Team:UChile Biotec/Project

The Problem

The Red Tide is a natural phenomenon occurring in many coasts around the globe. It consists in a rapid increase of toxic microalgae, being the most important the ones near the extraction zones of where we get our seafood. When the shellfish eat these toxic algae, they become poisonous to us, so the government (or the respective responsible entity) needs to analyze all the seafood extracted to make sure our food is not contaminated, which means thousands of analysis per week worldwide.

Current Solution

Scientists around the world have developed a very reliable method of analysis: The Bioassay. Keeping it simple, they blend a sample of the shellfish meant to be sold, mix it with special chemicals and inject it directly into 3 different mice's stomachs. After a while, they can see the results: if 2 or more of them die, they say the shellfish is poisoned, so we can't eat them.

The most remarkable feature of this method is that it is effective (Ref. 1), so effective that there are rarely some cases of intoxicated people around the world. But there are two big problems:

First, it's the logistics. It needs to be done in a laboratory, which sometimes is located far away from the extraction zones. It also needs to have the right equipment to keep the mice in good shape to be used in the assays. Another problem is that it needs to be done by an expert team of scientists that can precisely inject the mice and see the results.

Second, and most importantly: Ethics. We are talking of thousands of analysis per week, each one taking at least 3 mice to be correctly done. And let us clarify: If the sample resulted not to be contaminated, which is the most cases (more than 99%) the mice need to be sacrificed anyway. In other words, thousands of animals are dying for nothing.

Additionally, all of the problems listed above involve a lot of money; starting with the transfer of the shellfish sample to the laboratory, to the mice themselves.

Vivamus sed ligula consectetur odio commodo auctor. Donec viverra nulla urna, vel venenatis mauris ornare id. Duis imperdiet lobortis erat tincidunt rhoncus. Vivamus cursus ante ac ornare dapibus. Integer eget lorem ullamcorper, varius mi at, fermentum nibh. Nulla purus lectus, interdum placerat neque fermentum, vehicula tempus augue. Quisque tincidunt eros nec libero tincidunt pellentesque. Phasellus condimentum ex ac posuere hendrerit. Donec id faucibus nisi. In tincidunt ullamcorper euismod. Praesent eget semper sapien, in eleifend ante. Integer posuere mollis odio vel fermentum. Nam tincidunt malesuada augue sed iaculis. Sed ut ullamcorper eros.

Donec non ullamcorper ex, non sagittis urna. In semper massa at sem faucibus, sed maximus mi venenatis. Mauris eget augue laoreet, vulputate ex a, tincidunt velit. Vestibulum a quam velit. Nullam et leo porttitor, tincidunt dui semper, commodo augue. Fusce vitae nisi tempus, rhoncus felis id, commodo tortor. Duis a sapien sit amet magna pharetra commodo quis quis lacus. Integer at arcu finibus, mollis dui in, dictum enim. Curabitur finibus, odio a convallis rutrum, urna felis euismod enim, vel tristique justo nisi sit amet nibh. Etiam cursus erat et mattis dictum.

Phasellus at scelerisque nulla, at consequat elit. In tincidunt elit quis tincidunt rhoncus. Nunc fringilla velit nec egestas dictum. Donec laoreet feugiat bibendum. Fusce id diam vel elit consectetur pulvinar nec ut arcu. In at ligula vitae odio pharetra laoreet quis non elit. Sed fermentum mi at nisl rhoncus auctor. Morbi venenatis non quam at mollis. Phasellus sodales dignissim risus vel placerat. Aliquam scelerisque dolor dui, quis vulputate felis tincidunt a. Mauris egestas ex sit amet nulla pharetra mattis. Morbi sagittis hendrerit felis a lacinia. In risus orci, aliquet at ornare ac, finibus et sem. Quisque sagittis justo ac vestibulum malesuada. Ut bibendum aliquam ex vel ornare.

The Solution

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pharetra ultrices magna, vestibulum vehicula massa scelerisque at. Phasellus lacus sem, aliquet id gravida at, egestas vitae nulla. Vestibulum aliquam sodales est quis varius. Nullam placerat nibh non lorem tincidunt, vel dictum eros pulvinar. Etiam metus ligula, convallis nec malesuada nec, egestas eget metus. Donec luctus varius suscipit. Vivamus varius lectus non ligula gravida ullamcorper. Curabitur purus dui, laoreet quis posuere non, congue sed metus.