Difference between revisions of "Team:NUDT CHINA/Notebook"

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<div class="col-md-12 column" style="width:100%;height:250px;background-size:contain;0px -100px; background-image:url(https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/2/2a/T--NUDT_CHINA--banner_project_notebook.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;">
  <p style="font-size:36px;margin: 0 0%;padding: 5% 0 0 10%;color: white;">Designed Protein Degradation Method Based on</p>
<p style="font-size:36px;margin: 0 0%;padding: 0 0 0 10%;color: white;">Trim21 And Nanobody&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--&nbsp;Notebook</p>
                          <div class="col-md-push-1 col-md-10">
                                      <h1 style="font-size: 40px;font-weight: 1200"></h1>
                                      <p alt="content_add" style="font-size: 20px;">
Jiaxin Ma ,Tianyi Zhang,Chenyu Lu and Chenxing Sun completed most of the experiments.
<div class="col-md-push-1 col-md-10">
<p style="margin-top: 80px;"> Chuanyang Liu, Changsong Gao, Chushu Zhu and Qijie Xu completed most of the experiments.</p>
<h2 class="content-subsub">Chuanyang Liu </h2>
<table class="table table-striped">
  <caption style="font-size: 25px">Jiaxin Ma</caption>
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<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the culture of A549 cell and optimization of culture condition&nbsp;with Changsong Gao</p>
<p>Construct plasmid expressing GFPnano-IgG1Fc and Trim21 with Tianyi Zhang.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on Western Blot assay for target gene expression&nbsp;with Changsong Gao</p>
<p>Work on the optimization of transfection and fluorescence-detecting conditions in Hela and A549 cells with Tianyi Zhang.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Do Western Blot assay EMT markers&nbsp;with Changsong Gao</p>
<p>Work on Western Blot assay for target gene (GFP) expression and fluorescence detection with Tianyi Zhang.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Cell proliferation and migration assay of miR-214 Locker group&nbsp;with Changsong Gao</p>
<p>Work on repeated validation of GFP interfering efficiency with Tianyi Zhang.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Cell proliferation and migration assay of miR-654 Locker group&nbsp;with Changsong Gao</p>
<p>Work on transfection optimization, EMT-related Markers detection of ErbB3-interfered cells with Tianyi Zhang.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on the proliferation and migration assay of cells with ErbB3 interfered with Tianyi Zhang.</p>
<h2 class="content-subsub">Changsong Gao</h2>
<div class="col-md-push-1 col-md-10">
<table class="table table-striped">
  <caption style="font-size: 25px">Tianyi Zhang</caption>
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<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the culture of A549 cell and optimization of culture condition&nbsp;with Chuanyang Liu</p>
<p>Construct plasmid expressing GFPnano-IgG1Fc and Trim21 with Jiaxin Ma. </p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on Western Blot assay for target gene expression&nbsp;with Chuanyang Liu</p>
<p>Work on the optimization of transfection and fluorescence-detecting conditions in Hela and A549 cells with Jiaxin Ma.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Do Western Blot assay EMT markers&nbsp;with Chuanyang Liu</p>
<p>Work on Western Blot assay for target gene (GFP) expression and fluorescence detection with Jiaxin Ma.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Cell proliferation and migration assay of miR-214 Locker group&nbsp;with Chuanyang Liu</p>
<p>Work on repeated validation of GFP interfering efficiency with Jiaxin Ma.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Cell proliferation and migration assay of miR-654 Locker group&nbsp;with Chuanyang Liu</p>
<p>Work on transfection optimization, EMT-related Markers detection of ErbB3-interfered cells with Jiaxin Ma.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on the proliferation and migration assay of cells with ErbB3 interfered with Jiaxin Ma.</p>
<h2 class="content-subsub">Chushu Zhu</h2>
<div class="col-md-push-1 col-md-10">
<table class="table table-striped">
  <caption style="font-size: 25px">Chenyu Lu</caption>
Line 128: Line 158:
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Phosphorylation and annealing of the oligos&nbsp;with Qijie Xu</p>
<p>Validation of plasmid expression GFP-nano-IgGFc and Trim21, culture of Hela cells with Chenxing Sun.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on miRNA locker assembly with Qijie Xu</p>
<p>Hela Cell culture and preparatory works on fluorescence detection with Chenxing Sun. </p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Asymmetric PCR to generate ssDNAs from dsDNAs&nbsp;with Qijie Xu</p>
<p>Construct plasmid expression ErbB3-IgG1Fc and trim21, and construct Parts with Chenxing Sun.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Construct parts&nbsp;with Qijie Xu</p>
<p>Construct Parts with Chenxing Sun.</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on the experimental validation of parts&nbsp;with Qijie Xu</p>
<p>Work on the experimental validation of parts with Chenxing Sun.</p>
<h2 class="content-subsub">Qijie Xu</h2>
<div class="col-md-push-1 col-md-10">
<table class="table table-striped">
  <caption style="font-size: 25px">Chenxing Sun</caption>
Line 183: Line 216:
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Phosphorylation and annealing of the oligos&nbsp;with Chushu Zhu</p>
<p>Validation of plasmid expression GFP-nano-IgGFc and Trim21, culture of Hela cells with Chenyu Lu . </p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on miRNA locker assembly with Chushu Zhu</p>
<p>Hela Cell culture and preparatory works on fluorescence detection with Chenyu Lu . </p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Finish the Asymmetric PCR to generate ssDNAs from dsDNAs&nbsp;with Chushu Zhu</p>
<p>Construct plasmid expression ErbB3-IgG1Fc and trim21, and construct Parts with Chenyu Lu .</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Construct parts&nbsp;with Chushu Zhu</p>
<p>Construct Parts with Chenyu Lu .</p>
<td width="153">
<td width="153">
<td width="538">
<td width="538">
<p>Work on the experimental validation of parts&nbsp;with Chushu Zhu</p>
<p>Work on the experimental validation of parts with Chenyu Lu .</p>

