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Revision as of 19:48, 17 October 2018

Mathematical Modeling

$$ 1. R + Pr \leftrightharpoons R:Pr $$ $$ 2. R:Pr + D \leftrightharpoons R:Pr:D $$ $$ 3. R:Pr:D + S \leftrightharpoons R:Pr:D:S $$ $$ 4. R:Pr:D:S + P \leftrightharpoons R:Pr:D:S:P $$ $$ 5. R:Pr:D:S:P \leftrightharpoons R + Pr:D:S:P $$ $$ 6. Pr:D:S:P \to 2D + S + P + Pr + D $$ $$ /frac{d[R]}{dt} = -R/cdot Pr/cdot k_1f + K_1r /cdot R:Pr + k_5f /cdot R:Pr:D:S:P - k_5r /cdot R/cdot Pr:D:S:P $$


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