Team:SFLS Shenzhen/Collaborations


List of Our Collarboration(with no order of importance)

  • The Erusian Meetup
  • Collab with Team Great Bay China
  • Collab with Team SMS Shenzhen
  • The Shenzhen Highschool Meet-up
  • Collab with Team SIAT-SCIE

The Erusian Meetup

On July the 24th, 25th and 26th, we attended the Erusian meetup hosted by TU Delft and BGI college iGEM teams. This was a great opportunity for us to present our project to others. We delivered a formal presentation, and explained our project at poster sessions. We were also able to find out more about other teams’ projects and their work.

We were able to set up links with some of the teams there which led to some of our collaborations. In addition, it was useful to talk to other teams with more experience and get advice on things like poster design or presentation skills.


GreatBay_China is another high school team in Shenzhen, China. We met first on WeChat and then we co-hosted a meetup .(see the link about the meetup:

They also mention us on their page!

What we did for them:

We discussed both wiki development and modeling, giving them lots of advice and actionable tips. We later gave them some advise on human practices. We co-hosted the Shenzhen highschool meetup.

What they did for us:

Their advisor gave us advice on how to picking the topic. They also helped us on some fundraising issue and procedure problems. Their teacher gave us advice on how we can examine the results of our projects and point out some potential flaws in our project design which we later worked on to improve.


SMS_Shenzhen is another high school team in Shenzhen. We met them during the meetup we co-hosted with GreatBay_China.(they also mention us on their collaboration page! See:

What we did for them:

We discussed both wiki development and modeling, giving them lots of advice and actionable tips. We later gave them some advise on modeling and human practices. We also exchanged our ideas of possible ways to improve the cooperation status within our teams. We shared one of our sponsors with them.We also gave them our article about our project and helped them spread their articles on our official WeChat account.

What they did for us:

They helped us with some deadlines problems and gave us advice on our human practices in lian hua garden. They gave us one of their articles about one interview on iGEMers and their project description articles.

The Shenzhen Highschool Meet-up

which we co-hosted with GreatBay_China) (see:

On June 25th, 2018 ,we co-hosted one shenzhen highschool meetup with GreatBay_China.This was a great opportunity for us to present our project to others. We delivered a formal presentation, and explained our project at poster sessions. We were also able to find out more about other teams’ projects and their work.

We were able to set up links with some of the teams there which led to some of our collaborations. In addition, it was useful to talk to other teams with more experience and get advice on things like poster design or presentation skills.


They also mention us on their collaboration page! See:

SIAT-SCIE is a high school team in shenzhen. We met them on the shenzhen highschool meetup.

What we did for them:

we discussed the interlab details and procedures with them.

What they did for us:

They lent us their plasmid and gave us advice on our interlab and banner.