Words simply cannot express the level of gratitude we have to these people, without whom we would not have accomplished what we have done, without whom we cannot be where we are today, and without whom we would not have delivered our dedication towards the eradication of Diphtheria and our responsibilities to humanities.
- Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia for the participation in campus campaign and opinion sharing regarding the project.
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia for the participation in collaboration between UI and NTU by filling out the survey that was provided.
- IHVCB (Institute of Human Virology and Cancer Biology) that has provided biosafety & biosecurity training, lab access, and opportunities for us to hold a mini seminar that aims to get people to know about the project itself.
- The committee of Kerja Sosial (KERSOS) 2018 Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia for the opportunity and cooperation to work together in KERSOS program in order to gain public participations in directing the project.
- Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Djaja, SKM, M.Sc. from the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia for the help, consideration, and consultancy according to the biosafety aspect of the project.
- Dr. dr. Budiman Bela, Sp.MK. from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia for providing insights about molecular designing and genetic theoretical construction.
- Dr. drh. Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas, M.Biomed from IHVCB, University of Indonesia for teaching our team lab techniques in microbiology and molecular biology.
- Aroem Naroeni, DEA, PhD from IHVCB, University of Indonesia for the help in issuing recommendation for biosafety and biosecurity aspects of the projects.
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU) iGEM Team 2018 for the collaboration in both lab work and human practices.
- Mr. Wahyu Andrianto, S.H., M. H. from the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia for the help, consideration, and consultancy according to our ethical review in legal aspect.
- Pastor Raditya Oloan for the consideration and help according to our ethical review in religion aspect from Christian point of view.
- Father Swasono for the consideration and help according to our ethical review in religion aspect from Catholic point of view.
- Ir. Soelyono, M.M. from Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia for the consideration and help according to our ethical review in religion aspect from Buddhism point of view.
- Ustad Nur Fajri Romadhon as a member of Fatwa Committee of Special Capital Region of Jakarta for giving us insights from Islam point of view.
- Ms. Aulia Reski W, B.Sc and Mr. Supriadi as Policy and Practice Advisor UI iGEM Team 2018
- Mr. Putra Mahanim T., Mr. Brian Mendel, and Mr. Adi Nugroho H., S.Ked as Lab Advisor UI iGEM Team 2018
- Mr. Dian Amirulloh, M.Biomed, for advises on labwork and troubleshooting of laboratory problems
- Dr.Eng Muhamad Sahlan, S.Si, M.Eng, for advises on our project
- Inbio Indonesia, for advises on our structural modelling http://www.inbio-indonesia.org/
We also expressed our gratitude to our iGEM 2018 team who manage to put the outmost effort for more than 1 year managing iGEM 2018 project, our team attributions are
- Valdi Ven Japranata : The leader of our team which worked the hardest both in labwork and non-labwork stuffs.
- Luthfian Aby Nurrachman : The vice leader of the team and One of the main wet lab member skilful in a lot of protocols.
- Nuikita Wachid : A great team manager which secured a huge amount of financial support for the team.
- Muhammad Iqbal Adi Pratama : One of the wet lab member, specializing in transformation and plasmid isolation.
- Ihya Fakhrurizal : The main dry lab member which contributed the most to the construction of DiphTox. He Also helped wet lab work
- Muhammad Ikhsan : A dry lab member with experiences in bioinformatics especially in protein modelling which also contributed to wet lab work
- Jessica FarahA dry lab member with expertise in mathematical modelling. manage to finish a whole project mathematical model alone. She Also secured financial sponsorship.
- Reysa Anggraini Vestiana Putri : A wet lab member which mainly contributed in policy and practice and assisted sponsorship effort
- Ainun Rahmania : Policy Handling Policy and Practice : Managing policy related to Ethic, Safety, Economic Analysis
- Glory Lamria : Project Handling Policy and Practice: Managing event and project engagement related to Education and Public Engagement
- Galuh Widyastuti : Integrated Human Practice Handling: Integrate Project Event and Policy aspect into the design and/or execution of our project.
- Edwin Lawisan : The wiki division of our team which designed our wiki and taught HTML for the team. An easy going person and a fast worker
- Hema Mitta : The wiki division of our team which designed our wiki and taught HTML for the team. The one with an easy-to-read and structured coding management.
We also expressed our gratitude to our beloved sponsors who provided us with financial and products support
PT. Bukit Asam, Tbk
PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk
The Margo Hotel
Rumah Sakit dr. Ciptomangunkusumo (RSCM)
PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk
Promega Corporation