



Texto de agradecimiento general estandar que tenemos que pensar

  • Members

    Francisco Javier Quero Lombardero had been working in

    Laura Armero Hernández had been working in in aptamer discovery and characterization (Selex, qPCR, Elona), proyect management (writting reports, cheks email,)

    Rodrigo Hernandez Cifuentes had been working

    Iván Martín Hernández had been working in the elaboration and management of the wiki, in the improvement computational of the of the aptamers and in the colaboration with Tec-Monterrey team. He also helped in the laboratory when it was needed. He represented the team in the Mediterranean meet up and in the Spanish meet up.

    Borja Sánchez Clemente had been working in

    Ignacio Albert Smet had been working in

    Guillermo Fernández Rodríguez had been working in

    Gonzalo Saiz Gonzalo had been working in Interlab experiments and searching funding.

  • Mentors

    Domingo Marquina Díaz was the principal PI of the team. He contributed to develop the initial idea and he had been supervising all the proyect.

    Rafael Alejandro Alonso Conde had helped a lot in diferents aspects: management, purchase of materials, manufacture of acrylamide gels and help in the realization of the Elona protocol.

    Maria Teresa Lopez Jaen contributed to develop the initial idea of the proyect and gave the lab space for the experiments.

    Cristina Sanchez Garcia had helped the team to obtain the support from the university, in the management of university resources and in obtaining materials too. She had do a lot of administrative tasks for the team.

    Maria Teresa Villaba ha helped the team in all the Ole E1 protein relationated (undestandin the proteina, protocols) and she had also given us the purified protein for the realization of our experiments.

    Victor Manuel González Muñoz y Maria Elena Martín Palma: had been the guide for the Selex experiments (we go to them to obtain protocols and solve doubts) and they had given us their work space at the Ramon y Cajal institute for a couple of experiments.

    Jose Ignacio Klett had helped the team in the realization of the experiments in the Ramon y Cajal institute.

    Susana Campuzano Ruiz had helped in the measurement with aptamers section (we could understand the theory under the electrodes) and she gave us the materials that we need for this part (ferrocianine).

    Victor de Lorenzo had helped in plasmid binding and cloning and he attended as a speaker to our meet up.

    Tomas Aparicio had helped in plasmid binding and cloning.

    Esther had she has taught us how to clone (the Interlab section would not have been possible without her ) and she sopport us all the year.

  • Helping hands

    Marcos Hernandez Cifuentes ayudado con el desarrollo de la app

    Elena Benito Peña cedio PDMS

    Maria del Carmen Moreno Ortiz tecnico de lab, ayuda en las dudas que surjen

    Pilar Arana: ha ayudado con las PCR

    Yasmina: ceder el espacio para el laboratorio de hardware

    David Alfaro Sanchez: cede material basico de laboratorio

    Luis Fernández Pacios: Info sobre prediccion de estructuras

    Emilia Lopez Solanilla: Info sobre clonning

    Saul Ares:Charla

    Krzysztof Wabnik: Charla

    Pablo Quesada: Laser cut.

    Marta Montero: Banner Ilustration.

    Jose Antonio Hernández and Felisa Cifuentes: material para la microfluidica