
Let us introduce ourselves ...

... we are a team of multidisciplinary under- and graduates of the Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany. With the support of our three headed guidance team we are competing at this years iGEM competition.

Follow us around!

If you are interested and want to follow our work, take a look at our social media accounts. *

* links will open in a new tab

Do you have any questions or comments?

Let us know by contacting us via mail or leave us a direct message on one of our social media accounts.

Our guidance team

Prof. Dr. Egon Amann

Head of Studies Biomedical Management and Marketing

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirner

Chemistry and Bio-Microstructure Technology

M. Sc. Sara Mueller

Research Assistant (Synthetic Biology)

Leon Anding

Team: Laboratory
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 7th semester

I decided to join the HSHL iGEM team, because facing new challenges fascinates me. Enabeling plants to hyperaccumulate heavy metals, thus reducing the amount of contaminants in the soil is an interesting and remarkable topic which helps the environment and the people. Wanting to be a part of that project made me join the team.

Facts about Leon

21 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Wants to visit the MIT, Downtown Boston and the Boston Tea Party Museum.

Fun Fact: I'm over 2 meters tall so I bump my head a lot.

Ngoc Anh Ngo

Team: Research
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 13th semester

I’d like to experience new things with far-reaching perspective, where you might get the chance to collaborate nationally as well as connecting internationally.
Furthermore, I was always curious about the MIT.

Facts about Ngoc

26 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: I use my free time to fulfill all cliches about Asians as far as possible but still failed my last math exam.

Lena Boehmker

Team: Laboratory
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 7th semester

I did my practical training in the field of molecular genetics, which has increased my interest in this field. With that in mind I think iGEM is a great opportunity to get more experiences and to work together with other motivated students at one project in addition to the regular courses at university excites me.

Facts about Lena

22 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

During the Boston trip she wants to visit the MIT and Harvard University

Fun Fact: Every time I practice conducting a presentation I force my dog to be the audience.

Celina Feise

Team: Laboratory
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 7th semester

I've decided to join the HSHL 2018 iGEM team because I have a great interest in the project's topic and enjoy teamwork. Furthermore, I hope to gain a lot of practical experience in the lab.
Boston's long and fascinating history and the beautiful location on the east coast intrigues me. I'd like to visit the Boston Harbor, too, and I'm looking forward to experiencing the city's atmosphere.

Facts about Celina

23 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: Don't tell my lab mates, but I actually like cleaning up lab spaces.

Katharina Gorzawski

Team: IT
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 9th semester

I decided to join the HSHL iGEM team because the topic sounds interesting and I wanted to spend my leisure time with doing something useful and important while doing it in a fun group.

Facts about Katharina

25 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: Nobody leaves my house hungry. Since I love baking and cooking, anyone who comes for a visit gets some freshly baked cookies or a homemade meal.

Saskia Heinisch

Team: Research
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 9th semester

To be honest: Amyra asked me to be part of the team and I love labwork so I simply agreed. Definitly don't regret it!

Moreover, I really enjoy working in the lab and am currently part of the research team.

Facts about Saskia

25 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: Turn on the radio and I can sing along with almost any song that comes on.

B. Eng. Enya Kattwinkel

Team: Laboratory
Studies: Biomedical Management and Marketing - 2nd semester

I decided to join the iGEM-Team because I totaly like working in laboratories and thought I could help the team with my experiences in developing and running lab tests. Moreover, my current job has nothing to do with biology or genetics so I kind of missed the lab.

Due to the fact that I never visited the USA I'm thrilled about everything. I'm mostly curious about the way people are living around the globe and how it differentiates from our own day to day lifes. Of course I want to see some attractions, too, and I'm excited to meet all of the other iGEM teams.

Facts about Enya

23 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: Allergies love me. I'm allergic to everything. It would actually be a lot better if I just didn't need to eat / breathe or touch things.

