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                 <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/thumb/d/d8/T--Macquarie_Australia--Watlab_Week2_1.png/800px-T--Macquarie_Australia--Watlab_Week2_1.png" style="width: 100%;">
                 <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/thumb/d/d8/T--Macquarie_Australia--Watlab_Week2_1.png/800px-T--Macquarie_Australia--Watlab_Week2_1.png" style="width: 100%;">
                <p><b><i>Figure 5.</i></b> Agarose gel (1%) electrophoresis of Biobrick Fer/Hyd after having the backbone swapped to CAM resistance using digests using Eco-RI (E) and PstI (P). Single (E) and double (E+P) digests were performed. The bands of the single digests correspond to the expected size (~5300 bp) as well as the bands of the double digests (~3500 bp and ~2000 bp). These bands correspond with the expected weights of fer/hyd1 in CAM.</p>

Revision as of 10:28, 10 October 2018

Wet lab notebook

  • Project planning - no wet lab work this week.
  • We went through lab safety induction to ensure safety procedures were followed at all times in the lab
  • We learnt how to perform digestion, ligation, transformation and how to make and run agarose gels
  • We used digestion to screen the Photosystem II (PSII) parts DCA, psbELJTB and psbMZtlwkOPQR. psbELJTB and psbMZtlwkOPQR showed successful digestion and correct sizes. DCA showed signs of contamination in all samples.
  • We decided to focus of the Chlorophyll plasmid rather than PS II. We proceeded with digestion and ligation of ChlD with ChlI2 as well as DRV1 with ChlG, both into Kanamycin backbones, following the 3A assembly protocol.
  • Renee, Areti and Karl also began the interlab study:
  • Made LB media + cam plates
  • Transformed Εscherichia coli DH5α cells with the interlab testing devices.Transformation was performed twice, due to poor colony growth in the LB + cam media at the first round of transformations.

Figure 5. Agarose gel (1%) electrophoresis of Biobrick Fer/Hyd after having the backbone swapped to CAM resistance using digests using Eco-RI (E) and PstI (P). Single (E) and double (E+P) digests were performed. The bands of the single digests correspond to the expected size (~5300 bp) as well as the bands of the double digests (~3500 bp and ~2000 bp). These bands correspond with the expected weights of fer/hyd1 in CAM.

  • We transformed the DVR1-ChlG and ChlD-ChlI2 ligation samples into competent DH5α E.coli cells. DVR1-ChlG had successful transformants which were then incubated in LB broth + Kan. ChlD-ChlI2 gave an unsuccessful transformation, so the process was repeated successfully this time. The samples were then liquid cultured.
  • Interlab experiments were completed this week:
  • Calibrations 1, 2 and 3 were completed early on in the week
  • Cell measurements (Abs600 and fluorescence) were taken as per the interlab protocol
  • Colony forming units per OD600 = 0.1 of the negative and positive control devices was also determined (in triplicates)
  • Set up backbone insertions for trc-POR, trc-ChlI1 (Digestion, ligation and transformation
  • Interlab experiments:
  • Colony forming units per OD600 = 0.1 of the negative and positive control devices was completed again.
  • Data analysis and submission.
  • The liquid cultures of DVR1-ChlG and ChlD-ChlI2 were miniprepped and digested (single, double digest) to screen for successful ligations by agarose gel electrophoresis (1% agarose).
  • The gel showed unsuccessful ligations so we are switched our ligation technique to standard assembly and backbone swapping of necessary parts
  • We backbone swapped DVR1 to Kan and were in the process of swapping ChlD, trc-POR and GUN4
  • Made up more plasmid stock of current parts by plasmid transformation, culturing and miniprep
  • Begun Standard assembly of DVR1 + ChlG
  • Miniprepped all samples
  • Begun induction and SDS-PAGE to compare lac-ChlH and trc-ChlH
  • Ran GUN4, ChlD and trc-POR backbone swaps as well as DVR1-ChlG on a 1% agarose gel
  • Sent successful samples of each off for sequencing
  • We inserted synthesised DNA biobricks into Amp and Cam backbones for trc-POR,YidC and trc-ChlI1, trc-ycf39-HliD
  • We then transformed, liquid cultured, miniprepped and screened on a 1% agarose gel
  • We had successes for trc-ChlI1 in Amp which we sent for sequencing confirmation
  • Used standard assembly to assemble:
  • CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-ter + trc-FNR-fdx or trc-FNR
  • trc-ChlH + GUN4
  • trc-POR + ChlP
  • ChlI2 + ChlD

