

Summer Mediterranean Meetup

For the second year in a row, the summer mediterranean meetup took place in Marseille, with the same goal: giving the chance to iGEM teams on the mediterranean shores to attend a close-by meetup.

This year, 8 teams joined us in Marseille: AFCM-Egypt, UPF_CRG_Barcelona, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Toulouse-INSA-UPS, Sorbonne_U_Paris, Pasteur_Paris, and Montpellier. To present their projects and captivate the audience, the teams had 180 seconds. An initiative that was taken from swissnex Brazil and [1].

“This type of science contest not only helps students to feel more comfortable in presenting their work to others but also serves to inform the general public about the wide and exciting range of scientific research being carried out”, says Adriano Bürgi, lead project manager of the event from swissnex Brazil. In addition, poster sessions and various workshops were held, and touring around Marseille was on the schedule too.

We thank all the attendees, and can't wait to check out the finalized projects in Boston.