Team:Pasteur Paris/Acknowledgements



Thank you to all the professionals who advised us


Finn Stirling, Pamela Silver Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA 02115
For letting us use the cryodeath kill-switch he invented. He gave us the sequence of the gene which we used as a base to develop our own design and shared a lot of advice, suggestions, and tips for our project.

Dr. Guillaume Dumesnil, Unité Pathogène des Infections Vasculaires, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For allowing us to have access to his laboratory to realize our electrophoresis experiments.

Pr. Jean-Marc Ghigo, Unité Génétique des biofilms, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For sharing his expertise about biofilms, discussions, protocols for biofilm culture, experimental design and for supplying a strain of GFP-fluorescent Staphylococcus aureus.

Nathalie Béchon, Unité Génétique des Biofilms, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For giving us some advice about our biofilm protocols, discussions and for providing us with a solution that enabled to fix our biofilms in the 96-well plates.

Nolwenn Jouvenet, Team Génomique Virale et Vaccination, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For lending us their 96-well plate reader

Victor de Lorenzo, Molecular Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, C/ Darwin nº 3, Campus de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid, España
For sending us a stock of bacteria transformed with a plasmid we wanted to use: pVDL 9.3

Cellular Biology

Amélie Wegener, Team Présentation de l’antigène par les cellules dendritiques, INSERM U1016 - CNRS UMR8104 - Université Paris Descartes, Institut Cochin, 75014 Paris
For sharing with us her protocols for myelinating oligodendrocytes-DRG co-cultures. She also gave us some advice about the experiments we could perform

Dr. Bernard Zalc, Team Développement oligodendrocytaire et intéractions neurovasculaires, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM), 75013 Paris
For facilitating us with a better understanding of nerve growth and giving us some tips regarding the nerve growth and the connection between the nerve and our interface.

Dr. Chiara Zurzolo, Unité Trafic membranaire et Pathogénèse, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For letting us to manipulate our neuronal cells in her P2 lab.

Christine Rasetti-Escargueil, Unité des Toxines Bactériennes, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For giving us important advice about the coating of our microfluidic chips.

Emmanuel Lemichez, Unité des Toxines Bactériennes, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For letting us use their P2 lab to manipulate our neuronal cells.

Dr. Frida Loria Salinas, Unité Trafic Membranaire et Pathogénèse, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For letting us manipulate in her lab, and for sharing with us some of her protocols about cell dissociation from fresh tissues.

Han Li, Team Plasticité Cellulaire et Modélisation des Maladies, CNRS UMR 3738, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For giving us access to the P2 laboratory.

Dr. Pauline Spéder, Team Plasticité Cérébrale en réponse à l’environnement, CNRS UMR 3738, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For letting us use their P2 lab to manipulate our neuronal cells.

Stéphanie Chrupalla, Thermo Fisher Scientific - Life Science Solutions, 91963 Courtaboeuf
For lending us an iBlot2 for the protein transfert from a gel to a membrane.


Dr. Ayako Yamada, CNRS, UMR8640 Processus d’Activation Sélectif par Transfert d’Energie Uni-électronique ou Radiatif, ENS-Département de chimie, Paris
For providing us the right contacts.

Dr. Catherine Villard, Unité de Physico-chimie, UMR168, Institut Curie, 75005 Paris
For advising us on microfluidic chips and for letting us their own design and lab.

Dr. Frederic Kanoufi, ITODYS, CNRS-Université Paris Diderot, Paris
For providing us a lot of advice about electrodes.

Gregory Rousselot, Sterlitech Corporation, WA 98032-1911 United States
For providing us with (free) gold-coated polycarbonate and alumina oxide membrane filters, that were crucial for our project.

Heng Lu, Laboratoire de biochimie (LBC), ESPCI-CNRS, Paris
For advising us on microfluidics, helping us to find the right contacts, teaching us AutoCAD and providing us with ideas.

Dr. Pierre Roussel-Ragot, UMR7587 Institut Langevin Ondes et Images, Institut Langevin, 75005 Paris
For giving us advice on the electronic part of our project and for giving us electronic equipment.

Yacine Bounab, Microbiology Technology Institute - BIOASTER Paris, 75015 Paris
For giving us a lot of advice on our project and for letting us use their safety cabinets.

Dr. Yann Verdier, Team Spectrométrie de Masse BIologique et Protéomique, ESPCI, 75005 Paris
For giving us advices, materials and the access to the lab.


Jean-Marc Victor, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée (LPTMC), CNRS UMR7600, Sciences Sorbonne Université, 75005 Paris
For helping us on the understanding of some articles about the modelisation of NGF.


Albane Imbert, FabLab, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For giving us access to the Pasteur FabLab, and for teaching us how to use the machines for prototyping (3D printer).

Dr. Eric Denes, Dr. Evelyn Poli, Dr. Christelle Arico, I.CERAM, 87068 Limoges
For inviting us to visit their factory, for giving us some metallic pieces (titanium, stainless steel) to assess the biofilm formation. They allowed us to have a better understanding of the industrial and medical constraints of the implantations of inorganic materials inside the human body.


Alban Orsini, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For teaching us the rules of online communication and giving us some advice about what and when to post.


Emmanuel Fort, ESPCI, 75005 Paris
For financing some important equipment, like conductive silver paste and rat cortex, and taking care of the logistic matter.

Nathalie Bousseau, Fondation CentraleSupélec, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
For financing a part of our project.

Pierre Ougen, Team S.B.I.P., Sup’Biotech Paris, 94800 Villejuif
For financing all the electric components we used and always being present to give us advice when we needed it.

Vanessa Proux, Sup’Biotech Paris, 94800 Villejuif
For financing a part of our project and some of 4 of our plane tickets to Boston.

Véronique Bellosta, ESPCI, 75005 Paris
For supporting our team with financial help and promoting iGEM at ESPCI Paris.

Delphine Tarrete, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris
For taking care of all our internships agreement and the NDA.


Chantal Sobczyk-Moran and Natacha Girold, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris France
For taking care of business administration and account management.


Antoine Latreille, Ancien Doyen de la faculté Jean Monnet, 54 Boulevard Desgranges, 92330 Sceaux
For allowing us to organise the Parisian Meet Up in his faculty.

Dr. Alexandre Ismael, Consultant in Molecular Modeling of Enzymes and Ligands For sharing with us his expertise about the iGEM competition and for following our work.