About this section, we are showing how to use the pH meter in arduino.
Why we need to use pH meter?
Because E. coli is sensitive to pH value, and according to the experiment of the pH sensor by WET members. (放跟WET連結)We know that E. coli can’t grow below pH value of 6, and generally grow the best about pH 7.
Components And Supplies
1. Arduino UNO
2. pH sensor
(1)Module Power : 5.00V
(2)Measuring Range:0-14pH
(3)Measuring Temperature :0-60 ℃
(4)Accuracy : ± 0.1pH (25 ℃)
3.pH buffer solution
Method of wires
1.pH Meter red wire----Arduino 5V
2.pH Meter ground----Arduino GRD
3.pH Meter yellow wire----Arduino A1
define in code by yourself #define SensorPin A0
4. Wiring diagram
See the code on github
Experiment 1:Instrument calibration
1.Experimental method
(1)Insert pH meter into pH 7 buffer solution, wait about 1 min, it will achieve a stable value.
(2)Minus the value with pH 7, and it will get the offset value. For instance,
(3)Write the offset value into code, upload the code into Arduino again.
(4) After rinsing the pH meter, insert it into pH 4 buffer solution.
(5) If it is found to be too different from the error of pH=4, you should adjust the knob.
After inserting pH = 4, it is found that the error with 4 is very large.
Adjust the knob
(Remark: Because the change of the knob is small, it may have to turn a few more times until display pH 4.)
Finally, it can be found that the measured pH is 4.
2. Experimental formula calculation
(1)voltage = analog value*5/1024
(2) pH value = 3.5*voltage+offset
See the code on github
Github網址: https://github.com/vicky87106/2018iGEM_NCKU-Tainan
Experiment 2:Precision measurement
1. Experimental Purpose
We assume that pH 4 to 7 is linear, so we want to verify whether it is linear between pH 4 to 7. By measuring the solution of pH 4.7, compare its deviation.
2. Experimental method
Mixing a solution with pH=4.7 and measure with a calibrated pH meter.
3. Result
After inserting the solution with pH=4.7, we found that the value was stable at pH 4.83 with an error of about 0.13, which roughly met the error of this pH meter ± 0.1 pH.