Team:Unesp Brazil/Attributions

iGEM Unesp Brazil


Team attributions

Team leader: Nathan Ribeiro
Wet lab: Nathan Ribeiro, Patrick Squizato, Paulo Freire, Daniel Cozetto, Victor de Jesus
Caco-2 assay: Paulo Freire
InterLab: Bruna Fernandes, Nathan Ribeiro, Larissa Crispim, Nadine Vaz and Mariana Cesar
Modeling: Patrick Squizato
Bioinformatics: Ana Flávia Martins
Treasurer and fundraising: Ana Paula Cardoso
Hardware: Amanda Gracindo, Vitor Mazziero, Mariana Cesar, Débora Zamaro and Natália Agostinis
Education and Public Engagement: Bruna Fernandes, Nadine Vaz, Natália Agostinis, Mariana Mota, Paulo Freire, Nathan Ribeiro and Larissa Crispim
ANVISA’s public consultation: Rafael Brull Tuma
Probiotics collection: Nathan Ribeiro, Daniel Cozetto, Patrick Squizato and Victor de Jesus
Art and design: Nathan Ribeiro, Daniel Cozetto, Patrick Squizato and Victor de Jesus
Wiki: Nathan Ribeiro, Victor de Jesus, Daniel Cozetto. Pages wrote by all of us :)

General Support

Prof. Danielle Biscaro Pedrolli and Prof. Marcel Otavio Cerri, our PIs that helped and guided us a lot throughout this journey.

Project support

Provided us day-to-day support in the lab:
Flávio Pereira Picheli, technician at the Laboratory of Genetic and Enzymatic Engineering at the Bioprocess and Biotechnology Department
Gabriela Barbosa de Paiva, Bioprocess and Biotechnology Engineering student and member of the Synthetic Biology Lab Group
Rone de Grandis, Ph.D. student in Biosciences and Biotechnology who helped us with the Caco-2 assay.

Hardware: collaboration with Prof. Marcel Otavio Cerri and Prof. Guilherme Peixoto.
Modeling: collaboration with Prof. Marcel Otavio Cerri, Prof. Gustavo Nakamura and ETH Zürich Team.
Education and Public Engagement: collaboration with Prof. Sidineia Barrozo and Paula Macedo Matos Andrade (Pedagogy student), who helped us create the classes for our project “Women in Science”.


We'd like to thank our PIs, Instructors, and Advisors for all the guidance and support that we received throughout this year. Your advice and insights were fundamental to our project and to accomplish great things together.
Thank you all the Bioprocess and Biotechnology Department, the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Chemistry Institute and the Sao Paulo State University for all their support.
A huge thank you to our sponsors, and a special one to David Roberto R. Soares da Silva and Clarissa Jucá Montenegro Gallo, who believed in us and made it possible for us take our project to iGEM 2018.
Thank you to the Director of the Registry, Vinoo Selvarajah, for his support when we were creating the Probiotic Collection at the Registry.
Thank you Maria Clara Astolfi, our fellow former iGEMmer, and Guilherme Kundlatsch, former Brazilian iGEM Ambassador and After iGEM Coordinator, for their advice and support in times of need.
Finally, a huge and special thank you to everyone that supported our fundraising campaign and helped us in any way. A special thanks to Andreia Watanabe, Carlos Alberto Matos e David R Silva. We are forever grateful!

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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Chemistry Institute


School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
São Paulo State University (UNESP)
Rodovia Araraquara Jaú, Km 01 - s/n
Campos Ville
Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil