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  <h3>iGEM NTU Singapore<h3>
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<div class="all-image-logo"><img src="{% static 'Volksgram.png' %}"></img></div>
<h2 class="h2-register-registerPage"><strong>FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION</strong></h2>
    <div class="panel-group" id="faqAccordion">
        <div class="panel panel-default ">
            <div class="panel-heading accordion-toggle question-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#faqAccordion" data-target="#question0">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a href="#" class="ing">Apakah itu rekam medis?</a>
<div><h2><b><u>WHAT WE DO?</u></b></h2>
            <div id="question0" class="panel-collapse collapse" style="height: 0px;">
<p><i>ModVision</i> and <i>Finding Diphthy</i> has found their way to do collaboration in iGEM 2018. We have managed to contact one of the members of iGEM NTU via Angelysia Cardilla in the beginning of July. We offered help in gathering data about the idea and survey application of Nanopore sequencing from the perspective of Indonesian people as representatives of developing country’s citizens. Our team went to Faculty of Engineering, exactly located at college auditorium, to do intensive proposal towards nearby biotech students to be intrigued with our project about <i>Finding Diphthy</i>, as well as <i>ModVision</i>. QnA sessions and survey filling form were available for the end of each introductory explanation. This session was such a participative event between NTU and UI, since different citizens have vast range of opinion regarding biological engineering. Profound discussion in several aspects, such as socioeconomic condition, law, bioethics, etc., of <i>ModVision</i> and <i>Finding Diphthy</i> development could offer insights about their application in countries, especially developing ones.</p></div>
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span></h5>
                    <p>Rekam medis secara ringkas adalah rekam yang mencatat sejarah kesehatan seseorang dalam aspek medis
<b>Figure 1</b>. Our team presents projects of Finding Diphthy and ModVision in collaboration within iGEM 2018 for silver medal criteria. Discussion and surveys were done by our policy and practice division member iGEM UI Ainun Rahmania and Glory Lamria.
        <div class="panel panel-default ">
            <div class="panel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#faqAccordion" data-target="#question1">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a href="#" class="ing">Mengapa harus memiliki rekam medis yang lengkap?</a>
<div><h2><b><u>WHAT WE ASK?</u></b></h2>
            <div id="question1" class="panel-collapse collapse" style="height: 0px;">
<p>After two months of lab session starting from June, we encountered such unexpected bad events in doing PCR amplification of the HT-1 and HT-2 fragments. These fragments are meant to be ligated linearly to form single basic biobrick part of HB-EGF/Tar since IDT<sup>TM<sup> were not able to synthesize as one gBlocks. The cloning primer Fwd and Rev (personally synthesized primer) and for amplification fail to specifically anneal in the 5’ and 3’ of both fragments. The results of the PCR amplification are shown in following figure 2.</p>
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span></h5>
                    <p>Rekam medis yang lengkap dapat memberikan tenaga medis perspektif ke dalam kesehatan pasien yang berkaitan sehingga membantu proses dan hasil dianosis dokter.</p>
<b>Figure 2</b>. Gradient temperature PCR for both HT-1 and HT-2 fragments. Note that more than 2 bands could be found in HT-1 and HT-2 fragment. These amplified bands explain that the synthetically designed primers were not specific enough. HT-1 fragment size is 1105 bp, and HT-2 fragment size is 864 bp. The indicated arrows showed the expected amplified fragments.
As a means of collaboration, we desperately tried to contact iGEM NTU for help of ligation cloning of HT into commercial expression vector pcDNA3 on August. Coincidently, Angelysia went back to Jakarta, and we met each other for further discussion in cloning the respective gBlocks. The gBlocks are sent to NTU Singapore on the mid of August. We gave our highest gratitude for team iGEM NTU in helping us to clone the completed linear HT fragment into pcDNA3. The samples arrived back to IHVCB lab on the mid of September. Additionally, iGEM NTU also offers to clone several designed parts of our project related with FRET system into commercial vectors.
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Revision as of 17:17, 8 October 2018



iGEM NTU Singapore


ModVision and Finding Diphthy has found their way to do collaboration in iGEM 2018. We have managed to contact one of the members of iGEM NTU via Angelysia Cardilla in the beginning of July. We offered help in gathering data about the idea and survey application of Nanopore sequencing from the perspective of Indonesian people as representatives of developing country’s citizens. Our team went to Faculty of Engineering, exactly located at college auditorium, to do intensive proposal towards nearby biotech students to be intrigued with our project about Finding Diphthy, as well as ModVision. QnA sessions and survey filling form were available for the end of each introductory explanation. This session was such a participative event between NTU and UI, since different citizens have vast range of opinion regarding biological engineering. Profound discussion in several aspects, such as socioeconomic condition, law, bioethics, etc., of ModVision and Finding Diphthy development could offer insights about their application in countries, especially developing ones.

Figure 1. Our team presents projects of Finding Diphthy and ModVision in collaboration within iGEM 2018 for silver medal criteria. Discussion and surveys were done by our policy and practice division member iGEM UI Ainun Rahmania and Glory Lamria.


After two months of lab session starting from June, we encountered such unexpected bad events in doing PCR amplification of the HT-1 and HT-2 fragments. These fragments are meant to be ligated linearly to form single basic biobrick part of HB-EGF/Tar since IDTTM were not able to synthesize as one gBlocks. The cloning primer Fwd and Rev (personally synthesized primer) and for amplification fail to specifically anneal in the 5’ and 3’ of both fragments. The results of the PCR amplification are shown in following figure 2.

Figure 2. Gradient temperature PCR for both HT-1 and HT-2 fragments. Note that more than 2 bands could be found in HT-1 and HT-2 fragment. These amplified bands explain that the synthetically designed primers were not specific enough. HT-1 fragment size is 1105 bp, and HT-2 fragment size is 864 bp. The indicated arrows showed the expected amplified fragments.
As a means of collaboration, we desperately tried to contact iGEM NTU for help of ligation cloning of HT into commercial expression vector pcDNA3 on August. Coincidently, Angelysia went back to Jakarta, and we met each other for further discussion in cloning the respective gBlocks. The gBlocks are sent to NTU Singapore on the mid of August. We gave our highest gratitude for team iGEM NTU in helping us to clone the completed linear HT fragment into pcDNA3. The samples arrived back to IHVCB lab on the mid of September. Additionally, iGEM NTU also offers to clone several designed parts of our project related with FRET system into commercial vectors.
Team UI Indonesia