

Day 1, Monday 04/06

People In Lab: Amalia, Carla, Daniel, Jasmeen, Nina


  • LB media

  • LB + agar plates

  • Aliquoted autoclaved SOC

  • 70% EtOH

Equipment used:

  • Autoclave

  • Bunsen burner

Protocol: iGEM protocols used for LB, LB+agar, SOC (altered to accommodate MgCl2·6H2O because we didn't have anhydrous version, thus, for 1L solution, 2.17g was needed).

Next Steps:

  • Get MG1655ΔlacI cells from Christian and streak onto LB plate

  • Transform arg1 and pSB1C3+RFP (iGEM competence test plasmid) into DH10β

  • Make MG1655ΔlacI glycerol stocks

  • Make LB+CAM and LB+KAN plates

Day 2, Tuesday 05/06

People In Lab: Carla


  • KAN plates

  • CAM plates

Equipment used:

  • Autoclave

  • Bunsen burner

Protocol: iGEM protocol used for LB+agar.

Calculation for antibiotics to be added to LB media for plating


C1V1= C2V2

C1= stock concentration = 25mg/mL

C2 = working concentration = 25μg/mL

(25000μg/mL)(V1) = (25μg/mL)(500mL)

V1= 0.5mL


C1V1= C2V2

C1= stock concentration = 10mg/mL

C2 = working concentration = 50μg/mL

(10000μg/mL)(V1) = (50μg/mL)(500mL)
1= 2.5mL

Next Steps:

Obtain overnight culture of MG1655ΔlacI in the morning left for us in the shaker in room 318

Day 3, Wednesday 06/06

People In Lab:Amalia, Carla, Daniel, Jasmeen, Monica, Nina, Tashi


  • Transform pET28a+arg1 and pSB1C3+RFP (iGEM competence test plasmid) into DH10β

  • Streak MG1655ΔlacI onto LB plate

Equipment used:

  • ThermoMixer

  • Bunsen Burner

  • 37°C incubator in room 301

Protocol: iGEM protocols used for transformation.


Transformation 1: pSB1C3+RFP(10pg/μL) in DH10β: 100μL plated on LB+CAM

Transformation 2: pSB1C3+RFP (10pg/μL)in DH10β: 100μL plated on LB+CAM

Transformation 3: pET28a+arg1 in DH10β: 100μL plated on LB+KAN

Transformation 4: pET28a+arg1 in DH10β: 100μL plated on LB+CAM

Negative control: 100μL DH10β plated on LB+CAM and LB+KAN

For each transformation, 50μL of cells and 2μL of plasmid, and 250μL of SOC were used

Next Steps:

Start interlab

Day 4, Thursday 07/06

People In Lab: Ahmed, Amalia, Daniel, Jasmeen, Nina


  • Observed transformed cells

    • pSB1C3+RFP (10pg/μL) in DH10β

    • pET28a+arg1 in DH10β

  • Observe streaked plate (LB+MG1655ΔlacI)

  • Make overnight cultures from transformed cells (37°C)

    • 3 LB+CAM+DH10β+pSB1C3+RFP

    • 3 LB+KAN+DH10β+pET28a+arg1

    • 1 LB (negative control)

  • Transform interlab plasmids into DH5α

  • 10 nuclease-free water aliquots

Equipment used:

  • Thermomixer

  • Bunsen Burner

  • 37°C incubator in room 301

Protocol:Interlab protocols used for interlab transformation.

Interlab transformation

  • resuspend plasmids from plate 7 to a concentration of 200-300pg/μL

  • 1μl plasmid used: 2B, 2D, 2F, 2H, 2J, 2L, 2N, 2P

  • 50μL of competent cells used (DH5α)

  • 50μL of cells plated on LB+CAM

  • 2J was not incubated, has to be transformed again


Picture of plates are shown below.

