


31.5 ul: dH2O (water is added to make the reaction mixture up to 50ul) 
10 ul : 5X phusion HF 
2.5 ul: 10 um FWD primer
2.5 ul: 10 um REV primer
1 ul: MgCl
1ul: new plasmid 
1 ul: 10mM dNTPS
0.5 ul: Phusion hot start flex DNA polymerase 

30 ul: dH2O (water is added to make the reaction mixture up to 50ul) 
10 ul : 5X phusion HF 
2.5 ul: 10 um FWD primer
2.5 ul: 10 um REV primer
1 ul: MgCl
1.5ul: DMSO 
1ul: new plasmid 
1 ul: 10mM dNTPS
0.5 ul: Phusion hot start flex DNA polymerase 

31 ul: dH2O (water is added to make the reaction mixture up to 50ul) 
10 ul : 5X phusion HF 
2.5 ul: 10 um FWD primer
2.5 ul: 10 um REV primer
1.5 ul: DMSO
1ul: new plasmid 
1 ul: 10mM dNTPS
0.5 ul: Phusion hot start flex DNA polymerase 

32.5 ul: dH2O (water is added to make the reaction mixture up to 50ul) 
10 ul : 5X phusion HF 
2.5 ul: 10 um FWD primer
2.5 ul: 10 um REV primer
1ul: new plasmid 
1 ul: 10mM dNTPS
0.5 ul: Phusion hot start flex DNA polymerase 

Ran at:
98---30 sec
(35 cycles)
98---10 sec
60-72-- 30 sec
72--- 2:30 minutes
72---10 minutes

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1. Turn on bath and place SOC in bath 
2. thaw cells on ice
3. 10ul of competent cells into tube
4. 1 ul of assembled product to cells
5. mix by pipet or flicking the tube
6. place on ice for 30 minutes
7. heat shock in bath at 42 degrees for 30 seconds 
8. put back on ice for 2 minutes
9. add 190 ul of SOC media 
10. place in 37 degree incubator on shaker for 60 minutes
11. spread on plates 
12. incubate at 37 degrees overnight 

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10ul of Gibson Assembly Master Mix (2X)
10ul-x of dH2O
Xul of vector + Xul of insert (0.02-0/5 pmols)
Tota volume: 20ul 

Incubate at 50 degrees for 15 minutes
Store at -20 until use

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1. Pick a colony, circle and label it
2. Prepare the LB broth in a 10mL tube, pour 5mL of LB into the tube
3. Add 5ul of necessary antibiotic to the culturing tube
4. Select colony by using a sterile toothpick or pipet tip, gentilly pick it up 
5. Place colony into culture tube and incubate at 37 degrees overnight

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1. Weigh out 0.5g of Agarose powder, place in flask
2. Add 50ul of TAE to flask, swirl solution
3. Cover flask with a paper towel, use tape to hold it in place
4. Microwave for about 1.5 minutes
5. Add 3ul of EtBr OR 5ul of SYBR Green dye
6. Pour into mold and let set for about 15 minutes

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1. Warm plates in incubator 
2. Thaw BL21 (protein competent cells) on ice for 10 minutes 
3. Add 1ul of plasmid to the cells, fix to mix
4. Place solution on ice for 30 minutes
5. Heat shock at 42 degrees for 10 seconds
6. Place back on ice for 5 minutes
7. Pipette 95ul of room temperature SOC
8. Place on shaker and incubate at 37 degrees for 1 hour
9. Plate 100ul of cells on each plate
10. Incubate at 30 degrees for 24-36 hours 

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1. Select a colony and label it
2. Prepare LB, add 10ml of LB broth and 10ul of select antibiotic
3. Pick up colony and resuspended in culture tube
4. Incubate at 37 degrees until OD600 reaches 0.4–0.8
5. Induce with 4 or 40 µl of a 100 mM stock of IPTG (final concentration of 40 or 400 µM) and induce for 3 to 5 hours at 37°C.
6. Check on gel 

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For a 50ul post-PCR solution 
  Add 5ul of cutsmart buffer to 50ul post-PCR reaction 
  Add 2ul of DPN1 enzyme
  Incubate solution for 1 hour at 37 degrees 
  PCR cleanup to stop enzymatic reaction 

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1. Gels electrophoresed with MOPS or MES running buffers must be prefixed with a 50% methanol and 7% acetic acid solution for 
   15 minutes and then washed with ultrapure water to remove fixing solution. GelCode Blue Stain penetrates prefixed gels 
   better than non-fixed gels and, therefore, standard SDS-PAGE gels may also be prefixed with good results.
2. Wash SDS-PAGE or native PAGE gels as follows: • SDS-PAGE: After electrophoresis, place gel in a clean tray and rinse 3 × 5 
   minutes with 100-200mL of ultrapure water. Alternatively, wash gel in 1-2L of ultrapure water with gentle shaking for 15 
3. Mix the GelCode Blue Stain Reagent solution immediately before use by gently inverting or tipping and swirling the bottle 
   several times. Do not shake bottle to mix the solution.
4. Add 20mL of GelCode Blue Stain Reagent for an 8 × 10cm mini gel. Use more reagent as needed if using a large tray. Gently 
   shake tray and periodically monitor protein band development. Stain intensity reaches a maximum within approximately 1 
   hour. Gels may be stained overnight without increasing background.
5. To destain (water wash enhancement step) gel, replace Stain Reagent with ultrapure water. For optimal results, change water 
   several times for 1-2 hours. This step enhances stain sensitivity, as weak protein bands continue to develop.

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Procedures completed using Qiagen ordered kits.

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1. Prepare 17 mm x 100 mm round-bottom culture tubes (e.g. VWR #60818-667) at room temperature. Place SOC recovery medium in a 
   37°C water bath. Pre-warm selective plates at 37°C for 1 hour.
2. Place electroporation cuvettes (1 mm) and microcentrifuge tubes on ice.
3. As a positive control for transformation, dilute the control pUC19 by 1:5 to a final concentration of 10 pg/μl using 
   sterile water. Heat-denatured ligation reactions can be used for electroporation directly; however, column purification is 
4. Thaw NEB Turbo Electrocompetent cells on ice (about 10 min) and mix cells by flicking gently. Transfer 25 μl of the cells 
   (or the amount specified for the cuvettes) to a chilled microcentrifuge tube. Add 1 μl of the DNA solution.
5. Carefully transfer the cell/DNA mix into a chilled cuvette without introducing bubbles and make sure that the cells deposit 
   across the bottom of the cuvette. Electroporate using the following conditions for BTX ECM 630 and Bio-Rad GenePulser 
   electroporators: 2.1 kV,
   100 Ω, and 25 μF. The typical time constant is ~2.6 milliseconds.
6. Immediately add 975 µl of 37°C SOC to the cuvette, gently mix up and down twice, then transfer to the 17 mm x 100 mm round- 
   bottom culture tube.
7. Shake vigorously (250 rpm) or rotate at 37°C for 1 hour.
8. Dilute the cells as appropriate then spread 100-200 μl cells onto a pre-warmed selective plate.
9. Incubate plates 8 hours to overnight at 37°C.

set machine to 1.8V
place cuvette in machine
press both pulse buttons for 3 seconds, you should hear a beep after
If you hear a pop or see a flash your culture has arched. This means one of a few things, your cell concentration is too high, dilute with 10% glycerol. Your DNA is not pure, either used less or use another DNA stock. Or both of the previous issue is present.
Add 600ul of LB to the cuvette (or 250ul of SOC) and pipette up and down, take out some culture and grow on a shaker for 1 hour
Place culture on selective plate

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CU-Boulder iGEM 2018 Sponsors: