RECONNECT NERVES: Click to see more
DNA assembly
The sequence we designed codes for two different proteins: proNGF (Nerve Growth Factor) and TEV protease (from Tobacco Etch Virus). These two proteins are fused in C-terminal with a signal peptide for E. coli Type I Secretion System which consists in the last 60 amino-acids of HaemolysinA (HlyA). Each coding sequence is separated from the signal peptide by the cleavage sequence for TEV, in order to get the protein without its signal peptide (Figure 3).
This DNA construct was ordered in two parts, named Seq1 (1096 bp) and Seq2 (1153 bp) in commercial plasmids pEX-A258 from gene synthesis. Seq1 and Seq2 were amplified in competent E. coli DH5-α. After bacteria culture and plasmid DNA extraction, we digested commercial vectors with restriction enzymes (NheI and BamHI for Seq1, MscI and HindIII for Seq2). We extracted the inserts from the gel and performed a ligation by using specific overlaps into linearized pET43.1a for proNGF expression and into pSB1C3 for iGEM sample submission.
We repeated the procedure (transformation in E. coli Stellar competent cells, bacteria culture, plasmid DNA extraction, digestion) and we proved that our vector pet43.1a contained Seq1 and Seq2 (Figure 2) and that pSB1C3 contained Seq1 and Seq2 (Figure 3) after digestion and DNA electrophoresis. Plasmid DNA of pSB1C3 construction was purified and sent for sequencing (Figure 4).
Alignment of Sequencing Results then confirmed that pSB1C3 contained Seq1 and Seq2, BBa_K2616000 .
The construction was successfully assembled. On Figure 4, mismatches are visible which correspond to the reduced precision of sequencing after 600 bp. To avoid this lack of precision, we used three different primers, allowing us to cover the whole sequence without mistakes. As visible, the mismatches are only present at the extremities of each primer sequencing.
proNGF characterization and purification
Our chassis is Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) pLysS, a specific strain dedicated to producing high amounts of desired proteins under a T7 promoter. Thus, we co-transformed our bacteria with BBa_K2616000 and pVDL 9.3, generously provided by Dr. Victor de Lorenzo, from Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia of Madrid, bearing HlyB and HlyD (Type I secretion system) sequences, in order to get a chance to secrete NGF out of the cell.
Bacteria were grown at a large scale (800 mL), and proNGF expression was induced with 0.1 mM IPTG for 2 hours at 37°C.
We tried to achieve His-tagged proNGF purification using Ni-NTA affinity purification column. We eluted our protein using a gradient of imidazole-containing buffer and one peak was detected.
We analyzed bacterial lysate and purification fractions using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and Mass spectrometry.
The proNGF purification using NiNTA column is not conclusive. Many proteins are found on elution fractions. His-tagged proNGF fused to HlyA export signal should be found at 33 kDa while the proNGF cleaved by TEV protease should be found at 27 kDa. We finally analyzed five gel bands of the FPLC flow-through (lane 2, Figure 6) by mass spectrometry, by LC/MS/MS, to verify the presence of proNGF.
According to Figure 7, proNGF pattern are found on each lane sent to mass spectrometry. The major amount is found on fraction 5, corresponding to 33 kDa, at this molecular weight, the proNGF is still fused to the signal export. The TEV protease, 34 kDa fused to signal export and 28 kDa cleaved from the signal export are found.
Analysis of Fraction 5 of the gel shows our protein proNGF is present but is still bound to its signal peptide HlyA. (Figure 8) Mass spectrometry spectrum of Peptide A, IDTACVCVLSR, from proNGF sequence is shown in Figure 9. Mass spectrometry spectrum of Peptide B, IISAAGSFDVKEER from fused HlyA signal export is shown in Figure 9. The presence of mass spectrometry identified peptides corresponding to the fusion of proNGF and HlyA indicate some proNGF uncleaved from the signal export
The proNGF did not seem to be retained on the affinity column. We performed batch purification using NiNTA beads under native and partial denaturing conditions (Urea 2 M) followed by Western Blot analysis with immunodetection through Anti-His Antibodies Alexa Fluor 647. (Figure 10) Detection of His-tag in the pellet supernatant of induced BL21 with 1 mM IPTG and flow through when partially denatured.
His-tagged proNGF was not retained on NiNTA beads. N-terminal His tag may be hidden in the protein fold. Consequently, we did not manage to purify the proNGF.
- Successfully cloned a part coding for secretion of NGF in pET43.1a and iGEM plasmid backbone pSB1C3, creating a new composite part BBa_K2616000
- Successfully sequenced BBa_K2616000 in pSB1C3 and sent to iGEM registry
- Successfully co-transform E. coli with plasmid secreting NGF and plasmid expressing the secretion system, creating bacteria capable of secreting NGF in the medium
- Successfully characterized production of NGF thanks to mass spectrometry
- Successfully observe axon growth in microfluidic chip in presence of commercial NGF
Next steps:
- Purify secreted NGF, and characterize its effects on neuron growth thanks to our microfluidic device
- Global proof of concept in a microfluidic device containing neurons in one of the chamber, and our engineered bacteria in the other
FIGHT INFECTIONS : Click to see more
RIP Secretion BBa_K2616001
The sequence we designed contains two RIP (RNAIII Inhibiting Peptide) sequences fused to two different export signal peptides for E. coli Type II Secretion System: DsbA and MalE, placed on N-terminal. (image: Figure 1. Schematic representation of the RIP production cassette. The cassette is composed of RIP sequence (blue) fused to DsbA signal (green) and further RIP sequence again (green) fused to MalE signal (red).)
Once we received the sequence encoding for this production cassette named Seq8 (461bp) in commercial plasmid pEX-A258 by gene synthesis. Plasmids was amplified in competent E. coli DH5alpha. After bacteria culture and plasmid DNA extraction, we digested commercial vector with EcoRI and PstI restriction enzymes. We extracted the inserts from the gel and performed a ligation by using specific overlaps into linearized pBR322 for RIP expression and into pSB1C3 for iGEM sample submission.
We repeated the procedure (transformation in E. coli Stellar competent cells, bacteria culture, plasmid DNA extraction, digestion) and we proved that our vectors contained the insert by electrophoresis (Figure 12,13).
Alignment of Sequencing Results then confirmed that pSB1C3 contained Seq8, Bba_K2616001 .
Once checked, we cloned our construct into the Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) pLysS strain, a specific dedicated strain to produce high amounts of desired proteins under a T7 promoter. Bacteria were grown in 25 mL culture, and protein expression was induced with different IPTG concentration when bacteria have entered in a phase of exponential growth (approximately at 0.8 OD 600 nm) at 37°C. Pellet was sonicated and supernatant was kept
After two hours induction, we centrifuged and collect supernatant and pellet separately.
Fluorescence reading experiments
Since RIP is only a seven-aminoacid peptide, we were not able to check its production by classic SDS-PAGE. Thus, we tried to check its expression by observing its effect on Staphylococcus aureus growth and adhesion. We grew a S. aureus strain expressing GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein), gently provided by Dr. Jean-Marc Ghigo on 96-well microtiter plates with different fractions of supernatant or pellet of our BL21(DE3) pLysS bacterial cultures containing BBa_K26160001.
After 48h or more incubation, we washed the plates in order to discard planktonic bacteria, and read fluorescence (excitation at 485 nm and measuring emission at 510 nm).
Some of the results we got were extremely encouraging. For example, figure 5 shows an average 3-fold reduction of fluorescence from S. aureus biofilms when they were cultivated in presence of the bacterial lysate of an induced culture of BL-21 E. coli transformed with BBa_K2616001.
However, we performed experiments several times, and the results were not always as concluding. This variability is very likely due to a bias due regarding different approaches used for supernatant removal and washes. When using the flicking approach, we damaged our biofilm. Then, we removed planktonic cells by micropipette.
Crystal violet staining
Since fluorescence measurements were not satisfying enough, we tried to improve our methods to quantify biofilm formation. Thus, we began to color biofilms by Crystal violet 0.1% staining and measuring absorbance at 570 nm. Again, the results were very heterogeneous between our different experiments, and between the different protocols. For instance, we tried to compare our protocol to WPI Worcester team's staining protocol, and the results, given in Figue 6 and 7 significantly differ.
