NGF Production by genetically modified E. coli
As we want to obtain the best fitted NGF concentration, we first simulate the production and secretion of our recombinant NGF by transformed E. coli, in order to help the wetlab to optimize the induction and obtain the desired concentration, and to check whether we can theoretically obtain the optimal concentration for neurite growth.
Model Description
In this model, we include transcription, translation, translocation through E. coli membrane, protein folding and mRNA and protein degradation in cytoplasm and medium. NGF synthesis is placed under Plac promoter, so we also modelled the IPTG induction. Finally, NGF is secreted to the medium through Type I secretion system in which the export signal peptide is not cleaved during translocation. Our Biobrick is design to synthetize and export TEV protease in order to cleave signal peptide and thus produce functional NGF.
The molecular mechanism included in our model appears schematically in:
Our model includes the following variables:
Name |
Meaning |
Iex |
IPTG outside the cell |
Iin |
IPTG in the cytoplasm |
Po |
Plac promoter occupied by repressor, prevent transcription |
Pf |
Plac promoter with free lacO site |
m |
mRNA for TEV and NGF |
m-r |
Ribosome-bound mRNA |
NGFc |
NGF in cytoplasm |
TEVc |
TEV protease in cytoplasm |
(N-T)c |
NGF-TEV complex in cytoplasm |
NGFcc |
Cleaved NGF in cytoplasm, cannot be exported |
NGFt |
NGF bound to transporter channel |
TEVt |
TEV bound to transporter channel |
t |
Transmembrane transporter |
NGFum |
Unfolded NGF in medium with export peptide |
NGFm |
Folded NGF in medium with export peptide |
N-Tm |
Complex between NGF with export peptide and functional TEV |
TEVm |
TEV in medium with export peptide |
NGFf |
Functional NGF in the medium |
1. NGF and TEV synthesis in the cytoplasm
The synthesis of NGF and TEV is placed under the control of Plac promoter. The promoter can be in two different states: occupied (Po) by the repressor lacI, preventing RNA polymerase from binding and thus preventing transcription, or free (Pf) thanks to IPTG binding to the repressor. We assume that one IPTG molecule binds with one repressor molecule, freeing the promoter and restoring RNA polymerase binding capacity. The real mechanism of promoter Plac is more complex, as described in [1], but this simplification is sufficient for our model.
The transport of IPTG from outside the cell to cytoplasm is considered to be only due to free diffusion through the membrane by two first order reaction with the same kinetic constant.
IPTG is not considered to be degraded neither in the cytoplasm nor in the medium.
For the TEV and NGF transcription, we use a first-order reaction where the rate of mRNA production (m) depends on the concentration of the free promoter (Pf).
For the TEV and NGF translation, we first consider binding of ribosomes to ribosome binding site (the same association constant is used since the r.b.s. are the same), and then translation rate is proportional to the protein length. Since TEV and NGF have approximately the length, we consider only one translation rate β.
Even though it still has an export peptide, TEV is assumed to be functional in the cytoplasm (although less functional than if it had no export peptide). Since NGF has TEV cleaving site between the coding sequence and the export peptide, a fraction of NGF is cleaved inside the cytoplasm and thus cannot be secreted. We use a simple model to simulate TEV kinetics: TEV recognizes the signal sequence ENLYFQ, bind to its substrate and then cleave the export peptide. This process can thus be modeled by the following equations:
K1, k-1 and k2 are taken lower than constants found in literature, in order to model the fact that TEV still has its signal peptide and is consequently less functional than usually.
2. NGF and TEV secretion to the medium
The transport of NGF and TEV with their export signal peptide from inside the cell to the medium is assumed to follow Michaelis-Menten enzymatic kinetics in which the transporter channel (composed of HlyB in the inner membrane, bound to HlyD and recruiting TolC in the outer membrane) plays the role of the enzyme and intracellular protein the role of the substrate.
Each protein (NGF and TEV) via its export signal peptide HlyA can bind to the HlyB-HlyD complex pore, forming a protein-transporter complex (NGFt or TEVt). Translocation correspond to the dissociation of this complex, resulting in restoring a free transporter and secreting NGF or TEV in the medium (NGFum and TEVm), which stand for the products.
3. Including growth rate
This model stands for one bacterial cell, but for our model to best fit what our future system will look like, we need to integrate the growth rate of our bacteria within the microchannel chip well. Therefore, we measured DO of a culture of our bacteria, in stationary growth phase, in order to fit a growth equation.
For the growth rate of our transformed bacteria we use the equation fitted to the determined values of OD600.
4. NGF folding and export peptide cleavage by TEV
Once in the medium, both NGF and TEV are still bound to the export signal peptide HlyA. We assume there is a very small amount of functional TEV, that is sufficient to cleave TEV signal peptide, producing more functional TEV.
As for the transporter, we use a simple model in which TEV recognizes the signal sequence ENLYFQ, bind to its substrate (which can be either NGF with its export peptide or TEV with its export peptide) and then cleave the export peptide. This process can thus be modeled by the following equations:
5. mRNA and protein degradation
Finally, in cytoplasm and in the medium, mRNA and protein are degraded and all degradations are assumed to follow first-order kinetic reactions.
From these equations, we obtained a system of differential equations mostly based on mass action kinetics (GET IT HERE). We numerically solveD the ordinary differential equations system using Euler method implemented in Python. The constants we used were mainly determined from literature AND are given in table …
kt |
IPTG diffusion rate across the membrane |
0.92 |
min-1 |
ki |
Association rate for derepression mechanism by IPTG |
3 x 10-5 |
nM-1min-1 |
k-i |
Dissociation rate for derepression mechanism |
4.8 x 103 |
min-1 |
Transcription rate |
2 |
mRNA.min-1nM-1 |
kr |
Association rate of ribosome with r.b.s |
1 |
min-1mRNA-1 |
k-r |
Dissociation rate of ribosome with r.b.s |
1 |
min-1 |
Translation rate |
4 |
nM.min-1mRNA-1 |
k1 |
Association rate of TEV with its substrate in the cytoplasm |
7.8 x 10-7 |
k-1 |
Dissociation rate of TEV with its substrate in the cytoplasm |
6 x 10-4 |
k2 |
Cleaving rate by TEV in cytoplasm |
1.38 x 10-2 |
k3 |
Association rate of NGF and TEV with transmembrane transporter |
6 x 10-4 |
k-3 |
Dissociation rate of NGF and TEV with transporter |
2.34 |
k4 |
Translocation rate within the transporter |
2.1 |
kf |
NGF folding rate in the medium |
0.28 |
k5 |
Association rate of TEV with its substrate in the medium |
7.8 x 10-5 |
k-5 |
Dissociation rate of TEV with its substrate in the medium |
0.06 |
k6 |
Cleaving rate by TEV in the medium |
1.38 |