Modeling Code
%% cell_advanced_modeling.m
% Author: Aadith Vittala
% Modifying algorithm from Darlington et al., Nat. Comm. 2018
% Simulate metabolic, translational, and transcriptional processes; includes options for orthogonal ribosomes/RNA polymerases
%% Simulation abilities:
% The program initializes all variables and parameters necessary for all
% the processes. In the most general case, the program simulates orthogonal
% 16S rRNAs and orthogonal T7 RNAPs. The orthogonal ribosomes can translate
% the circuit proteins, and the orthogonal T7 RNAPs can
% transcribe the circuit genes, the T7 RNAP genes, and
% the 16S rRNAs. The system therefore can simulate any of the circuits from
% our project. The UBER circuit is run by setting type = "uber" in
% cell_ODE(), and the full orthogonal translation and transcription circuit
% can by run with type = "full". For circuit protein expression without any
% orthogonal components, use type = "circuit". For host cell only
% simulation, use type = "host". Any other type will default to host cell
% only.
clear all; close all; %Clear the screen
function [P,Y] = initialize()
%% initialize():
% Initializes all the numbers necessary for the model; P contains
% all parameters while Y contains all variables
%% Constants related to energy
s_e = 1e4; % external substrate source
phi_e = 0.5; % efficiency of converting internal substrate into energy
v_T = 728; % max rate of substrate import
v_E = 5800; % max rate of substrate-energy conversion
k_T = 1000; % Michaelis-Menten const. for substrate importer
k_E = 1000; % Michaelis-Menten const. for substrate-energy conversion
%% Constants related to transcription
w_T = 4.14; % max transport enzyme transcription
w_E = 4.14; % max substrate-energy conversion enzyme transcription
w_H = 948.93; % max other host protein transcription
w_R = 930; % max host ribosome transcription
w_r = 3170; % max host rRNA transcription
w_P = 2.975; % max host RNA polymerase transcription
o_T = 4.38; % transcription energy threshold for transporter genes
o_E = 4.38; % transcription energy threshold for substrate-energy conversion genes
o_H = 4.38; % transcription energy threshold for other host genes
o_R = 426.87; % transcription energy threshold for ribosome genes
o_r = 426.87; % transcription energy threshold for host rRNA genes
o_P = 0.7; % transcription energy threshold for host RNA polymerase genes
k_H = 152219; % other host protein regulatory transcription threshold
h_H = 4; % other host protein transcription Hill constant
k_P = 4494; % RNA polymerase linear activation constant
d_m = 0.1; % mRNA degradation rate
d_r = 0.1; % rRNA degradation rate
%% Constants related to translation
b_r = 1; % RNA-ribosome binding rate (doesn't matter whether it's mRNA or rRNA)
u_r = 1; % RNA-ribosome unbinding rate (doesn't matter whether it's mRNA or rRNA)
d_p = 0; % protein degradation rate
n_T = 300; % length of transporter enzyme
n_E = 300; % length of substrate-energy conversion enzyme
n_H = 300; % length of average other host protein
n_R = 7459; % length of ribosome
n_P = 3636; % length of average prokaryotic RNA polymerase
gamma_max = 1260; % max elongation rate
k_gamma = 7; % elongation energy threshold
M_proteome = 1e8; % proteome size
%% Constants related to circuit protein production
w_C = 100; % max circuit gene transcription
o_C = 4.38; % transcription energy threshold for circuit genes
n_C = 300; % length of circuit protein
%% Constants related to orthogonal ribosomes
w_O = 2; % max 16S rRNA genes transcription - selected at random/may vary
o_O = 4.38; % transcription energy threshold for 16S rRNA
%% Constants related to orthogonal T7 RNA polymerase
w_P7 = 1; % max T7 RNAP gene transcription - selected at random/may vary
o_P7 = 4.38; % transcription energy threshold for T7 RNAP
n_P7 = 883; % length of T7 RNAP
k_P7 = 3; % T7 RNA polymerase linear activation constant
%% Package all parameters together
P = [s_e;phi_e;v_T;v_E;k_T;k_E;w_T;w_E;w_H;w_R;w_r;w_P;o_T;o_E;o_H;o_R;o_r;o_P;k_H;h_H;k_P;d_m;d_r;b_r;u_r;...
