Team:Imperial College/Communication


Why is Communication our theme for Human Practices?

As a foundational technology, PixCell has the potential to substantially impact our society. When computers were first connected in a network, it eventually led to the creation of the internet. Who could have predicted these events wide-reaching effects on society, both positive and negative? Analogously, predicting all possible effects of our technology is equally challenging, electrical-biological interfaces open up a totally new realm of possibilities.

Throughout our project, the goal was to engage with all stakeholders as early as possible and to integrate their feedback into PixCell. This upstream engagement is especially important for foundational projects such as PixCell - an overview of how the feedback from our stakeholders shifted the direction of our project is provided in our project flowchart.

Our project revolves around an interface between life and machines - we created a means for which machines can communicate with life. Communication also lays at the heart of our Human Practices strategy - effective communication is key in both Integrated Human Practices and Outreach and Public engagement. Hence the choice of communication as our Human Practices theme.

Communications Strategy Guide

cuz talking is fun

Let's Talk about It!

cuz fighting is for losers