Integrated Human Practices
Meetup with Tec Chihuahua
We finished a video meeting with Tec-Monterry. Their project
has two part.
The main part is E-coding, which use
bacteria to record the data. Another part is to sense the pollute in
Meetup with Tec Chihuahua
We finished a video meeting with Tec-Monterry. Their project
has two part.
The main part is E-coding, which use
bacteria to record the data. Another part is to sense the pollute in
Meetup with Tec Chihuahua
We finished a video meeting with Tec-Monterry. Their project
has two part.
The main part is E-coding, which use
bacteria to record the data. Another part is to sense the pollute in
Modal title
Nullam hendrerit ipsum a commodo aliquet. Curabitur sem metus, ornare ut gravida eu, sagittis rutrum massa. Phasellus id sem sed justo convallis pharetra ut tristique ipsum. Ut facilisis leo risus, vitae sollicitudin massa ornare sit amet. Aliquam varius venenatis massa, sed finibus urna tempor a. Integer viverra tortor purus. Cras eget elit vitae nunc iaculis sagittis id ac nibh. Donec in congue nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In facilisis feugiat nunc, bibendum finibus nulla. Curabitur auctor nec ligula ac cursus. Nulla a ornare lacus. Cras vestibulum fringilla congue. Duis quis placerat ipsum, eget aliquet magna. Nunc at justo at enim posuere commodo.