%% Variables related to energy
s_i = 128.8039; % internalized substrate
E_cell = 46.9893; % cellular energy
%% Variables related to mRNAs
m_T = 0.2971; % mRNAs for substrate transport enzymes
m_E = 0.2971; % mRNAs for substrate-energy conversion enzymes
m_H = 14.9702; % mRNAs for other host proteins
m_R = 2.0046; % mRNAs for ribosomal proteins
m_P = 0.0718; % mRNAs for host RNA polymerases
%% Variables related to proteins
r_R = 0.0875; % host rRNAs
c_T = 15.5701; % translation complexes for substrate transport enzymes
c_E = 15.5701; % translation complexes for substrate-energy conversion enzymes
c_H = 784.4142; % translation complexes for other host proteins
c_R = 422.5180; % translation complexes for ribosomal proteins
c_P = 13.3627; % translation complexes for host RNA polymerases
p_T = 4.1473e3; % substrate transport enzymes
p_E = 4.1473e3; % substrate-energy conversion enzymes
p_H = 2.0894e+05; % other host proteins
p_R = 3.0303e+03; % ribosomal proteins
p_P = 293.6724; % host RNA polymerases
R_h = 244.6569; % functional host ribosomes
%% Variables for circuit proteins
m_C = 0; % mRNAs for circuit genes
c_C = 0; % translation complexes for circuit genes
p_C = 0; % circuit proteins
%% Variables for orthogonal ribosomes
r_O = 0; % 16S rRNA for orthogonal ribosomes
R_O = 0; % functional orthogonal ribosomes
%% Variables for T7 RNAP
m_P7 = 0; % mRNAs for T7 RNAP
c_P7 = 0; % translation complexes for T7 RNAP
p_P7 = 10; % T7 RNA polymerases; keep a few at beginning to account for leak promoter
%% Package all variables into a single array to use matlab stiff differential equation solver (ode15s)
Y = [s_i; E_cell; m_T; m_E; m_H; m_R; m_P; r_R; c_T; c_E; c_H; c_R; c_P; p_T; p_E; p_H; p_R; p_P; R_h; m_C; c_C; p_C; r_O; R_O; m_P7; c_P7; p_P7];
function dY = cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type)
%% cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type):
% Calculates derivative with respect to time of all the variable in
% the simulation using equations from the Nat. Comm. 2018 paper plus
% additional equations for host RNA polymerases
% Accounts for circuit genes, orthgonal translation, and orthogonal
% transcription as necessary: type can be "host", "circuit", "uber",
% or "full". See file header for description of each.
%% Unpack host parameters from P
%% Unpack circuit parameters from P
%% Use type to determine what components to remove
host_RNAP_burden = 1; % proportion of circuit transcription by host ribosomes
host_ribo_burden = 1; % proportion of circuit translation by host ribosomes
switch type
case "host" % just the host cell, no circuit or orthogonal processes
w_C = 0; % turn off transcription of circuit
w_O = 0; % turn off transcription of orthogonal rRNA
w_P7 = 0; % turn off transcription of T7 RNAP
case "circuit" % host cell with circuit gene, no orthogonal processes
w_O = 0; % turn off transcription of orthogonal rRNA
w_P7 = 0; % turn off transcription of T7 RNAP
case "uber" % host cell with orthogonal transcription of T7 RNAP and circuit gene
