
C-lastin, Interlab
The fulfillment of all the objectives that we set ourselves at the beginning, would not have been possible without the help of some people who supported us with our project. We thank all the people at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE and some other institutes, that actively helped us with the conclusion of our project.
Dr. Francisco Flores.-
Dr. Flores has been supporting us since the formation of the team. He has contributed extensively in various ways, especially by guiding us in the search of relevant information for the realization of the project. He has always been there helping us with a variety of problems that have arisen throughout our work.  For the experimental part of our project and some other aspects, he has helped us to seek collaborations with other institutes, and has given us access to the laboratories from the university, and also to his lab of Molecular diagnostic, IDgen.
Dra. Alma Koch.-
An investigator from the microbiology area, she is in charge of the microbiology lab from Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas –ESPE. In addition to her constant support, she has collaborated in an essential way by facilitating access to the laboratory and allowing us to use all the necessary reagents.
Ing. John Andrés Trujillo
Eng. John Andrés Trujillo, the wiki master! He has collaborated with us in the creation of the wiki, transcribing and making real our ideas, developing it in the most colourful and interactive manner, as well as promoting our creative potential always whit a great attitude. Thank you for the nights that you stayed awake whit us.

Heber Torres.-

His lectures allowed us to get involved in the world of synthetic biology and form a knowledge that could be applied in this project. A very important contribution was his help in the design of the G-Blocks, since some doubts arose about whether they were correct and he collaborated reviewing and supervising the design.
Special Thanks
We would also like to thank Dr. Carlos Noceda, researcher at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas –ESPE, who has taken part in the formation of the project and has contributed with various advice regarding the development of research that has been very helpful.
To Dr. Lucy Baldeon, who belongs to the department of biomedicine of the teaching hospital of Calderon, located in Quito, with whom we had an approach to carry out trials and with whom we intend to make a future application of the product we develop.
To Dr. Marbel Torres, researcher of the area of human biotechnology at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas –ESPE, for helping us with the quantification of the developed protein, taking advantage of the BCA method.
For Dr Linda Guaman, our secondary PI and researcher at the Technological University Equinoccial of the UTE. Thank you for all the knowledge imparted and the openness to work in your laboratory, especially for allowing us to use the fluorescence plate reader, without which we would not have been able to perform the InterLab.