

Student Members

Member Contribution
Katherine Cohen Katherine worked on cloning and presented our project at several human practices events.
Anna Guseva Anna worked on all aspects of wetlab and presented at human practices events. She also worked on wiki and helped with developing the software idea.
Valerie Hellmer Valerie helped with human practices.
Dora Huang Dora designed our wiki and worked on human practices.
Stefanie King Stefanie worked on all aspects of wetlab and human practices.
Emma McCormick Emma helped with human practices.
Jonathan Pan Jonathan helped with recruitment.
Sai Sriram Sai developed our software and worked on our wiki.
Albert Truong Albert worked on all aspects of wetlab, presented at our human practices events.
Aadith Vittala Aadith developed our model and worked on one of our collaborations.
Vu Hoang Anh Hoang developed our software and worked on our wiki.
Soohyun Yoon Soohyun worked on all aspects of wetlab and human practices.


Member Contribution
Shyam Bhakta DNA design, wetlab, provided PCR templates for cloning
Jordan Bluford DNA design, wetlab
Ilenne Del Valle DNA design, wetlab, provided bacterial strains
Matthew Ykema Wetlab
David Zong Modeling, wetlab, software


We'd like to thank our PIs, Dr. Beth Beason and Dr. Joff Silberg, for their support and advice throughout our project! The modeling team would like to thank Dr. Oleg Igoshin for valuable advice on sensitivity analysis and controlled comparisons. The human practices team would like to thank Mr. Petko Ivanov, Dr. Daniel Wagner, Dr. Aaron Regberg, and Dr. Lynn Rothschild for taking the time to talk with us and help us better understand our project in a larger context. The wetlab team would like to thank Dr. George Bennett, Dr. Rob Britton, Dr. Joff Silberg, and the UT Austin iGEM team for providing us for bacterial strains.


Thank you to these groups for supporting our project!