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     <h1 class="my-4">Human Practice</h1>
     <h1 class="my-4">Human Practice</h1>
     <h5>This is Title</h5>
     <h5>1.How did our Human Practice work integrated into our project?</h5>
     <p class="pcontent">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies sed quam vel laoreet. Sed finibus convallis venenatis. Maecenas quis tincidunt est, ac consectetur elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ut congue leo, ac bibendum nisl. Quisque et turpis sed purus volutpat imperdiet ut sed justo. Vivamus eleifend est in erat pellentesque rhoncus. Aliquam auctor arcu rhoncus erat porta, eu consequat orci aliquam.
     <p class="pcontent">We divide our Human Practice into three parts, it includes Enterprise visit, meet up with professor and other iGEMers. Each part gave us different improvement to our project. Enterprise visit makes us more realize how our project work in practice and how can we apply our project more appropriately. All the professor have their professional field, so we visit them to gain a variety of suggestion from different angles, which makes our project improve more comprehensively. We met up with many other iGEMers, and we inspired more idea and knew more direction that we can try to make our project better in our communication.</p>
     <h5>This is Title</h5>
     <h5>2.Can our integrated human practice serve as an inspiring example to other teams?</h5>
     <p class="pcontent">Maecenas malesuada luctus lacus, ac fringilla sapien commodo vitae. Maecenas placerat ipsum sit amet massa consequat dignissim. Phasellus efficitur, arcu id pellentesque aliquet, quam lectus viverra nisl, vitae dictum ipsum ex et nibh. Fusce neque neque, vestibulum ut dolor eget, ultrices cursus quam. Cras augue purus, egestas in sapien pretium, hendrerit commodo turpis. Proin nec elementum leo. Nunc venenatis mi in fringilla scelerisque. Ut tortor dui, placerat eget elementum ac, elementum et orci. Ut eu libero elementum, placerat justo at, molestie leo.
     <p class="pcontent">We walked out of our lab, and connected with enterprise. Because our project focus on carbon capture system, we found our potential client, China Steel Corporation, which is the second biggest carbon emision in our country. We targeted our users, and did our best to show our idea to them. Simultaneously, we gained the most directly feedback from enterprise, realized what they care about, and how could we revise our project to satisfy enterprise's standard. Fortunately, they admired our idea and expressed their willingness to help us. That is a great affirmation to our project.</p>
     <h5>This is Title</h5>
     <h5>3.How did we document in a way that other teams can build upon?</h5>
     <p class="pcontent">Proin dictum massa sit amet pulvinar bibendum. Nunc laoreet libero tortor. Nullam pulvinar nisi in aliquet porta. Nullam elit nibh, pellentesque ac pharetra nec, volutpat eu dolor. Donec dignissim molestie magna, et tincidunt tellus. Nunc blandit suscipit nulla ultrices pulvinar. Aenean commodo laoreet tortor, id convallis massa tincidunt sed. Suspendisse sed ante eros. Etiam magna magna, convallis id condimentum id, commodo et erat. Nam id lacus nec sapien gravida tincidunt. Fusce vulputate nibh velit, ac ultricies mauris dapibus vel. Nam risus ipsum, vestibulum quis ex ut, mollis varius erat.
     <p class="pcontent">Before we recorded our HP activities, we have listed our goal, procedure and expected effect of every our HP. After the end of every HP, we sent our comment form to people who involve our activity to get their feedback. That helped us know what feelings and effect that our activity brought to them. During the time we documented, we could confirm every goal whether we have met our expectation and reflected on ourselves. All the document we recorded reminded us what we have gained and how we could improve our project.</p>
     <h5>This is Title</h5>
     <h5>4.How we work in our implementation thoughtfully?</h5>
     <p class="pcontent">Proin dictum massa sit amet pulvinar bibendum. Nunc laoreet libero tortor. Nullam pulvinar nisi in aliquet porta. Nullam elit nibh, pellentesque ac pharetra nec, volutpat eu dolor. Donec dignissim molestie magna, et tincidunt tellus. Nunc blandit suscipit nulla ultrices pulvinar. Aenean commodo laoreet tortor, id convallis massa tincidunt sed. Suspendisse sed ante eros. Etiam magna magna, convallis id condimentum id, commodo et erat. Nam id lacus nec sapien gravida tincidunt. Fusce vulputate nibh velit, ac ultricies mauris dapibus vel. Nam risus ipsum, vestibulum quis ex ut, mollis varius erat.</br></br>
     <p class="pcontent">After confirming the topic of our project, we listed the activities which is related to our project. We first confirmed the value of each activity to our project, then we thought about how to implement them. We searched a lot of information online, we connected professor actively and we also sought any possible resources around us to do HP. Finally, we finished every different level of our project-related human practice. In addition, except for the general human practice, we also made every effort to think about more creative ways to practice our project to let our HP more diversified.</br></br></p>
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Revision as of 13:26, 18 September 2018

Human Practice

1.How did our Human Practice work integrated into our project?

We divide our Human Practice into three parts, it includes Enterprise visit, meet up with professor and other iGEMers. Each part gave us different improvement to our project. Enterprise visit makes us more realize how our project work in practice and how can we apply our project more appropriately. All the professor have their professional field, so we visit them to gain a variety of suggestion from different angles, which makes our project improve more comprehensively. We met up with many other iGEMers, and we inspired more idea and knew more direction that we can try to make our project better in our communication.

2.Can our integrated human practice serve as an inspiring example to other teams?

We walked out of our lab, and connected with enterprise. Because our project focus on carbon capture system, we found our potential client, China Steel Corporation, which is the second biggest carbon emision in our country. We targeted our users, and did our best to show our idea to them. Simultaneously, we gained the most directly feedback from enterprise, realized what they care about, and how could we revise our project to satisfy enterprise's standard. Fortunately, they admired our idea and expressed their willingness to help us. That is a great affirmation to our project.

3.How did we document in a way that other teams can build upon?

Before we recorded our HP activities, we have listed our goal, procedure and expected effect of every our HP. After the end of every HP, we sent our comment form to people who involve our activity to get their feedback. That helped us know what feelings and effect that our activity brought to them. During the time we documented, we could confirm every goal whether we have met our expectation and reflected on ourselves. All the document we recorded reminded us what we have gained and how we could improve our project.

4.How we work in our implementation thoughtfully?

After confirming the topic of our project, we listed the activities which is related to our project. We first confirmed the value of each activity to our project, then we thought about how to implement them. We searched a lot of information online, we connected professor actively and we also sought any possible resources around us to do HP. Finally, we finished every different level of our project-related human practice. In addition, except for the general human practice, we also made every effort to think about more creative ways to practice our project to let our HP more diversified.

Integrated Practices

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Public Engagement

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No.1, Daxue Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)