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Calibration 1: OD600 Reference point Use LUDOX CL-X as reference to obtain conversion factor Purpose of this calibration: To transform absorbance data to a OD600 measurement, calculate a plate-reader specific (Tecan Infinite 200 Pro) conversion factor for OD600 from Abs600 calculated for Ludox CL-X on a mass spectrophotometer. Beer-Lambert’s law of absorbance dictates that optical path length plays a fundamental role in determining absorbance: This is necessary because cuvettes (used in photometer) have a fixed path optical path length when using light scattering to measure absorbance as opposed to the varying path lengths of wells in a 96-well plate which change as the volume of sample added in them changes. Results: Cell density readings can thus be converted to OD600 by multiplying correction factor value, 4.138. Table 1. Table shows absorbance measurements (at 600 nm) for LUDOX CL-X and dd-H2O using a plate reader. The corrected Abs600 is the difference between the LUDOX CL-X reading and dd H2O reading. Reference OD600 is a measurement by a spectrophotometer (provided on iGEM excel sheet). OD600/Abs600 is the correction factor to convert Abs600 to OD600, calculated by dividing Reference OD600 by Abs600. LUDOX CL-X H2O Replicate 1 0.055 0.040 Replicate 2 0.056 0.040 Replicate 3 0.055 0.041 Replicate 4 0.058 0.042 Arith. Mean 0.056 0.041 Corrected Abs600 0.015 Reference OD600 0.063 OD600/Abs600 4.138

Bronze Medal Criterion #4

Standard Tracks: Participate in the Interlab Measurement Study and/or obtain new, high quality experimental characterization data for an existing BioBrick Part or Device and enter this information on that part's Main Page in the Registry. The part that you are characterizing must NOT be from a 2018 part number range.

For teams participating in the InterLab study, all work must be shown on this page.