Template loop detected: Template:Grenoble-Alpes
It is impossible to use bacteriophages and to develop a detection device if we do not know what are the needs and the constraints in hospitals and in medical analysis laboratory. So we need to discuss our project with physicians, specialists and even with the whole population. We also developed partnerships with local research laboratories and companies, to borrow equipment, recover bacteria and bacteriophages, and, most important, ask them for advice.
GROUND FLOOR: We established partnerships with local companies like Biomérieux and local laboratories like TIMC in order to benefit from their advice/expertise and we had the opportunity to get some of their biological material. Our engineers and researcher partners gave us a lot of recommendations all along the summer and helped us to get an external point of view on our project.
FIRST FLOOR: We visited a medical analysis laboratory and we met the laboratory manager. We discussed with him about the detection system used in his laboratory and about the advantages and limits of our system, if it was used in this kind of laboratory.
SECOND FLOOR: We met with doctors and patients who talked with us about bacteriophages and antibiotic resistance. We discussed with them to know if our detection system could be used in hospitals and what modification we should make in order to improve it. You can have a look at them on the third floor (see our schematic below).
THIRD FLOOR: All the societies must be implicated in our project. But it is essential for us to be aware of what people know about phage therapy and antimicrobial resistance. It is important to evaluate people's knowledge and then produce an appropriate outreach.
CLICK ON THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO HEAR FROM ! Everybody has something interesting to share with you.
Learn how partnerships had influenced our project !
Medical Analysis Laboratory Manager
Medical Analysis Laboratory Manager
We presented our system to Pierre Alain Falconnet to see if it could work in the context of a medical analysis laboratory. The system seems totally adapted to the laboratory use. According to him, the operating principles are good. It is still necessary to make specificity and sensitivity tests and to know the processing time of a sample.
The most important is to have an accreditation (COFRAC, CEIVD) because without this, the analysis laboratories will probably not want to have the system.
If the use of phages is regulated by a standard P2 and not P3 or P4, he could even use the machine in his own laboratory.
He offered to help us by giving us test samples.
Head of Bacteriology Department
La Tronche Hospital
Head of Bacteriology Department
La Tronche Hospital
Dr. Maurin thinks that our system is very interesting and answers well the given problem. However, some biological risks have to be taken into account such as the dissemination of the system components. If these aspects are well evaluated and handled, the system is very promising. Yet, Dr. Morin thinks that it will be very difficult to play on the sensitivity and the specificity of our system to compete with today’s methods in molecular biology. Among all the different specificities of our system, it is mostly the bacteriophages selection that caught his attention the most.
At last, Dr. Morin thinks that physicians do not have enough ethical formations and are not aware enough of new bioethical laws.
Head of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department
La Tronche Hospital
Head of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department
La Tronche Hospital
Pr. Epaulard thinks that the project is very interesting. He is not overly passionate about the identification aspect but rather by the therapy aspect of the project. The diagnostic tools he uses have already very good specificity and sensitivity. It is going to be hard to compete with them. He verified many aspects of the biology in the system and was pleased with our answers.
Pr. Epaulard thinks that one can learn about bioethics through practice. Therefore, there is no need for more theoretical courses on ethics in a physician formation.
We do not put the image and the name of H.G because phage therapy is not allowed in France
After getting infected feet wounds, H.G was treated with antibiotics but the infection was not cured. No antibiotic worked and the infection spread. The only way to treat this patient was to amputate the two legs. H.G had heard about phage therapy and contacted a doctor specialized on the subject. He chose to try phage therapy to cure his wounds. Bacteriophages were applied for a year on the wounds and he is now almost cured.
On the pictures, you can see the state of his left foot before and after the phage therapy.
Our Survey about antimicrobial resistance, phage therapy and iGEM
"Science without conscience is only ruin of the soul" said F. Rabelais. Therefore, what consciousness are we talking about ? That of the scientist alone, that of his peers, or even the collective consciousness of a society, of the whole of humanity? For a long time, science thought itself capable of inventing, evaluating and understanding the stakes of its discoveries by its protagonists alone, but it is clear that this vision no longer has any relevance today. We have entered a new era, that of post-modernity; it is characterized by a questioning of science and its basic axioms, but also, a doubt as to the ability of its actors to consider all the dimensions of their discipline, as well as their legitimacy to choose in the name of the community. The stakes of science and technology are unprecedented, these two disciplines are at the heart of our lives and our future. Thus, they must be thought of and questioned, that in view of their potential consequences. The technique, but also the science that gives it body must be the concern of all.
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