100μl transformation pET28a+arg1 in DH10β on LB+KAN

100μl transformation pSB1C3+RFP in DH10β on LB+KAN

100μl negative control (DH10β no plasmid) on LB+KAN and LB+CAM

Streaked MG1655ΔlacI on LB

Next Steps:

  • Miniprep pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 from overnight cultures

  • Interlab calibration #1: OD600 Reference point - LUDOX Protocol

Day 5, Friday 08/06

People In Lab:Ahmed, Amalia, Daniel, Jasmeen, Nina, Tashi


  • Observe interlab transformations

  • Miniprep pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 from overnight cultures

  • Nanodrop

  • Send miniprepped pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 to Ranomics to add UNS2 and UNS3 to pSB1C3+RFP and fix illegal cut sites in pET28a+arg1

  • Interlab calibration #1: OD600 Reference point - LUDOX Protocol

Equipment used:

  • Thermomixer

  • Bunsen burner

  • 37°C Incubator in room 301

  • Centrifuge

  • Nanodrop

  • Plate reader

Protocol: Protocol from miniprep kit used for miniprep. Interlab protocol used for Interlab calibration #1: OD600 Reference point - LUDOX Protocol.

Miniprep of pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1

  • 10mL of each overnight culture used

  • 60μL of nuclease-free water used for each elution

Sending miniprepped pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 to Ranomics

(Concentration after nanodrop)(Volume sent) = (mass sent)

pSB1C3+RFP: (39.3ng/μL)(51μL) = 2004.3ng

pET28a+arg1: (142.0ng/μL)(21μL) = 2982ng


Interlab Transformation of 2F, 2H, 2N on LB+CAM

Interlab Transformation of 2B, 2D, 2L, 2P on LB+CAM

Interlab calibration #1: OD600 Reference point - LUDOX Protocol absorbance values

*Refer to interlab page on wiki*

Next Steps:

  • Transform 2J plasmid into DH5α

  • Make LB+KAN+CAM plates

  • Make PBS (dilute from stock in fridge or make from scratch)

  • Transform pET28a+arg1and pSB1C3+RFP into MG1655ΔlacI

  • Interlab calibration #2: Particle Standard Curve - Microsphere Protocol

Day 1, Monday 11/06

People In Lab:Amalia, Carla, Daniel, Jasmeen, Nina, Tashi


  • Transform 2J interlab plasmid into DH5α and plate on LB+CAM

  • LB+CAM plates

  • Interlab calibration #2: Particle Standard Curve - Microsphere Protocol

  • Electroporate MG1655ΔlacI

  • Transform pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 into MG1655ΔlacI

  • Make and autoclave PBS for interlab calibration #3

  • Autoclave double distilled water

Equipment used:

  • Autoclave

  • Bunsen burner

  • Plate reader

  • Thermomixer

  • 37°C incubator in room 301

  • Electroporator

Protocol: iGEM protocols used for transformation, electroporation, LB+agar. Interlab protocol used for Interlab calibration #2: Particle Standard Curve - Microsphere Protocol.

Transformation of 2J plasmid

1μLof 2J plasmid used, 50μLof cells plated

Interlab calibration #2

  • 200μLbead stock in wells A1, B1, C1, D1

  • 100μLdouble distilled water in wells A2-A12, B2-B12, C2-C12, D2-D12

  • performed serial dilution by transferring 100μLeach time, until well A11, B11, C11, D11

  • used the plate reader to shake the plate at an amplitude of 3.5 for 7 seconds, and measure the absorbance at wavelength 600nm

Double transformation of pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 into MG1655ΔlacI

  • 2μLof pSB1C3+RFP(10pg/μL)

  • 1μLofpET28a+arg1

  • plated 100μLon LB+CAM+KAN

  • plated 200μLon LB+CAM+KAN

  • plated 300μLon LB+CAM+KAN

  • plated negative control (100μLof untransformed MG1655ΔlacI)

Next Steps:

  • Interlab calibration #3: Fluorescence standard curve - Fluorescein Protocol

  • Interlab cell measurement protocol

Day 2, Tuesday 12/06

People In Lab: Amalia, Carla, Daniel, Nina


  • Second attempt at pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 double transformation in MG1655ΔlacI, testing for incompatibility

  • Interlab calibration #3: Fluorescence standard curve - Fluorescein Protocol

  • Make overnight cultures from interlab transformation plates

Equipment used:

  • Bunsen burner

  • Plate reader

  • Electroporator

  • Shaker in room 315

  • 37°C incubator in room 301

Protocol: iGEM protocols used for transformation by electroporation. Interlab protocol used for for Interlab calibration #3: Fluorescence standard curve - Fluorescein Protocol

Double transformation of pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 into MG1655ΔlacI (electroporation)

Hypothesis: If we get growth on the positive control, LB+KAN, and LB+CAM plates with transformed cells, but not the double antibiotic plate, we can say that either the plasmids are incompatible, or the double antibiotic plate concentration is too high.

