

Alternative Roots

Characterising Bacterial Growth on Solid Media


In order to understand chemotaxis on agar, it was important to understand how the selected bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense, Azorhizobium caulinodans and Herbaspirillum seropedicae) grow on solid media in standard laboratory conditions. This measure would serve as a control to which experimental plates would be compared to. Familiarisation of bacteria also allows identification of abnormal behaviour and contamination.

Experimental Approach

Each species was grown on 1% agar. The type of agar utilised was selected from DSMZ suggestions which states which media is appropriate for each species [1-3]. Overnight culture for each species were then spread on 3 individual agar plates which were labelled and incubated at the DSMZ suggested temperature for 24-48hours (depending on the species). More details about out experimental design can be found on the protocol page.
