

The Community

Biohub 2.0 is a synthetic biology community, focusing on more efficient Biobricks information retrieval and more convenient biological ideas sharing. Apart from these functions, an online editor is added to BioHub 3.0. Users not only can finish their reports in a more convenient way, but also can release their reports and read or comment on other scholar's reports on this platform. Praise and collection are also supported. As an extensible community, more fantastic features would be integrated in the future.

Intelligent Search Engine

The Intelligent Search Engine is based on 2017's project. The following features are added.

  • It has a better command of language recognition. It supports semantic recognition, like "reports today", "reports by ana", "reports this year" and etc..
  • Filtering rules and Collation can be customized.
  • Advanced search is supported.
  • We have added many useful databases and academic websites to our search engine, so biologists could search information more quickly.

User Interface

We introduced a new user interface. In order to match our frontend framework perfectly, we choose Ng-zorro, which is written in TypeScript with complete defined types as our UI framework. The high-quality components and style of Ng-zorro help us complete our design quickly and provides a better experience.