  • 1.5μLof RFP (50pg/μL)

  • 1.5μLof pET28a+arg1

  • plated 150μLof transformed cells on LB+CAM+KAN

  • plated 100μLof transformed cells on LB+CAM

  • plated 100μLof transformed cells on LB+KAN

  • plated 10μLof untransformed cells on LB+KAN (negative control)

  • plated 10μLof untransformed cells on LB (positive control)

Interlab calibration #3

  • serial dilution was performed and the plate was read

  • shaken 5s at amplitude = 2

  • excitation = 485nm

  • emission = 525nm

  • optimal gain used = 75

  • read from bottom of plate

  • The graph obtained from this experiment indicated an error, will repeat tomorrow

Interlab transformation overnight cultures

  • 16 tubes with 5mL of LB and 5μLCAM

  • 2 colonies were taken from each of the 8 plates (2B, 2D, 2F, 2H, 2J, 2L, 2N, 2P)

  • tubes placed in the shaker overnight at 37° at 250rpm


Double transformation of pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 into MG1655ΔlacI

  • no colonies on negative control plate

  • no colonies on 100μL, 200μL, or 300μLplates

100μL double transformation of pSB1C3+RFP (10pg/μL) and pET28a+arg1 in MG1655ΔlacI (negative control) on LB+CAM+KAN

100μL double transformation of pSB1C3+RFP (10pg/μL) and pET28a+arg1 in MG1655ΔlacI on LB+CAM+KAN

200μL double transformation of pSB1C3+RFP (10pg/μL) and pET28a+arg1 in MG1655ΔlacI on LB+CAM+KAN

300μL double transformation of pSB1C3+RFP (10pg/μL) and pET28a+arg1 in MG1655ΔlacI on LB+CAM+KAN

Potential reasons for results:

  • antibiotic concentration too high (50μL/mL KAN + 25μL/mL CAM)

  • MG1655ΔlacIcells may no longer be competent

  • left MG1655ΔlacIcells thawing in the ice for too long

  • electroporation might have failed

  • plasmids may not have been compatible

  • we could try sequential transformation (still have to consider antibiotic concentration of LB+KAN+CAM plate)

Next Steps:

Finish Interlab calibration #3: Fluorescence standard curve - Fluorescein Protocol

Cell growth, sampling, assay (interlab cell measurement)

Day 3, Wednesday 13/06

People In Lab:Amalia, Carla, Daniel, Nina


  • Redo Interlab calibration #3: Fluorescence standard curve - Fluorescein Protocol

  • Autoclave glass bottles, beads, tips, eppendorf tubes

  • Reculture the overnight cultures from the interlab transformation

Equipment used:

  • Autoclave

  • Bunsen burner

  • Plate reader

  • 37°C shaker in room 315

Protocol: Used interlab protocol for interlab calibration.

Second attempt at Interlab calibration #3: Fluorescence standard curve - Fluorescein Protocol

  • serial dilution was performed and the plate was read

  • excitation = 485nm

  • emission = 525nm

  • optimal gain used = 90

  • read from bottom of plate

Reculturing the overnight cultures from the interlab transformation

  • 16 tubes with 5mL of LB and 5μLCAM

  • 100μLfrom each previous overnight culture placed in respective new tube (DH5α)

  • tubes slightly unscrewed and tape placed on lid for aeration in shaker

  • tubes placed in the shaker overnight at 37°C at 250rpm


Second double transformation pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1in MG1655ΔlacI

  • LB+CAM+pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1

    • sparsely populated pink colonies

    • presence of some colonies

  • LB+KAN+pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1

    • no visible colonies

  • LB+KAN+CAM+pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1

    • no visible colonies

  • LB+KAN+nontrasformed cells (negative control)