w_O = 0;
%w_P7 = w_C; % equal transcription of T7 RNAP and circuit gene
host_RNAP_burden = 0;
case "oribo" % host cell with orthogonal translation of circuit gene, no orthogonal transcription
%w_O = w_C;
w_P7 = 0;
host_ribo_burden = 0;
case "full" % host cell with orthogonal transcription of T7 RNAP, circuit gene, and orthogonal 16S rRNA; also, orthogonal translation of circuit gene
host_RNAP_burden = 0;
host_ribo_burden = 0;
%w_P7 = w_C; % equal transcription of T7 RNAP and circuit gene
%w_O = w_C; % equal transcription of 16s rRNA and circuit gene
otherwise % bad input -> same as "host"
w_C = 0; % turn off transcription of circuit
w_O = 0; % turn off transcription of orthogonal rRNA
w_P7 = 0; % turn off transcription of T7 RNAP
%% Unpack current host variables from Y
s_i = Y(1); E_cell = Y(2); m_T = Y(3); m_E = Y(4); m_H = Y(5);
m_R = Y(6); m_P = Y(7); r_R = Y(8); c_T = Y(9); c_E = Y(10); c_H = Y(11);
c_R = Y(12); c_P = Y(13); p_T = Y(14); p_E = Y(15); p_H = Y(16); p_R = Y(17);
p_P = Y(18); R_h = Y(19);
%% Unpack current circuit variables from Y
m_C = Y(20); c_C = Y(21); p_C = Y(22); r_O = Y(23);
R_O = Y(24); m_P7 = Y(25); c_P7 = Y(26); p_P7 = Y(27);
%% Determine global translation rate (auxiliary variable)
gamma = gamma_max*E_cell/(k_gamma+E_cell);
%% Determine growth rate (auxiliary variable)
lambda = gamma*(c_T+c_E+c_H+c_R+c_P+c_C+c_P7)/M_proteome; % Supp. eqn 11 + modified for host RNA polymerase
%% Determine global polymerase activity
alpha = min(1, p_P/k_P); % host polymerase activity, modified to allow transcriptional slowdown
alpha_P7 = min(1, p_P7/k_P7); % T7 polymerase activity
%% Determine rate of change for energy variables
ds_i = v_T*p_T*s_e/(k_T+s_e) - v_E*p_E*s_i/(k_E+s_i) - lambda*s_i; % Supp. eqn 1
dE_cell = phi_e*v_E*p_E*s_i/(k_E+s_i) - gamma*(c_T+c_E+c_H+c_R+c_P+c_C+c_P7) - lambda*E_cell; % Supp. eqn 2, modified for host RNA polymerase
%% Determine rate of change for mRNA variables
dm_T = w_T*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_T) + gamma*c_T/n_T - b_r*R_h*m_T + u_r*c_T - (d_m+lambda)*m_T; % Supp. eqn 4, modified for host RNA polymerase
dm_E = w_E*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_E) + gamma*c_E/n_E - b_r*R_h*m_E + u_r*c_E - (d_m+lambda)*m_E; % Same as above
dm_R = w_R*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_R) + gamma*c_R/n_R - b_r*R_h*m_R + u_r*c_R - (d_m+lambda)*m_R; % Same as above
dm_P = w_P*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_P) + gamma*c_P/n_P - b_r*R_h*m_P + u_r*c_P - (d_m+lambda)*m_P; % Same as above (created for host RNA polymerase)
dm_H = w_H/(1+(p_H/k_H)^h_H)*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_H) + gamma*c_H/n_H ...
- b_r*R_h*m_H + u_r*c_H - (d_m+lambda)*m_H; % Supp. eqn 4, including R factor for regulation of host proteins
dm_C = host_RNAP_burden*w_C*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_C) + (1-host_RNAP_burden)*w_C*alpha_P7*E_cell/(E_cell+o_C) ...
- host_ribo_burden*b_r*R_h*m_C - (1-host_ribo_burden)*b_r*R_O*m_C ...
