

The principle in the design was to have the left segment of the toehold contain a sequence complementary to miRNAs known to be emitted during disease processes. The remainder of the toehold was based on a scaffold in Alexander Green et al 2014 paper. The central part of the toehold contains a palindromic repeat that anneals together, forming the main hairpin area. The top of the hairpin contains a ribosome binding site sequence. The bottom right side of the toehold contains a start codon and a linker sequence, which extends into the suppressed gene, in this case Cas13a. Upon binding of the complementary miRNA, the toehold collapses, allowing translation to begin. When Cas13a has been translated and becomes a functional protein, it requires a guide RNA before its nonspecific RNAse activity can begin. The guide RNA is found in the solution of the system. After the guide RNA is found, the Cas13a cuts indiscriminately. An RNAse detector kit is used in this phase, which contains a fluorescent probe along with a quencher. When the RNA is cut, a fluorescent signal is produced.

Toehold scaffold below taken from

5’GGG|_______15nt_______|_b*_|_a*_|tat|ccctgcatacagaaacagaggagatatgca|atg|ata|_a_|_b_|aacctggcggcagcgcaaag|____Gene___|3’ b*=reverse complement of b, 15nt region is reverse complement of target microRNA sequence

Our toehold was based on a similar design


In this case, the 15 nucleotide sequence is complementary to a miRNA sequence linked to breast cancer, hsa-miR-100-5p

What should this page contain?

  • Explanation of the engineering principles your team used in your design
  • Discussion of the design iterations your team went through
  • Experimental plan to test your designs

Components of a toehold switch

  • Switch that activates collapse
  • Ribosome binding site
  • Start codon