
Alternative Roots/Circuitry

Stage One


There is two options for powering this device, via the mains or a battery source. We have designed it so both can be used if the other isn’t available. However I would recommend using the mains as the batteries have a number of limits. The Arduino and LED lights need a constant 5V's therefor 4 cheap AA 1.5V which totals to 6V is an option when coupled with a voltage regulator is needed to protect the circuit. This regulator can get hot after sustained use, I believe this is due to the lights drawing 1.5 Amps. However for a small demonstration this is sufficient. Also batteries drain after prolonged use, once the voltage is lower than 3.5V the system does not operate as designed

Therefore a more permanent and reliable source would be the mains. Taking a regular phone charger which safely steps the voltage down to 5V we have a power source for the Arduino and LED's. I would not recommend building your own. Usually there is live (Vdd), ground (GND), and two data lines (-D, +D) the latter two are not necessary for our application. Due to their voltage rating, shown in Figure 1.0 (2.76V, 2.06V). Therefor these wires can be either trimmed shorter than Vdd and GND or taped up, to avoid a short circuit. For the example shown in figure 1.1; red is power, black is ground, and the white and green wires are the data lines, however I would recommend confirming this is correct by checking the voltage from Vdd, D+ or D- to ground with a multi-meter.

When powering the Arduino a capacitor is needed in parallel, this protects it from surges in voltage which could otherwise damage it. In order to protect the LED lights there needs to be small 330Ω resistor on the data line. A circuit diagram can be found in Figure 1.2, which details the correct set up.

The LED’s used also took a 5V DC power supply, which was one of the justifications for using this particular product. As it means that they can be powered from the same source as the Arduino.

Figure 1.0; Schematic of a standard USB cable. [1]

Figure 1.1: Above is 4 exposed wires. Red is power, black is ground,white and green are the data lines. [1]

Figure 1.2: Schematic demonstrating how to power the Arduino and the LED's, made on fritzing.

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Stage Two


Stage two was controlling the day and night cycle (16-8 hours), one method would break the circuit from the ‘Vdd’ line (power line). We decided to pursue this method as we were under the impression this would reduce the power consumption when the night cycle was in effect.

In order to break the power line there needs to be two pin outs, pin 11 for the data line and 12 for the switching circuit. 11 determines the light intensity and function of the lights. After a 16 hour cycle pin 12 is written to ‘LOW’ (logic zero), which turns a N channel power MOSFET off for 6 hours. This sequence would repeat every day.

There was some issues when implementing this design. Which appeared to be caused by the Arduinos pin out voltage, 3.3V. Despite the MOSFET’s threshold voltage being between 1-2V [1], it should be adequate however the voltage at the source (MOSFET output) was measured to be 3V, the LED’s need at least 4.2V.

Meaning we had to go back to the drawing board secondly, we looked at using a NAND gate. There is a truth table included to describe the function.

Vdd Pin 12 Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Highlighted in red is the two functions we are interested in. Since ‘Vdd’ will always be read as ‘high’, 5V. We can eliminate the first two states and ‘Vdd’ making the logic straightforward. The basic operation is inverting P12 logic. This method worked in theory however in practice the LED’s demanded too much current up to 2A, leading the gate to heat up to an unsustainable level. Thirdly we attempted to implement a relay switch however this was also limited on current. Finally, we discovered we can achieve the desired result through the code. Changing the brightness from a defined integer, to an 8 bit integer allowing a range between 0-255. Setting the brightness to ‘0’ would turn the LED’s off. The code can be seen here.

Figure 2.0; The engineers, hard at work trying to troubleshoot issues with the system.

Figure 2.1; The finished product, set to a rainbow function that cycles through various wavelengths of light

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Stage Three


There is 5 LED strips spaced equally across the lid to give a constant light level for the seeds. These strips are connected in parallel to one another, which means they all cycle through the same colours at the same time. Meaning from the point of view of the LED the Data line (pin 11) appears the same. In order to allow the lid to be removable we fed the wires through a hole on the side of the lid. Which was soldered onto a vero-board where there was a crimp housing connected, allowing us to unplug the lid and remove for when the hydroponic solution was added. This reduces the potential for water damage. As an extra precaution we insulated the exposed metal contacts on the LED's and vero-boards, with a hot glue gun which also adds structural security.

Figure 3.0; Image of parallel wiring layout and insulated contacts

REFERENCES & Attributions

1.Kumar S & Pandey AK (2013) Chemistry and Biological Activities of Flavonoids: An Overview. The Scientific World Journal 2013.

Attributions: Luke Waller, Umar Farooq