Latest revision as of 01:55, 18 October 2018

Designed Protein Degradation Method Based on

Trim21 And Nanobody              -- Notebook

Jiaxin Ma ,Tianyi Zhang,Chenyu Lu and Chenxing Sun completed most of the experiments.

Jiaxin Ma




Construct plasmid expressing GFPnano-IgG1Fc and Trim21 with Tianyi Zhang.


Work on the optimization of transfection and fluorescence-detecting conditions in Hela and A549 cells with Tianyi Zhang.


Work on Western Blot assay for target gene (GFP) expression and fluorescence detection with Tianyi Zhang.


Work on repeated validation of GFP interfering efficiency with Tianyi Zhang.


Work on transfection optimization, EMT-related Markers detection of ErbB3-interfered cells with Tianyi Zhang.


Work on the proliferation and migration assay of cells with ErbB3 interfered with Tianyi Zhang.

Tianyi Zhang




Construct plasmid expressing GFPnano-IgG1Fc and Trim21 with Jiaxin Ma.


Work on the optimization of transfection and fluorescence-detecting conditions in Hela and A549 cells with Jiaxin Ma.


Work on Western Blot assay for target gene (GFP) expression and fluorescence detection with Jiaxin Ma.


Work on repeated validation of GFP interfering efficiency with Jiaxin Ma.


Work on transfection optimization, EMT-related Markers detection of ErbB3-interfered cells with Jiaxin Ma.


Work on the proliferation and migration assay of cells with ErbB3 interfered with Jiaxin Ma.

Chenyu Lu




Validation of plasmid expression GFP-nano-IgGFc and Trim21, culture of Hela cells with Chenxing Sun.


Hela Cell culture and preparatory works on fluorescence detection with Chenxing Sun.


Construct plasmid expression ErbB3-IgG1Fc and trim21, and construct Parts with Chenxing Sun.


Construct Parts with Chenxing Sun.


Work on the experimental validation of parts with Chenxing Sun.

Chenxing Sun




Validation of plasmid expression GFP-nano-IgGFc and Trim21, culture of Hela cells with Chenyu Lu .


Hela Cell culture and preparatory works on fluorescence detection with Chenyu Lu .


Construct plasmid expression ErbB3-IgG1Fc and trim21, and construct Parts with Chenyu Lu .


Construct Parts with Chenyu Lu .


Work on the experimental validation of parts with Chenyu Lu .