Team:ICT-Mumbai/ihp Nashik


Team:ICT-Mumbai/IHP -



The ihp visit to farms in nashik was centered towards understanding the methods used to tackle weeds,and to receive feedback on our project. The farms were located in Dindori situated at outskirts of Nashik, Maharashtra. Following were the main crop and trees gorwn by the farmers in the region: 

• Mangoes (300 trees) • Chikoo (300-350 trees) • Amla (50 trees) • Wheat (seasonally- around October) • Corn (seasonally) • Legumes (Chickpeas)

Major Things to look out for:

Farming using Organic fertilizers

Mrs. Jadhav prefers to use organic methods of farming and not resort to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. These organic fertilizers are made on the farm itself using cow dung, dry leaves, and other animal and farm wastes. It takes 3-4 months, with careful control over water addition and sunlight, for this to be ready and this organic manure is then mixed with the soil near the crops. The organic products are dosed accordingly, either by spray irrigation or by mixing with water and sending them directly to the roots through drip irrigation.

Banana plant under full bloom
Crop for animal fodder. Kind of weed can harm other useful plant by taking nutrition.
Sitaphal Farm
Sugarcane crop grown only with organic fertilizer.
Pomegranate Crops
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A few organic products used are: 

    Varada (botanical extracts)- For nitrogen regulation by Nature Life Science Pvt. Ltd.
    Power Plant Grow (plant growth regulators, vitamins, humic acid) by Green Planet Bio-Products
    Power Plant Nitro King by Green Planet Bio-Products

These organic fertilizers are sufficient for most of the year. However, during extreme weather conditions like high rainfall or excessively cold weather, the farmers do resort to use of chemical fertilizers. The labourers face a number of issues with the use of these fertilizers including respiratory issues, skin related problems, hormonal imbalances and adverse effects in case of contact with eyes. The video below captures the harmful effects of fertilizers and the set of precautions required.

Weedicides and ways to tackle them

Weed growth is tackled in different ways. Weeds growing in close proximity to the plants have to be manually uprooted. For open fields where no crops are growing, weeds are uprooted either using tractors or by spraying of weedicides (so that the weedicides don’t affect the crops).

Response to the Project idea

In their view, if there is such a revolutionary idea or a new technique on lines of the organic techniques used by them, they would surely give it a try provided its usefulness, quality and safety are established and if it has given good results in trials and when used by other farmers. This is because of their fear that many products nowadays are said to be organic but prove to be harmful to plants, animal and humans. If they find it safe and giving good results, they would not only use it in their routine agricultural activities but also make other farmers aware of the same and encourage them to use the new product.