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                 <h3>3. Safety training for every teammate</h3>
                 <h3>3. Safety training for every teammate</h3>
                 <div class="carousel-item active" style="background-image: url('http://placehold.it/1900x1080')"></div>
                 <div class="carousel-item active" style="background-image: url('http://placehold.it/1900x1080')"></div>
                 <div id="pt"><p class="pcontent">It is a must for anyone to pass the authorized training section before conducting any experiments in lab. Since our applied design must be tested with constructed bacteria, each of our team members will have chances to approach the lab. We decided that whole team should be certified to do the experiments in biosafety level one lab. Team members from biotechnology have already passed the training session, and the rest of team members have passed the training online course. We believe that learning safety and security knowledge lower the risk when we conducted experiments inside biolab.</p></div>
                 <div id="pt"><p class="pcontent">Our device consists of 3 main parts: a bioreactor, a nutrient tank and a collection tank.The flue gas contains high concentration of CO2 and this will inhibit the growth of E.coli. Thus, we reduce CO2 concentration level to less than 5% before entering the bioreactor by using flowmeter, which is an instrument for measuring the flow of gases in pipelines.</p></div>
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                 <h3>4. A step toward low carbon society, a leap against wasting and pollution</h3></div>
               <h1 class="head4">Safety Design</h1>
               <h1 class="head4">Safety Design</h1>
              <div id="pt"><p class="pcontent">We developed a closed bioreactor system and implemented online monitoring system which can live monitoring several environmental parameters. Here is the detail of our bioreactor.</p></div>
              <div class="carousel-item active" style="background-image: url('http://placehold.it/1900x1080')"></div>
              <div id="pt"><p class="pcontent">Gas inlet port are located on the bioreactor’s lower part while outlet port are located on the bioreactor’s upper lid. As low concentration CO2 enters the bioreactor, it flows through the diffuser refiner and dissolves in the buffered medium to form acid. A pH sensor and temperature sensor is installed to monitor the bioreactor tank for further control implementation. Besides, the CO2 concentration level of exhaust gas is monitored by a CO2 gas sensor, which is mounted on the upper lid. These sensor’s output is connected to an Arduino analog input and sensor readings are displayed on a serial LCD which is attached on the lid of bioreactor.  The data is then uploaded in real time to a web server via WiFi by using Arduino WiFi Shield.</p></div>

Revision as of 13:53, 14 September 2018

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