
1. Introduction

Our goal in the dry lab this year was to create four different models that allow our wet lab team to characterize their results, and allow future researchers to benchmark their results creating standard measures in the field of cellular flotation. First, we created a generic differential bioreactor model that allowed our team to predict the effectiveness of our E. coli cells to clean waste-waters if coupled with any surface binding method. We performed a complete sensitivity analysis on this model to allow future researchers to reuse this model with completely different parameters, strains of bacteria and object of waste. Then we created an algorithm that can track cellular flotation from frame to frame, and characterize exactly how the cells float; previously, we could only tell whether they floated or not. This coupled with our ODE buoyancy model allows us to define a maximum carrying capacity for each strain. Both of these models allowed our team to benchmark their results and will allow future researchers to quantify the performance of flotation as well.

Note: In the very end of this paper, we included a nomenclature defining all the variables used.

A Differential Bioreactor Model

2.1 Goals

  • Explore a possible application for our genetically engineered E. coli biomass that utilizes flotation.

  • Develop a generic bioreactor that can be reused in many different conditions and for a variety of purposes.

Mathematical Formulation


Monod Equation  
In order to run a bioreactor, we need to understand at what rate the E. coli grow, and how they respond to environmental conditions. Bacterial growth can be separated into four phases:

  1. The Lag Phase: Little growth is observed.

  2. The Exponential Phase: Exponential growth is observed after the cells get used to their environment, and so long as the limiting substrate is still in surplus.

  3. The Stationary Phase: No growth is observed, death rate and growth rate are approximately equal.

  4. Death Phase: There is no more substrate, thus the population dies.

If N is the concentration of biomass population, then the exponential growth phase is given by:
 = μN
where μ is the specific growth rate, the “rate of increase of cell concentrations per unit cell concentration” (h − 1) . μ depends on the substrate concentration; the relation is given by the Monod equation:
$$\mu(S) = \mu_m \frac{S}{K_S + S}$$
where S is the substrate concentration (in mol L − 1) , and KS is the Monod Constant (in mol L − 1). As substrate is consumed, more biomass is being created at the rate of:
$$\frac{dN}{dS} = -\gamma \frac{dS}{dt}$$
where t is time. γ should be interpreted as “the ratio of the mass of cells formed to the mass of substrate consumed” .

The Model

The Bioreactor Design
The Bioreactor Design

Call the ’Main Reactor’ (M.R) and the ’Flotation Tank’ (F.T). Let Xu be the concentration of E. coli (in mol L − 1), Xw the concentration of particle bound to the surface of the E. coli (in mol L − 1). Below we will outline the steps of the bioreactor seen in Figure 1.

  1. All the substrate, waste and cellular population is homogeneously distributed between the F.T and the M.R. Initially there is no particle bound to any of the cells, i.e Xw = 0.

  2. When activated, the bioreactor begins to pump solution from the M.R to the F.T at rate D, this is represented by D(N + Xu + Xw + S).

  3. In the F.T, the cells are floating on the surface, and are scraped off and removed. Thus only Xu and S remain within the solution, which is pumped back into M.R at rate D. In practice, a cellular filter alike the one used for skimming could be placed at the exit of the F.T to capture any dead cells.

  4. Within M.R the unbound particle binds to the E. coli with some rate constant α, and detaches with some rate β (equilibrium process).

  5. This process operates until the particle concentration is as low as desired.

Bioreactor Assumptions

  • Our cell surface engineering technique has specificity to only one substance in the waste-water (i.e. the substance desired for removal).

  • We will only observe exponential bacterial growth within the reactor, i.e. the biomass has been cultured to sufficiently large optical density before being introduced into the bioreactor.

  • Suspended particles attach to the surface of our E. coli at a rate proportional to the particle concentration and the ratio of unused area available on the surface.

  • Bound particles detach from the surface of our E. coli back into the waste-water at a rate proportional to the particle concentration bound to the E. coli.

  • Once the E. coli that are pumped out of the main chamber end up in the flotation tank, they are immediately removed – no more growth nor unbinding of particle occurs.

  • We ignore all the spatial properties of pipes between the main reactor and flotation tank, as soon as part of the solution leaves the main take, it immediately arrives in the flotation tank, and vice versa.

  • The pipe leading into the flotation tank sprinkles the solution over the flotation tank so lightly that the E. coli cells do not sink into the tank – they float on the surface, allowing for immediate removal.

  • The solution within the main reactor is continuously mixed; it can be considered a homogeneous solution).

  • All the E. coli in the flotation tank float.

