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                                         $${\{C_{CO_2}\ net\}\ ≥\ \{C_{biomass}\}\ -\ \{C_{xylose}\}...(3)}$$
                                         $${\{C_{CO_2}\ net\}\ ≥\ \{C_{biomass}\}\ -\ \{C_{xylose}\}...(3)}$$
                                         If C<sub>waste</sub> is very small and negligible, we can obtain the net amount of carbon
                                         If C<sub>waste</sub> is very small and negligible, we can obtain the net amount
                                         dioxide fixed over time. If, on the contrary, C<sub>waste</sub> cannot be neglected,
                                        of carbon
                                         dioxide fixed over time. If, on the contrary, C<sub>waste</sub> cannot be
                                         equation (3) allows us to estimate the minimum net amount of carbon dioxide
                                         equation (3) allows us to estimate the minimum net amount of carbon dioxide
                                    <p class="pcontent">
                                        C<sub>biomass</sub> can be calculate by multiplying O.D. 600 to DCW and mass
                                        percent of carbon in E. coli biomass. The O.D. 600 of engineered E. coli is
                                        measured after a 12-hour cultivation and the result obtained is 0.45O.D. . Yin
                                        Li et al. reported that dry cell weight (DCW) of E. coli is
                                        $${0.35g\over L ∙ 𝑂.𝐷. 600}$$
                                        , determined by experiment. E. coli biomass contains 48% of carbon by mass (or
                                        $${C_{biomass}\ =\ 0.45\ ×\ 0.35\ ×\ 48%}$$
                                        $${=\ 0.0756g/L}$$
                                    <p class="pcontent">
                                        On the other hand, C<sub>xylose</sub> can be calculated by multiplying the
                                        amount of
                                        xylose consumed per unit volume of broth to the mass percent of carbon in
                                        xylose. Xylose consumption is calculated by using a DNS kit that measures the
                                        concentration of reducing sugar and the result obtained is 0.172324g of xylose
                                        consumed per litre of M9 medium. Carbon weight (or mass?) percentage of xylose
                                        is 40%.
                                        $${C_{xylose}\ =\ 0.172324\ ×\ 40%\ =\ 0.0689296\ g/L}$$
                                        By equation (3)
                                        $${C_{CO_2}\ net\ =\ 0.0756\ -\ 0.0689296}$$
                                        $${=\ 0.0066704\ g/L}$$
                                        Since the E. coli has been cultured for 12 hours, we can calculate the rate of
                                        carbon fixation by
                                        $${Rate\ of\ carbon\ fixation\ =\ {𝐶_{𝐶𝑂_2}\over 𝑛𝑒𝑡12}}$$
                                        $${=\ 0.0066704\over 12}$$
                                        $${=\ 0.5558\ {g\over L ∙hr}}$$
                                        To find out how much carbon in biomass comes from the carbon in CO2 captured by
                                        the heterotrophic microbes, divide the net amount of carbon fixed by the mass
                                        percent of carbon in biomass.
                                        $${Ratio\ of\ carbon\ in\ CO2\ fixed\ to\ carbon\ in\ biomass\ =\ {0.0066704\over 0.0756}}$$
                                        $${=\ 8.82%}$$

Revision as of 06:54, 13 October 2018


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