Team:Jilin China/HP/Engagement/Kit2

Build Your Own


  • Gene circuit is an interesting concept in synthetic biology. To realize comprehensibility of this concept, a Cir-Kit was created. We printed various parts, protein and inducer on magnet stickers. Then, parts assembly and gene circuit operation can present on a paper or a blackboard, just like stacked wood game.

    The elements of our Cir-Kit are shown below:

    Click here to download.


    We collected the elements of “AND Gate” and “OR Gate” into the first CIRKIT. The students become the first branch of trail users. To our surprise, a group of them assembled “OR Gate” in less than 5 minutes! Additionally, for the first touch of synthetic biology, they accepted some engineering ideas.

    I can imagine it as the circuit we learned on physics class.”

    said Hou Hanxi, a girl who took active part in our CIRKIT game.

    CIRKIT is also used in our TEDx activity. The college students, as “the next generation”, joined in.