Team:Queens Canada/Team


In this page you can introduce your team members, instructors, and advisors.

What should this page contain?

  • Include pictures of your teammates, don’t forget instructors and advisors!
  • You can add a small biography or a few words from each team member, to tell us what you like, and what motivated you to participate in iGEM.
  • Take team pictures! Show us your school, your lab and little bit of your city.
  • Remember that image galleries can help you showcase many pictures while saving space.


You can look at what other teams did to get some inspiration!
Here are a few examples:

Little introduction to the team

Elisha Krauss (Director)

Elisha is the current QGEM Director, and he just graduated from Life Sciences, specializing in Biomedical Sciences with a thesis in Neuroscience! He is starting his Masters at McGill University in the Integrated Program in Neuroscience, where he will develop novel viral vectors for optogenetics. He enjoys travelling (backpacking and road-trips) and dogs. He recently just got back from a three-week trip to Europe! He backpacked in London, Glasgow, Paris, Berlin, and Prague. In his free time this summer, he hopes to learn French and study for the GRE. He has a long-haired dachshund named Harley.

Ellis Kelly (Wet Lab Lead)

Ellis is in her fourth year of Biology. She has a particular interest in microbiology and molecular genetics; she was intrigued by synthetic biology and its potential applications for solving world problems. She joined QGEM not just for her interest in synthetic biology, but also for student-driven research. Some fun facts about Ellis include that she is training for her second Tough Mudder, loves reading mystery novels (Agatha Christie), likes watching sports (big TFC fan), and loves baking (she has a really good pie recipe that she’ll make for the team)!

Maddison Gahagan (Outreach Lead)

Maddison is a fourth year Life Sciences student, specializing in Biomedical Discovery. She has always had a passion for microbiology and biochemistry, and thought QGEM would be an excellent opportunity for her to get more involved in student-led research that combines both of these interests. As the Outreach Lead and a wet-lab member this year, she hopes to gain hands-on lab experience while also informing and educating the public on the importance of synthetic biology applications. She hopes to pursue a career in pharmacy. Some fun facts: Maddison has a three-legged cat, she owns many orchids even though they always die, and she works at the on-campus Printing & Copying Centre!

Eric Grewal (Dry Lab Co-Lead)

Eric is in fourth year of Mathematics and Engineering (“Apple Math”). His area of specialty is in computing and communications. He has always had a passion for problem solving, so studying math was a natural choice. Eric is originally from British Columbia, and he loves spending time outdoors. Eric joined QGEM to find a way to use the math skills he’s learned to solve real world problems.

Abigael Schonewille (Dry Lab Co-Lead)

Abigael is in her fourth year of Biomedical Computing. She is interested in genetics, bioinformatics, and computer-assisted surgery. She hopes to go on to pursue a Master's degree and continue into research. She joined QGEM to gain experience in developing software and analyses for a genetic engineering project. She loves travelling and has lived in Austria and Canada. She was a speed skater for over 10 years and enjoys kayaking. She has her SCUBA license and has explored many of the wrecks in the St. Lawrence river! In her spare time she likes to read, spend time outdoors, and challenge her friends to board games.

Julia Grein (Volunteer Liaison)

Julia is in her final year of Biochemistry with a Certificate in Business. This is her fourth summer on the QGEM team! Julia’s passion lies in bridging the gaps between the bench and business, with a focus on collaboration and communication. As the Volunteer Liaison for a second year, she interacts with all members and helps the interdisciplinary QGEM team understand the various parts of the project to build an effective team!

Janis Cheng (??? Volunteer)

Janis is in her third year of Life Sciences, but currently transferring to Biotechnology. She prefers experimenting on new ideas instead of learning them from powerpoint slides, and she thought QGEM would be a good place to be doing that! Her primary interest is microbiology, specifically bacteria and viruses. When Janis is not organizing her notes and setting up tasks for the team, she can be found taking care of the 43 plants in her house and rewatching Marvel movies.

Ruben Warkentin (Outreach Volunteer)

Ruben is in his third year of Biochemistry and is returning for his second year with the QGEM team. He has been interested in all things molecular biology, ever since he learned that mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell – QGEM was a good opportunity to expand on that knowledge. With his sriracha shirt, he continues to bring fresh style and ideas to the QGEM Outreach team. If Ruben is not talking about synthetic/molecular biology, he can be found running western blots.

Sara Stickley (??? Volunteer)

Sara is in her fourth year of Life Sciences and is returning for her second year with the QGEM team. Ever since first learning about synthetic biology she has been eager and excited to get involved and learn more about the fast-paced, innovative field! When not working hard with the outreach team this summer, you can find Sara trying to master the ukulele and spending time under the sun. Sara hopes to pursue a masters degree in genetics or biochemistry and can’t wait to work with the QGEM team for another summer.