+ gamma*c_C/n_C + u_r*c_C - (d_m+lambda)*m_C; % Supp. eqn 4, modified for polymerases and allowing T7 RNAP use or o-ribo use
dm_P7 = w_P7*alpha_P7*E_cell/(E_cell+o_P7) + gamma*c_P7/n_P7 - b_r*R_h*m_P7 + u_r*c_P7 - (d_m+lambda)*m_P7; % Supp. eqn 4 (for T7 RNA polymerase)
%% Determine rate of change for proteins
dc_T = b_r*R_h*m_T - u_r*c_T - gamma*c_T/n_T - (d_p+lambda)*c_T; % Supp. eqn 5
dc_E = b_r*R_h*m_E - u_r*c_E - gamma*c_E/n_E - (d_p+lambda)*c_E; % Same as above
dc_R = b_r*R_h*m_R - u_r*c_R - gamma*c_R/n_R - (d_p+lambda)*c_R; % Same as above
dc_H = b_r*R_h*m_H - u_r*c_H - gamma*c_H/n_H - (d_p+lambda)*c_H; % Same as above
dc_P = b_r*R_h*m_P - u_r*c_P - gamma*c_P/n_P - (d_p+lambda)*c_P; % Same as above (created for host RNA polymerase)
dc_P7 = b_r*R_h*m_P7 - u_r*c_P7 - gamma*c_P7/n_P7 - (d_p+lambda)*c_P7; % Same as above (created for T7 RNA polymerase)
dc_C = host_ribo_burden*b_r*R_h*m_C + (1-host_ribo_burden)*b_r*R_O*m_C ...
- u_r*c_C - gamma*c_C/n_C - (d_p+lambda)*c_C; % Same as above, allowing o-ribo use
dp_T = gamma*c_T/n_T - (d_p+lambda)*p_T; % Supp. eqn 7
dp_E = gamma*c_E/n_E - (d_p+lambda)*p_E; % Same as above
dp_H = gamma*c_H/n_H - (d_p+lambda)*p_H; % Same as above
dp_P = gamma*c_P/n_P - (d_p+lambda)*p_P; % Same as above (created for host RNA polymerase)
dp_P7 = gamma*c_P7/n_P7 - (d_p+lambda)*p_P7; % Same as above (created for T7 RNA polymerase)
dp_C = gamma*c_C/n_C - (d_p+lambda)*p_C; % Same as above
dp_R = gamma*c_R/n_R - (d_p+lambda)*p_R - b_r*p_R*r_R + u_r*R_h - b_r*p_R*r_O + u_r*R_O; % Supp. eqn 16
dr_R = w_r*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_r) - b_r*p_R*r_R + u_r*R_h - (d_r+lambda)*r_R; % Supp. eqn 8 + modified for host RNA polymerase
dr_O = host_RNAP_burden*w_O*alpha*E_cell/(E_cell+o_O) + (1-host_RNAP_burden)*w_O*alpha_P7*E_cell/(E_cell+o_O) ...
- b_r*p_R*r_O + u_r*R_O - (d_r+lambda)*r_O; % Supp. eqn 15 + modified for possible T7 RNA polymerase use
dR_h = b_r*p_R*r_R - u_r*R_h - (d_p+lambda)*R_h + gamma*(c_T/n_T+c_E/n_E+c_H/n_H+c_R/n_R+c_P/n_P+c_P7/n_P7+host_ribo_burden*c_C/n_C) ...
+ u_r*(c_T+c_E+c_R+c_H+c_P+c_P7+host_ribo_burden*c_C) ...
- b_r*R_h*(m_T+m_E+m_R+m_H+m_P+m_P7+host_ribo_burden*m_C); % Supp. eqn 10 + modified for host RNA polymerase + allows o-ribo use
dR_O = b_r*p_R*r_O - u_r*R_O - (d_p+lambda)*R_O + gamma*((1-host_ribo_burden)*c_C/n_C) ...
+ u_r*(1-host_ribo_burden)*c_C ...
- b_r*R_O*(1-host_ribo_burden)*m_C; % Supp. eqn 17
dY = [ds_i; dE_cell; dm_T; dm_E; dm_H; dm_R; dm_P; dr_R; dc_T; dc_E; dc_H; dc_R; dc_P; dp_T; dp_E; dp_H; dp_R; dp_P; dR_h; dm_C; dc_C; dp_C; ...
