Usage of copper
Copper was one of the first metals ever extracted and used by humans, and it has made vital contributions to sustaining and improving society since the dawn of civilization.
Copper is easily stretched, molded, and shaped; is resistant to corrosion; and conducts heat and electricity efficiently. As a result, copper was important to early humans and continues to be a material of choice for a variety of domestic, industrial, and high-technology applications today. Demand of copper is increasing.
Copper mining
For meeting the increasing demand of copper in the world, the massive copper ores are mined every year.
The exploit of copper causes lots of contamination.
The main source of copper contamination to atmospheric is the emission of extraction of copper. The emission from factory to water and soil also polluted the water and soil.Copper contamination lead to negative effect on plants, animal and Humans. Humans ingest copper by breathing the contaminated air, or intake the plants grown in polluted soil or animal bred in polluted water. Extra hepatic toxicity is subsequent to the accumulation of copper in the liver. After that, copper appears to be redistributed from the cytosol to lysosomes, and it can be released into systemic circulation. Copper can then accumulate in select extra hepatic sites, such as the kidney and brain.
International standards for drinking water and daily copper intake
Less than 2.0 mg/L copper in drinking water
Cases of copper toxicity on human
Some studies have reported cases of human copper poisoning. Mineral supplementation of 30mg/d for 2 years.Drinking tap water, o.4 to 5.5 mg/l, or 2.2 to 3.4 mg/L. Drinking hot water, 8mg/l through using copper blackened kettles. Well-water heated and stored in copper container, hot water measured 6.3mg/L. Feeding milk prepared in untinned copper containers, 10-63mg/L.
In 2010, copper acid water leakage accident occurred at copper hydrometallurgy plant of fujian zijin mining group co., LTD. Some 9,100 cubic metres of sewage flowed into the ting river through the drainage culvert, causing pollution in some sections of the ting river and the death of fish in cages.In 2017,at least 3,000 geese killed by toxic water from former Montana copper mine.In 2018, The Detroit News reported that Schools in Detroit have found excessive levels of lead and copper after a water safety incident in Michigan. More than half of the 106 schools inside Michigan's largest school district have high levels of copper and/or lead.
Environmental copper: Its dynamics and human exposure issues in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B · October 2001
Impacts of Copper on Aquatic Ecosystems and Human Health 2001
Committee on Copper in Drinking Water, National Research Council