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All the protocols that were carried out in the lab were according to the guidelines established by DBT. DBT stands for Department of Biotechnology and serves as the centralised institution that establishes guidelines and protocols regarding the functioning of institutions and organisations working with molecular biology and biotechnology based techniques in India.

We have received laboratory working and safety trainings from the Biosafety Committee of our institution. Faculty members and lab assistants have trained us to manage any sort of risk that may arise from working in the lab. We are in constant touch with them in about both the progress of the project and the needs that may arise with respect to our laboratory working conditions.

The lab that the team utilises is a level 2 (moderate risk) safety environment. The project that we work on uses non virulent strains of E. coli. Within the laboratory, the handling of the organism is done in the sterile and protected environment of a biosafety cabinet. Proper precautions are taken before microbial handling including the utilisation of gloves, facial masks and goggles. The storage of cultures is within protected environments and the lab is regularly fumigated in an attempt to maintain both sterility and safety. The cultures are decanted prior to disposal without exception, thus preventing discharge of any undue pathogen into the unprotected environment.


iGEM REC-Chennai.