    • no visible colonies

  • LB+nontransformed cells (positive control)

    • growth on entire plate

Second double transformation pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1 in MG1655ΔlacI

Potential reasons for these results:

  • colonies on LB+CAM+pSB1C3+RFP+pET28a+arg1) because the cells are still competent and were transformed with pSB1C3+RPF

  • no colonies on LB+KAN+pSB1C3+RFP and pET28a+arg1not because the cells are not competent, but rather the transformation (pET28a+arg1into MG1655ΔlacI) failed

  • no colonies on LB+KAN+CAM+pSB1C3+RFP+pET28a+arg1 because the backbones are not compatible

  • no growth on LB+KAN+non transformed cells (negative control) because there was no antibiotic resistance gene in the cells

  • we had growth on LB+non transformed cells (positive control) because the cells were viable and there was no selection in the plate against them

    • pET28a = KAN resistant - incompatible with pSB1C3 by group check

    • pSB1C3 = CAM resistant - higher copy number than pET28a

Next Steps:

Finish interlab cell measurement protocol

Day 4, Thursday 14/06

People In Lab:Ahmed, Amalia, Daniel, Monica, Nina, Tashi


  • Interlab cell measurement protocol

  • Autoclave P1000 tips

  • LB media

  • LB+CAM plates

Equipment used:

  • Autoclave

  • Plate reader

  • Shaker in autoclave room

  • Bunsen burner

  • 37°C incubator in room 301

Protocol: iGEM protocols used for LB, LB+agar. Interlab protocols used for interlab OD and CFU measurements.


Next Steps:

  • Count colonies on CFU cell measurement plates for interlab cell measurement protocol

  • Transform pET28a+arg1intoMG1655ΔlacI cells

Day 5, Friday 15/06

People In Lab:Ahmed, Amalia, Nina, Tashi


  • Check overnight plated cultures for interlab CFU count

  • Transformation of pET28a+arg1 into electrically competent MG1655ΔlacIcells


Interlab CFU count

Miniscule colonies on some plates after ~11 hours of incubation at 37°C. Some plates did not have any colonies. Plates were put back in the incubator for a few more hours.

Equipment used:

  • 37°C incubator in room 301

  • Shaker in room 315

  • Electroporator

Protocol: iGEM protocols used for transformation by electroporation.

Transformation of ARG1 in electrically competent MG1655ΔlacIcells

  • pET28a+arg1diluted from 39.3ng/mL to 1ng/mL

    • 38.3μLnuclease free water + 1μLpET28a+arg1

  • transformed cells in cuvette placed in shaker at 37°C, 250rpm

  • 3 plates

    • 40μLof untransformed MG1655ΔlacIcells (negative control)

    • 100μLof MG1655ΔlacItransformed with pET28a+arg1

    • 200μLof MG1655ΔlacItransformed with pET28a+arg1

Next Steps:

  • Redo Calibration #2: Particle Standard Curve - Microsphere Protocol

  • Overnight culture of 2B (2 colonies) and 2D (2 colonies) in DH5α

  • If pET28a+arg1 transformation works

    • 2 MG1655ΔlacI overnight cultures (LB+KAN+IPTG)

    • 2 MG1655ΔlacI overnight cultures (LB+KAN)

    • streak a single MG1655ΔlacIcolony on an LB+KAN plate


Individual Name: Nina

People In Lab: Amalia, Daniel, Jasmeen, Nina, Tashi



LB+CAM plates

Overnight culture of 2B (2 colonies) and 2D (2 colonies) (DH5α) for interlab

2 overnight cultures of LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+IPTG

2 overnight cultures of LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI

Streak plate pET28a+arg1 transformation on LB+KAN to get single colonies (MG1655ΔlacI)

Autoclave microcentrifuge tubes


Equipment used:


Bunsen burner

Shaker in room 315


Protocol: iGEM protocols used for LB+agar


Overnight cultures of colonies 2B+2D for interlab CFU

-4 LB+CAM tubes each with 5mL LB+5μL CAM

-2 colonies taken from 2B plate and inoculated

-2 colonies taken from 2D plate and inoculated

-all tubes placed in the shaker at 37°C at 250rpm


Serial dilution of IPTG

-dilution 1: 30μL of 1M IPTG stock in 10mL of LB = conc. 3mM

-10μL of dilution 1 in 10mL of LB = conc. 3μM


Overnight cultures of pET28a+arg1

-4 tubes

-2 with 5mL LB+IPTG+25μL KAN

-2 with 5mL LB+25μL KAN

-all tubes placed in the shaker at 37°C at 250rpm



pET28a+arg1 transformation into MG1655ΔlacI

-No colonies on negative control plate or 100μL plate of transformed cells

-2 blobs on the 200μL plate of transformed cells


pET28a+arg1 transformation into MG1655ΔlacI negative control - 40μL untransformed cells

pET28a+arg1 transformation into MG1655ΔlacI 100μL transformed cells

pET28a+arg1 transformation into MG1655ΔlacI 200μL transformed cells

CFU colony count


Colony 1


Colony 2


dilution 3









dilution 4









dilution 5










dilution 3









dilution 4









dilution 5








*plates were cracked because they were frozen


Next Steps:

Redo interlab CFU protocol

Let overnight cultures settle on bench (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1+IPTG) and (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1)

Centrifuge pET28a+arg1 overnight cultures at 350g for 4 hours (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1+IPTG) and (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1)

Streak out a single colony from the MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 plate on an LB+KAN plate




Individual Name: Nina

People In Lab: Amalia, Daniel, Nina, Tashi



Continue interlab CFU protocol (up until plating)

Centrifuge 1 overnight culture (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+IPTG) and 1 overnight culture (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI) for 4 hours at 350g

Keep 1 overnight culture (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+IPTG) and 1 overnight culture (LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI) on bench and observe

Re-streak MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 transformation on LB+KAN to get single colonies (was not incubated yesterday)

Make new overnight culture of MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1


Equipment used:

Bunsen burner

Plate reader

Shaker in autoclave room

Centrifuge in room 301

37°C incubator in room 301


Protocol: Interlab protocol used for CFU experiement


Overnight culture of LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1

-5mL LB+25μL KAN+incoulation from a blob from the LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 transformation plate

-tube placed in shaker at 37°C at 220rpm



pET28a+arg1 induction

LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1, LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1+IPTG in centrifuge - cells pelleted at the bottom

-potential reason - too many gs

LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1, LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1+IPTG on bench - no separation

-potential reasons -arg1 not induced by IPTG?

-too hard flotation to see because there is no reporter


Centrifuged LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1+IPTG (left )and LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 (right)


Next Steps:

LB media

LB+KAN plates

Dilute overnight culture to OD=0.3

Make IPTG dilution

Induce LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 culture with 3μM IPTG for 22 hours (2 tubes)

Make new LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 overnight culture for 22 hours (2 tubes)

Count colonies for interlab CFU

Streak out a single colony from the (MG1655ΔlacI) plate on an LB+KAN plate

Make protocol for growth curve for dry lab



Individual Name: Nina

People In Lab: Amalia, Daniel, Jasmeen, Nina, Tashi



Make LB liquid media

Make LB+KAN plates

Count colonies for interlab CFU

Streak out a single colony from the MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 plate on an LB+KAN plate

Induce LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 culture with 3μM IPTG for 22 hours (2 tubes)

Make new LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 overnight culture for 22 hours (2 tubes)


Equipment used:


Bunsen burner

Shaker in autoclave room

37°C incubator in room 301



Protocol: iGEM protocols used for LB+agar, interlab protocol used for CFU experiement


IPTG dilution #1 in LB

C1V1 = C2V2

C1 = 1M

C2 = 3mM

V2 = 10mL

V1 = 30μL

= take 30ul of stock and add to 10mL LB+KAN


IPTG dilution #2 in LB

C1V1 = C2V2

C1 = 3mM

C2 = 3uM

V2 = 25mL

V1 = 25μL

= take 25ul of dilution #1 and add to LB+KAN


pET28a+arg1 overnight culture

1:8 dilution, measure OD, OD = 0.25

0.25x8 = 2

C1V1 = C2V2

C1 = 2

C2 = 0.3

V2 = 25mL

V1 = 3.75mL


Total volume = 25mL


25mL - 3.75mL = 21.25mL

-21.25mL LB + KAN + 3.75mL overnight culture

-21.25mL LB + KAN + IPTG + 3.75mL overnight culture


Abs600 blank (LB+KAN+IPTG) = 0.00 (tared)