Facts about Doerte

Marius Luttermann

Team: Laboratory
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 7th semester

During Amyra's "recruiting" presentation I figured it'd be a nice activity to join the HSHL iGEM team. Since no student of our University competed at iGEM before I thought it implicates a great opportunity to participate actively in a self-developed project. We're facing a lot of e.g. projectmanagement issues that we need to solve ourselves and in my opinion that's the best way to learn problem-solving.

Facts about Marius

22 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: I am forgetful which is why Antonia has to fill out this profil for me.

B. Eng. Jana Niedermeier

Team: Poster, Design
Studies: just got her Bachelor of Engineering

I have never heard of iGEM before until our Professor introduced us to it. Facing new challenges and working on an interesting project made me join the 2018 HSHL iGEM team. Plus, I am keen on research.

Facts about Jana

23 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

My Boston bucket list contains exploring MIT and Harvard, strolling through the Museum of science and walking the freedom trail.

Fun Facts: Taking care of our team instructor seems to be my main task at the moment, because she loves to complain and I am the only one who doesn’t care while listening to her.

Celine Oerencik

Team: Laboratory
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 7th semester

I decided to join the HSHL iGEM team because I was looking forward to new challenges. Mastering them with a team of nice people who share the same interest in synthetic biology is a great pleasure for me.

Facts about Celine

22 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: I'm the most disoriented person alive (please always stay by my side in Boston!)

Martina Prusky

Team: Research
Studies: Sports and Healthcare Engineering - 5th semester

I am the only student from my studies in this team because my studies usually doesn't cover topics around genetical engineering. But I saw a facebook post about this team searching new members and after a presentation explaining the topic and what they wanted to do I joined the team. I think our approach is great and most importantly it's future-oriented and useful!

Facts about Martina

21 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

I'm looking forward to Boston's flair

Fun Fact:I am extremly afraid of butterflies.

Anna Scheuermann

Team: Laboratory
Studies: Environmental Monitoring and Forensic Chemistry - 5th semester

The idea of making polluted soil utilisable again convinced me to spend my free time with all of these awesome people. .

Facts about Anna

30+ years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

I'm looking forward to Boston's flair

Fun Fact:I like weird food consistencies.

Antonia L. Schmidt

Team: IT & Marketing, Outreach Department
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 7th semester

As a lot of my team colleages Amyra asked me to check out this thing called "iGEM". I just finished my semester abroad and had a lot of leisure time so I agreed. They won me over and since labwork isn't my experties I took on the task of managing our team's social media accounts and the wiki stuff.

iGEM might stress you out from time to time but working in this team is a nice alternation to the daily student life.

There are only 10 kinds of people in this world: those who know binary and those who don’t.

Facts about Antonia

21 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Probably every word you read on this wiki was written or edited by me.

Fun Fact: I love symmetry and having a system in everything, yet my flat is always messy.

Amyra Schmitt

Student-project instructor
Studies: Biomedical Engineering - 9th semester

Hi! I'm Amyra, the student-project instructor of the HSHL 2018 iGEM team. Because of me everyone listed on this wiki page spend their summer break either in the lab, hitting the books or infront of the computer in order to realise my project idea. Besides planning our team meetings, searching for sponsorships and organising just about everything that needs to be organized I am the contact person for the HSHL iGEM team.

Facts about Amyra

25 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: I told everyone to fill out their profil but forgot it myself.

B. Eng. Maren Warnecke

Team: IT
Studies: Medical Computer Science - 2nd semester

I was told it's not enough to put a bad joke to describe here we go, you get 3 of them !

What did the hungry plant said to the other plant? -- I could use a light snack

What is the fastest way to determine the sex of a chromosome? --- Pull down its genes!

Why do Java programmers wear glasses?--- They can't C#

Facts about Maren

24 years old*
(*by the time of the Giant Jamboree)

Fun Fact: I have literally no hobbies, aside from knitting socks and watching Netflix

This wiki is designed by HSHL within the iGEM 2018 template.
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