Right-to-Know Training:
The Right-to-Know Training informed about the basics of the Right to Know law. The training provided an understanding of the Hazard Communication Standard label elements and Safety Data Sheets.
Hazardous Waste Training:
Hazardous Waste Training was required for all who accumulated or generated hazardous waste. The training informed about the safe handling and use of hazardous wastes, including training on certain chemicals, equipment, and personal protective equipment.
Bloodborne Pathogens Training:
Bloodborne Pathogens Training was required for anyone who would be later exposed to blood or potentially infectious material. The training informed on basic information about bloodborne pathogens, including common modes of transmissions, identifying hazard labels, and preventing exposure.
UGA’s Lab Safety Basics/Safe Secure Science:
Lab Safety Basics Training/Safe Secure Science was required by all UGA student researchers. The training provided an overview of basic laboratory practices and maintaining a safe working environment.
BSL-2 Online Training:
BSL-2 Online Training provided information on the required safety protocol utilized in a Biosafety Level 2 laboratory. The training also provided a basic understanding of the health risks associated with the infectious material used in the laboratory.
Proficiency for Standard and Special Microbiological Practices:
The Principle Investigator, Brian Kvitko, required all personnel to be proficient in the daily work procedures used in the lab. All personnel was sufficiently trained to maintain a safe working environment.
Kvitko Lab On-Site Safety Training:
The lab manager, Amy Smith, provided on-site safety training for both the general and specific protocol used in the Kvitko Lab. The training also identified the locations of all equipment, waste containers, and safety materials.
Miscellaneous Safety Information:
All wastes and equipment were sterilized and autoclaved after use.
Ethidium Bromide could be found in the lab, and contact was avoided with the mutagenic agent.