dr_O; dR_O; dm_P7; dc_P7; dp_P7];
function dYf = sensitivityAnalysis(par_num, type, P, alpha)
%% sensitivityAnalysis(par_num, type, P, alpha)
% Returns senstivity of steady-state values of variables for
% changes in P(par_num) = (d_out/out) / (d_in/in)
% type indicates the type of ODE to simulate
% P gives the parameters to use for the simulation
% alpha specifies the percent change for finding the derivative
time = 2000; % time to simulate in minutes each time we try to get to steady state
[~,Y0] = initialize(); % Initialize variables/parameters
original_value = P(par_num);
P(par_num) = original_value-alpha/200*original_value; % Adjust parameter
odeoptions = odeset('NonNegative',[1:length(Y0)]);
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y0, odeoptions); % Run the correct ODE
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type); % Find derivative
while max(abs(dY)) > 0.1 % if not at steady state yet (dE_cell/dt too large)
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y(end,:), odeoptions);
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type);
Yf1 = Y(end,:);
[~,Y0] = initialize(); % Initialize variables/parameters
P(par_num) = original_value+alpha/200*original_value; % Adjust parameter
odeoptions = odeset('NonNegative',[1:length(Y0)]);
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y0, odeoptions); % Run the correct ODE
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type); % Find derivative
while max(abs(dY)) > 0.1 % if not at steady state yet (dE_cell/dt too large)
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y(end,:), odeoptions);
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type);
Yf2 = Y(end,:);
dYf = 2*100*(Yf2 - Yf1)./(Yf2+Yf1)./alpha; % percent change in final values divided by alpha (sensitivity)
function out = outputLevel(P, type)
%% outputLevel(P, type)
% returns the circuit protein level for the given type (type) and for
% the given values of the parameters (P)
time = 2000; % time to simulate in minutes each time we try to get to steady state
[~,Y0] = initialize(); % Initialize variables/parameters
odeoptions = odeset('NonNegative',[1:length(Y0)]);
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y0, odeoptions); % Run the correct ODE
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type); % Find derivative
while max(abs(dY)) > 0.1 % if not at steady state yet (dE_cell/dt too large)
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y(end,:), odeoptions);
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type);
out = Y(end, 22);
function growth = growthLevel(P, type)
%% growthLevel(P, type)
% returns the growth level for the given type (type) and for
% the given values of the parameters (P)
time = 2000; % time to simulate in minutes each time we try to get to steady state
[~,Y0] = initialize(); % Initialize variables/parameters
odeoptions = odeset('NonNegative',[1:length(Y0)]);
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y0, odeoptions); % Run the correct ODE
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type); % Find derivative
while max(abs(dY)) > 0.1 % if not at steady state yet (dE_cell/dt too large)
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(T,Y) cell_ODE(T,Y,P,type), [0 time], Y(end,:), odeoptions);
dY = cell_ODE(T,Y(end,:),P,type);
growth = P(32)*Y(end,2)/(Y(end,2)+P(33))*(Y(end,9)+Y(end,10)+Y(end,11)+Y(end,12)+Y(end,13)+Y(end,21)+Y(end,26))/P(34);
function dYfs = controlledComparision(par_num, P, alpha)
%% controlledComparision(par_num, P, alpha)
% performs a controlled comparision by ensuring output levels are equal
% for all three circuits before running sensitivity analysis
% returns the sensitivities for all three circuits, given a parameter
% to change (par_num), parameters for the rest of the circuit (P), and
% a percent change (alpha)
c0 = P(35); % value of w_C for type = "circuit"
out0 = outputLevel(P, "circuit"); % output level for host-controlled
low = 0; % for a quick binary search for uber
high = 2*c0;
for i = 1:20
mid = (low+high)/2;
P(35) = mid;
outTry = outputLevel(P, "uber");
if outTry > out0
high = mid;
if outTry < out0
low = mid;
c1 = mid;
low = 0; % for a quick binary search for full system
high = 2*c0;
for i = 1:20
mid = (low+high)/2;
P(35) = mid;
outTry = outputLevel(P, "full");
if outTry > out0
high = mid;
if outTry < out0
low = mid;
c2 = mid;
P(35) = c0;
dYfs(1,:) = sensitivityAnalysis(par_num, "circuit", P, alpha);
P(35) = c1;
dYfs(2,:) = sensitivityAnalysis(par_num, "uber", P, alpha);
P(35) = c2;
dYfs(3,:) = sensitivityAnalysis(par_num, "full", P, alpha);