Team:Queens Canada/Market

Market Direction Analysis

Use by parents to monitor child’s stress levels and general well-being


  • Can remove any communication barriers between parent and child
  • Ability to measure Δ cortisol could be useful in evaluating changes over time
  • Useful in the early detection of illness and prevention of Sudden Infan tDeath Syndrome (SIDS)


  • Continual monitoring may lead to more anxiety in parents
  • Expensive technology
  • Difficulties in establishing abbaseline
  • Knowing the information does not have a substantial effect; minimal chance for intervention

Use by adults for quantitative self care
Monitoring device for non-verbal/individuals with developmental disabilities
Use in research studies

Non-disruptive method of salivary collection, would not induce fluctuation in bio-marker

Would need a variety of designs to acomodate different studies and populations.

Use in monitoring treatment in clinical settings

Instant and ongoing surveillance

Help to determine personalized treatment plan and dosage

Use in diagnostic procedures in clinical settings.

Instant results would reduce wait time in the ER

Little training required to operate

Point of Care device for clinicians and tool for researchers