  • We sent CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-ter-trc-FNR-fdx as well as CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-ter-trc-FNR for sequencing
  • Sequencing came back for trc-ChlH to show that the promoter swap was unsuccessful. A reattempt of promoter swap is now underway
  • Transformed trc-POR-ChlP and ChlI2-ChlD
  • Screened trc-ChlI1 and sent 1 successful plasmid away for sequencing
  • Performed SDS-PAGE comparing trc-FNR-fdx and lac-FNR-fdx
  • Liquid cultured, Miniprep and screened trc-ChlH, trc-POR-ChlP, trc-ycf39-HliD, trc-FNR and trc-FNR-fdx and ChlI2-ChlD
    • sent ChlH, trc-POR, trc-ycf39-HliD, trc-FNR-fdx and ChlI2-ChlD plasmids for sequencing
  • Digestion/ligation for trc-POR+ChlP, ChlI1+ChlI2-ChlD, trc-ChlH-GUN4
  • Glycerol stock made for ChlH
  • Transformed, Liquid cultured and miniprepped trc-ChlH-GUN4, trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD and trc-POR-ChlP
  • Made glycerol stock for trc-POR and trc-ChlH
  • Digested and Screened trc-ChlH-GUN4, trc-FNR and trc-FNR-fdx. Only trc-FNR-fdx and trc-ChlH-GUN4 had successes, which were sent off for sequencing
  • Induced trc-POR cells and run the cell lysate on SDS-PAGE
  • Digested and screened trc-ChlH-GUN4, trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD and trc-POR-ChlP on a 1% agarose gel and sent successful samples for sequencing
  • Backbone swapped lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM (Kan)
  • Performed standard assembly on trc-POR-ChlP-DVR1-ChlG and sent successes for sequencing
  • Induced new trc-POR samples and ran cell lysate on an SDS-PAGE
  • Grow barley for protochlorophyllide extraction
  • Made up more plasmid stock of trc-POR
  • Made up glycerol stock of ChlI1
  • Redesigned and ordered sequencing primers
  • Tried to insert G-block for yidC and trc-FNR into ampicillin backbone, no successes from screened samples
  • Digestion/ Ligation of trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD + ChlH-GUN4, Backbone swap of trc-POR (switched to Cam to send to iGEM) and lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM + trc-POR
  • Received sequencing results for trc-POR-ChlP and sent off trc-POR-ChlP-DVR1-ChlG samples for sequencing
  • Digested, Ligated, transformed and liquid cultured lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM + trc-FNR-fdx
  • Transformed trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD + trc-ChlH-GUN4 (shortened to trc-IH), Backbone swap of trc-POR (to Cam to send to iGEM) and lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM + trc-POR
    • Liquid Cultured, miniprepped and single/double screening digests on a 1% agarose gel
    • Sent 3 IH samples and 1 of both trc-POR (Cam) and lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-POR for sequencing
  • Made induction plates and induced trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD-trc-ChlH-GUN4 (Mg-Chelatase) to see if we could get Mg-PPIX formation
  • Digested and ligated trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD-ChlH-GUN4 + lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-POR (Streamlined operon)
  • Bradford assay of trc-POR samples to determine concentration of protein in the supernatant and pellet fractions of the cell lysate
    • POR is a membrane-associated protein, more (total) dissolved proteins in the supernatant
  • Extract protochlorophyllide from etiolated seedlings of barley
    • C18 Sep-Pak used for further purification
  • Received sequencing results for trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD-ChlH-GUN4, discovered trc-ChlI1 had not ligated initially but all other genes were present and sequence confirmed
    • Stopped streamline operon and digested and ligated trc-ChlI1 to ChlI2-ChlD-ChlH-GUN4
  • Miniprepped 7 liquid cultures of lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx (Kan)
    • Performed single/double digests then ran on 1.5% agarose gel
    • Sent the 1 successful plasmid off for sequencing
    • Liquid cultured 8 more colonies of lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx (Kan)
  • Performed a functional assay of trc-POR induced cells using protochlorophyllide as substrate
    • Results were inconclusive and redone by Professor Robert Willows
  • Received sequencing results for lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx (Kan) found frameshift mutation
    • 8 other liquid cultures were miniprepped and screened and 2 successful results were sent off for sequencing
  • Digestion and ligation of lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx + trc-POR-ChlP-DVR1-ChlG and backbone swap of trc-POR into Cam
  • First round of transformations were unsuccessful for lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx-trc-POR-ChlP-DVR1-ChlG, trc-POR (Cam) and trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD-ChlH-GUN4 we deduced the issue was with the competent cells we used
    • Commercial competent cells were used to retransform samples and succeeded
    • 8 Colonies from each plate were liquid cultured
  • Miniprepped and screened through PCR and agarose gel: lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx-trc-POR-ChlP-DVR1-ChlG, trc-POR (Cam) and trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD-ChlH-GUN4
    • Sent 2 samples of trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD-ChlH-GUN4 and 4 samples of lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx-trc-POR-ChlP-DVR1-ChlG for sequencing
    • trc-POR backbone swap did not work so we redigested the original G-Block DNA for backbone insertion into Cam.
  • Induced trc-ChlI1-ChlI2-ChlD-ChlH-GUN4 (Mg-Chelatase) plasmids into competent cells and used Fluorescence testing to check for enzyme expression and function (formation of Mg-PPIX which is fluorescent).
    • Growth was to too little to yield results currently.
  • We are performing Cas9 purification as part of our collaboration with NTU so we prepared all necessary solutions for Cas9 purification in preparation for the arrival of their biobricks
  • Performed the standard assembly of our last 2 parts together for our Chlorophyll plasmid: trc-chlI1-ChlI2-D-trc-ChlH-GUN4 + lac-CTH1-ycf54-ChlM-trc-FNR-fdx-trc-POR-ChlP-DVR1-ChlG
    • Screened by colony PCR which was able to narrow down our samples, we miniprepped hopefully samples and performed single double digests for screening
  • Mg-PPIX induction testing showed high formation of Zn-PPIX which has a similar fluorescence to Mg-PPIX which dampens out any meaningful results
    • We have proceeded using M9 minimal salt plates for our induction experiments to reduce this problem
  • Received constructs from NTU and transformed and liquid cultured them, then proceeded to begin with Cas 9 extraction