Abs600 (LB+KAN+IPTG+ARG1) = 0.127


Both tubes placed in shaker at 37°C at 220 rpm (one with IPTG and one without)



CFU colony count #2


Colony 1


Colony 2


dilution 3









dilution 4









dilution 5










dilution 3









dilution 4









dilution 5









Colony forming unit calculation (using Dilution 3 data)

Calculated for Interlab Form IV

(# of colonies) x (Final Dilution Factor) = CFU/mL

Final Dilution Factor = 8 x 104



Colony 1

Colony 2



Colony 1

Colony 2


8.64 x 10^6

6.16 x 10^6



1.72 x 10^7

6.64 x 10^6

1.104 x 10^7

6.24 x 10^6


1.2 x 10^7

9.20 x 10^6

3.20 x10^6

7.28 x 10^6


1.192 x 10^7

2.192 x 10^7

MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 streak to get single colonies


Next Steps:

LB+KAN plates

Make KAN dilutions

Order primers

Order blue protein



Individual Name: Nina

People In Lab: Amalia, Daniel, Jasmeen, Nina



Make LB + KAN plates

Make KAN dilutions

Make overnight culture of LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 for dry lab growth curve

Order primers for pET28a+arg1

Order blue protein


Equipment used:

Bunsen burner

Shaker in room 315



KAN dilutions

(800μL of nuclease-free water+200μL 50mg/mL KAN = 1mL 10mg/mL KAN) x3


Overnight culture of LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 for growth curve

-(15mL LB + 75μL KAN + incoulation from colony on newest MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 plate) x3

-tube placed in shaker at 37°C at 220rpm



MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 streak to get clonal colonies


Next Steps:

LB+KAN plates

Make KAN dilutions

Do digest and run gel

Dry lab growth curve

Order amilCP


Individual Name: Nina

People In Lab: Amalia, Nina, Daniel, Tashi



Make LB + KAN plates

Make KAN dilutions

LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 growth curve

Order amilCP


Equipment used:

Bunsen burner

Shaker in autoclave room

Plate reader



Protocol: iGEM protocols for LB+agar and KAN dilutions


KAN dilutions

-80mL of 10mg/mL were made

-50 microcentrifuge tubes were filled with 1mL each and 30mL remains in a falcon tube in the fridge


LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 growth curve

-1:8 dilution made from each overnight culture (175mL LB+KAN and 25mL culture in well)

-200μl LB+KAN pipetted in well (blank)

-measure OD600

-subtract blank value, multiply by 8 to get original concentration (OD)

-dilute each overnight culture to get an OD of 0.1

-take OD again (0h timepoint)

-place the three replicates back in the shaker and measure again every hour (200μL)



Volumes for LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 in growth curve cultures based on OD values of 1:8 dilutions-blank value multiplied by 8

Overnight culture 1 1:8 dilution OD without blank = 0.2209

Overnight culture 1 original OD = 1.3576

Replicate 1 LB+KAN = 23.158mL

Replicate 1 overnight culture = 1.841mL


Overnight culture 2 1:8 dilution OD without blank = 0.2167

Overnight culture 2 original OD = 1.324

Replicate 2 LB+KAN = 23.111mL

Replicate 2 overnight culture = 1.888mL


Overnight culture 3 1:8 dilution OD without blank = 0.2235

Overnight culture 3 original OD = 1.3784

Replicate 3 LB+KAN = 23.186mL

Replicate 3 overnight culture = 1.814mL


LB+KAN+MG1655ΔlacI+pET28a+arg1 in growth curve data




































*Replicate 3 OD at 2h has an incorrect measurement. All 2h replicates were retested an hour later and they all had very similar values.

*All measurements shown already have the blank value subtracted from the raw value


Next Steps:

PCR pET28a+arg1 with new primers

Give Scott LB plate to streak with BL21

LB+AMP plates (for gibson positive control)

Order gibson

Order amilCP