Team:NEFU China/Silver

Human Practices



For this part, we thoroughly considered the application of our project in the actual situation, and discussed these issues with our teachers and experts with different professional expertise in biological companies. Here are our conclusions.

Human Practices - Silver


One of the best ways to increase scientific awareness is communication by which people who do not have theoretical knowledge will well understand complex research.

Effective communication is especially important in the field of synthetic biology. Because the idea of altering DNA sounds scary to a lot of people. To explain our case clearly, our team designed a game to let people understand and accept our projects when playing the game.

In the game, we simulate the processes of receiving information, interpreting the information, stealing the information and deciphering the information. The players can realize the strong confidentiality of our system and the necessity of its existence.

Additionally, in the game we also designed a section to emphasize the biological origin of our system, in which we used simple animations to explain details of the biological principles of our case to help people understand our project.


Our project is about the storage, encryption and transportation of information, so we decided to interview relevant experts and potential users for their advice to optimize our project.

National Institutions: Understand the laws and regulations that current information storage encryption systems need to comply with and the challenges that the current information storage encryption systems are facing?

Society: What are the people's views on current information encryption systems and our projects?

National Institutions
The National Secrecy Bureau of Heilongjiang Province in China


In order to make future potential users truly accept and willing to use our system, we need to know their opinions, so we conducted surveys in the form of a questionnaire of people from different occupations and different educational level in the society.
The surveys are mainly based on the following aspects:
1. Public knowledge of information encryption storage.
2. Public perception on information interception.
3. Public perception on our encryption system.
In order to make our findings more accurate, we planned to increase the number of people with higher education levels.
The results are shown below:

We got in touch with the National Secrecy Bureau of Heilongjiang Province in China to understand the bottlenecks and challenges encountered by today's information storage encryption systems to optimize our project.

Here are the types of people surveyed by us.

From the results of these surveys, we have come to the following conclusion:
Most people did not know much about encryption of information storage, but they were mostly used to encrypting their own information.
At the same time, we introduced them to our project and explained the advantages of our system compared to the other encryption methods.

We obtained the following results:

The diagram shows that most people supported our project, but only a few people were willing to try our system. In our further inquiries, 76% people indicated that they worried about the usage of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in our project, so we decided to take some other measures to publicize our project, in order to persuade people to accept our system.