  • A higher dilution rate (D) does not affect the detachment rate.

2.3 Equations

The dynamics within the bioreactor are given by:
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{N} &= N_i \mu (S) - N \cdot \left( D + \kappa \right) \label{N}\\ \dot{S} &= -\mu (S) N \gamma^{-1} \label{S}\\ \dot{X}_u &= \beta X_w - \alpha X_u \cdot \left(\frac{\delta N - X_w}{\delta N} \right) \label{Xu}\\ \dot{X}_w &= - \beta X_w + \alpha X_u \cdot \left(\frac{\delta N - X_w}{\delta N} \right) - D X_w \label{Xw}\end{aligned}$$
Where, κ is the death rate, δ the maximum carrying capacity of the cells, α the rate constant for binding, β the rate constant for unbinding.

Equation [N] represents the change in E. coli cell concentration, equation [S] represents the change in limiting substrate concentration, equation [Xu] represents the change in unbound particle concentration, and equation [Xw] represents the change in concentration of particle bound to the surface of the E. coli.

In equation [Xu] we have βXw which represents particle unbinding from the E. coli population, it depends on β: the kinetic detachment rate, and Xw: the concentration of particle that is bound to the surface of the E. coli. We are also removing particle from the solution by $\alpha X_u \cdot \left(\frac{\delta N - X_w}{\delta N} \right)$. This depends on the kinetic binding rate α, the concentration of unbound particle within the solution (Xu), and the proportion of available binding sites on the E. coli, this is represented by $\left(\frac{\delta N - X_w}{\delta N} \right)$. Equation [Xw] is the negative of equation [Xu] but we also remove Xw at some dilution rate D.

Numerical Solution

Bioreactor Numerical Simulation
Bioreactor Numerical Simulation

We numerically solved the ODE system composed of equations [N] - [Xw] using the ODE45 solver in MATLAB (see the end of the paper of the MATLAB code), using the initial conditions Ni = 0.4, S = 0.63, Xu = 0.5, Xw = 0 and parameters:


  • γ = 1.1 (unitless)

  • κ = 0.01 h − 1

  • D = 3 h − 1

  • β = 0.03 h − 1

  • α = 1.5 h − 1

  • μm = 0.8 h − 1

  • Ks = 2.87 × 10 − 7 mol L − 1

  • δ = 1.5 (unitless)

The above simulation was done for removing Cobalt from mining waste-water effluent. It utilizes a metal binding mechanism outlined in which gave us a range of viable α. We got Ks and μm from , β, and κ from . We estimated reasonable values for D, γ. See §3.5 for calculating the value of δ.

These results are incredibly promising. They show that the bioreactor can theoretically be useful at solving real problems, and that it operates within a reasonable amount of time (6.5 hours).

Sensitivity Analysis

In order to understand the dynamics within the bioreactor, we performed a sensitivity analysis that estimates the relative effect of a single parameter on the performance of the system. Unfortunately, it is not possible to define an explicit function relating the different parameters to each other, we must perform a ’naive’ analysis; we vary one parameter while holding all other constant, and see how this change affects the performance of the system. Performance is measured by how long it takes the bioreactor to remove the large majority of the particle that is desired for bioremediation. We set some small ε = 10 − 4mol L − 1 to define a low threshold of acceptable particle concentration. For §2.5.1 - §2.5.6, we kept all the parameters at:


  • γ = 1.1 (unitless)

  • κ = 0.01 h − 1

  • D = 3 h − 1

  • β = 0.03 h − 1

  • α = 1.5 h − 1

  • μm = 0.8 h − 1

  • Ks = 2.87 × 10 − 7 mol L − 1

  • δ = 1.5 (unitless)

and only varied the parameter whose effect was measured.

The Effect of Dilution Rate on Bioreactor Performance

Dilution Rate (D) vs. Bioreactor Performance
Dilution Rate (D) vs. Bioreactor Performance

(See Figure 3) The higher the dilution rate, the better the performance. Above dilution rate D = 1 it slowly approaches an asymptote. We should not have a D that is too large because it is energy costly. Also, a larger D leads to faster deterioration of the bioreactor.

The Effect of Initial Metal Concentration on Bioreactor Performance

Initial Metal Concentration (X_u) vs. Bioreactor Performance
Initial Metal Concentration (Xu) vs. Bioreactor Performance

(See Figure 4) The higher the initial metal concentration within the bioreactor, the longer it takes to operate.

