.58l1.29,-0.14l0.56,0.56l0.74,0.17l0.55,-0.27Z", "name": "Costa Rica"}, "CU": {"path": "M221.21,227.25l1.27,1.02l2.19,-0.28l4.43,3.33l2.08,0.43l170 KB (23,448 words) - 16:25, 26 August 2018
- ...0.27l1.42,0.58l1.29,-0.14l0.56,0.56l0.74,0.17l0.55,-0.27Z", "name": "Costa Rica"}, "CU": {"path": "M221.21,227.25l1.27,1.02l2.19,-0.28l4.43,3.33l2.08,0.43l102 KB (14,082 words) - 16:40, 26 August 2018
- ...?!.*belg)(?!.*l.opoldville)(?!.*free).*\\bcongo",COK:"\\bcook",CRI:"costa.?rica",CIV:"ivoire|ivory",HRV:"croatia",CUB:"\\bcuba",CUW:"^(?!.*bonaire).*\\bcur1.98 MB (383,809 words) - 18:58, 16 October 2018