

Summer Mediterranean Meetup

This year 9 teams joined us in Marseille: AFCM-Egypt, UPF_CRG_Barcelona, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Toulouse-INSA-UPS, Sorbonne_U_Paris, Pasteur_Paris, and Montpellier.

For the first time, we decided to create a meetup to gather iGEM teams from the Mediterranean shores. This idea came from realizing that some iGEMers didn't have the chance to take part in a meetup before the Giant Jamboree. This is unfortunate because meetups let us share experiences, practice presenting our project and allow us to meet each other. We quickly decided to create an Mediterranean Meetup. As this was the first edition, we didn't invite many teams.

We organized presentations of the different projects and poster sessions, but we also visited part of Marseille. This allowed us to better know each other. At the end, this mediterranean meetup was amazing not only in a scientific way but also in a social way. We thank Bordeaux, Technion Israel and Valencia UPV teams for coming in Marseille and we hope to meet them soon at the Giant Jamboree