The Effect of Attachment Rate on Bioreactor Performance

Attachment Rate (\alpha) vs. Bioreactor Performance
Attachment Rate (α) vs. Bioreactor Performance

(See Figure 5) The higher the attachment rate (α), the better the performance of the system. It does approach an asymptote quite quickly though. This is because of the maximum carrying capacity, at some point, there is just no more available space on the E. coli surface to bind more particle, regardless of the attachment rate.

The Effect of Detachment Rate on Bioreactor Performance

Detachment Rate (\beta) vs. Bioreactor Performance
Detachment Rate (β) vs. Bioreactor Performance

(See Figure 6) The lower the detachment rate (β), the better the performance of the system.

The Effect of Initial Cellular Population on Bioreactor Performance

Initial Cellular Population (N_i) vs. Bioreactor Performance
Initial Cellular Population (Ni) vs. Bioreactor Performance

(See Figure 7) The higher the initial E. coli population (Ni), the better the system performs. After some Ni ≈ 1, it approaches an asymptote.

The Effect of Maximum Specific Growth Rate on Bioreactor Performance

Maximum Specific Growth Rate (\mu_m) vs. Bioreactor Performance
Maximum Specific Growth Rate (μm) vs. Bioreactor Performance

(See Figure 8) The higher the maximum specific growth rate, the better the performance of the system.

Hypothetical Applications

The numerical simulations above were all based on parameters values specific to cobalt removal from mining waste-water. If the E. coli are coupled with a binding mechanism that is not specific to cobalt, then this generic bioreactor can be used for a large variety of applications (one simply has to change α and β). One very promising application is the removal of pharmaceuticals, such as penicillin, from municipal waste-water. The reactor is viable for many different binding methods, strains of E. coli, and initial concentrations of waste, as displayed in §2.5. This reactor is independent of volume, all the parameters are relative to each other, this system would perform the same with 1 L of effluent as with 1 × 1010 L of effluent. Evidently, the size of the chambers would need to be scaled appropriately.

A Mechanistic Buoyancy Model: Maximum Carrying Capacity Determination


The buoyancy model has 2 main goals:

  1. Estimate the mean buoyant force experienced by the genetically engineered E. coli biomass per unit mass as a result of gas vesicle formation from ARG1 over-expression. This effectively determines a mechanical upper bound for carrying capacity of the biomass.

  2. Characterize and quantify flotation observations from wet lab experimentation. It is not well known what the role of some of the secondary gas vesicle proteins (GVPs) in the ARG1 construct is for gas vesicle formation, and being able to quantify flotation facilities comparison of different combinations of secondary GVPs for optimization of a gene construct specifically engineered for biomass flotation.

Mathematical Formulation


  • Newtonian mechanics: $\vec{F} = m\vec{a} \equiv m\frac{\mathrm{d}\vec{v}}{\mathrm{t}}$

    • F⃗ vector sum of forces on body

    • m mass of body

    • a⃗ acceleration as a function of time

    • v⃗ velocity as a function of time

  • Stokes-Einstein Drag: $\vec{F_D} = -6\pi \eta R \vec{v}$

    • $\vec{F_D} \equiv$ drag force (note it opposes direction of velocity)

    • η viscosity of fluid medium

    • R (approximate) radius of body in spherical approximation.

  • Integrating factor method to solve first order linear ODE:
    $$\label{ODE} \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}t}+f(t)y = g(t)$$
    Let μ(t) = eβt. Multiply both sides by μ(t).
    Chain rule $\implies \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\big(y(t)\mu(t)\big) = h(t)\mu(t)$
    Integrate, divide by μ(t)  ⟹ y(t).


  • The biomass separates into clumps that can be approximated by spheres.

  • Buoyant force is constant.

  • Cell motility and in-plane motion (motion perpendicular to the vertical axis) is negligible. This effectively reduces our system to one dimension.

The Model

Stokes-Einstein, gravitational force near the surface of the earth Fg = mg (g ≈ 9.81 ms − 2), Newton’s second law lets us us write:
$$\label{Fnet} F_{net} = F_g + F_B + F_D \implies m\frac{\mathrm{d}v}{\mathrm{d}t} = -mg + F_B - 6\pi \eta R v$$
$$\label{theODE} \frac{\mathrm{d}v}{\mathrm{d}t} + \frac{6\pi \eta R}{m}v = \big(\frac{F_B}{m} - g\big)$$
Simplify notation with $\alpha \coloneqq \frac{6\pi \eta R}{m}$ and $\beta \coloneqq \big(\frac{F_B}{m} - g\big)$ we have:
$$\frac{\mathrm{d}v}{\mathrm{d}t} + \alpha v = \beta$$
Observe the model is now in the form of equation [ODE].