Biofilm PFA fixation before staining
We wanted to avoid biofilm damage or loss during theses steps. In order to do that, we used Bouin solution to fix the formed biofilm after 24 and 48 hours of culture. Then biofilms were either stained with Crystal Violet 0.1% and resuspended in acetic acid 30% or resuspended in PBS 1X. Surprisingly, with this method biofilm formation was higher when cultivated with cell extracts containing RIP. A that time, we are not able to explain why.
With more time, we would certainly have been able to optimize our protocols to best fit with the strain we use, but for the time being, we are not able to give a final conclusion on whether or not our RIP peptide inhibits S. aureus biofilm formation.
S. aureus Detection and RIP secretion BBa_K2616003
The sequence we designed contains the agr detection system from S. aureus and secretion of RIP (RNAIII Inhibiting Peptide) sequences fused to two different export signal peptides for E. coli Type II Secretion System: DsbA and MalE, placed in N-terminal.
Once we received the sequence encoding for this production cassette, named Seq5 (1422 bp), Seq6 (960 bp) and Seq7 (762 bp) in commercial plasmid pEX-A258 by gene synthesis. Plasmids was amplified in competent E. coli DH5alpha.
After bacterial culture and plasmid DNA extraction, we digested the commercial vector with XbaI and BamHI for Seq5, MscI and SphI for Seq6, HindII and SpeI for Seq7 restriction enzymes. We extracted the insert from the gel and ligated by specific overlaps into linearized pBR322 for expression and into pSB1C3 for iGEM sample submission.
We had trouble to proceed the ligation of the three inserts to linearized pBR322 and pSB1C3. We discussed with Takara Bio about our ligation issues, the GC percentage on our overlaps was to high to allow a good ligation. Due to the lack of time we were not able to re design the overlaps for this construction.
- Successfully cloned a part coding for RIP secretion in pBR322 and in pSB1C3, creating a new part Bba_K2616001 .
- Successfully sequenced Bba_K2616001 in pSB1C3 and sent to iGEM registry.
- Successfully cultivated S. aureus biofilms in 96 well plates with different supernatants.
Next steps:
- Clone the sensor device with inducible RIP production upon S. aureus detection.
- Improve the characterization of RIP effect on biofilm formation.
KILL SWITCH: Click to see more
Once we received the sequences encoding for this production cassette (named construction Seq9) in commercial plasmids, in order to have more DNA, we transformed competent bacteria E. coli DH5alpha resulting in clones. After bacteria culture and plasmid DNA extraction, we digested commercial vectors with restriction enzymes, extracted the inserts from the gel, and ligated it into linearized pSB1C3 for iGEM submission and expression in BL21(DE)3.
We repeated the procedure (transformation in E. coli Stellar competent cells, bacteria culture, plasmid DNA extraction, digestion) and we proved that our vector contained the insert by electrophoresis.
Alignment of Sequencing Results then confirmed that pSB1C3 contained Seq9, Bba_K2616002 .
The construction was successfully assembled. On Figure 21, mismatches are visible which correspond to the reduced precision of sequencing after 600 bp. To avoid this lack of precision, we used two different primers, allowing us to cover the whole sequence without mistakes. As visible, the mismatches are only present at the extremities of each primer sequencing.
To test the efficiency of our kill-switch, we decided to cultivate BL21(DE)3 E. coli transformed with it at several temperatures (15°C, 20°C, 25°C and 37°C). The growth was followed by measuring the optical density at 600nm every 30 minutes for 6 hours, followed by two additional points at 18 hours and at 72 hours. Each experiment was done in a triplicate and the standard deviations were calculated for every point. We show that the bacteria transformed with the kill-switch showed no measurable growth at 15°C and at 20°C during the 72 hours of the experiment, whereas the control population grew normally.
At 25°C, the kill-switch population grew more slowly than the control for the first 18 hours, but the growth eventually started to reach normal values at 72 hours.
Finally, at 37°C there was no difference in the growth of the kill-switch population compared to the control bacteria.
Thus, we successfully guarantee that our engineered bacteria will not be able to grow if they happened to be released in the environment.
- Successfully cloned a part coding for toxin/antitoxin (CcdB/CcdA) system in iGEM plasmid backbone, creating a new composite part
- Successfully observe survival of our engineered bacteria at 25°C and 37°C and absence of growth at 18°C and 20°C, showing the efficiency of the kill switch
Next steps:
- Find a system that kills bacteria when released in the environment rather than just stopping their growth