
iGEM Collaborations Page

Team: IIT-Madras/Results

Silver Human Practices

Education and Engagement

  1. Language project: a multilingual science communication initiative:

    An introductory course in Synthetic Biology in the form of a 5 part lecture series in 8 Indian languages and several international languages in the hope of communicating synthetic biology in a easy to understand language. Read more..

  2. Visits to school:

    With the motivation of inspiring young minds of our country to pursue careers in Biotechnology, we conducted over 4 sessions in various schools that included explaining basic concepts of synthetic biology through fun games and interactive sessions. Read more..

  3. Biotech Research Club sessions in Javascript:

    In the public engagement and education efforts for our project in 2017, we managed to initiate a dedicated club for inculcating an interest in Biotechnology among the freshmen of our university. As we continued our efforts, we held a introductory session in JavaScript which is a useful tool to make webpages. We ended this session with a fun activity of remaking the “Thanos spares you” webpage.

  4. Two day workshop to spread the knowledge of different spheres of biotechnology and iGEM:

    Being aspiring biotechnologists, we decided to educate our fellow undergraduates in various sub fields of Biotechnology from other universities in Tamil Nadu with the help of professors that have expertise in these various fields. We conducted a 2 day educational workshop and lecture series for students across universities. Read more..

  5. SynBio journal club:

    The goal of the SynBio journal club is to promote discussion about research, specifically about synthetic biology and to foster an interest in research in the undergraduates. Read more..

  6. Launching a research magazine-Synkranti and publishing articles on the Medium blog:

    To venture into the world of popular science writing, we decided to add articles written by our members and launched a magazine called Synkranti dedicated for Biotechnology. We also published the articles onto our medium blog page to spread the knowledge of synthetic biology to the general public. Read more..

  7. Conversations about various aspects of Synthetic Biology in different languages with common public:

    India is a land of many different languages and rich diversity. Often scientific decisions pertaining to GMO and other important topics do not reach those that speak languages apart from English. Motivated by our efforts of the Language project, we began talking about Synthetic biology to various people and showing them our videos in their native languages. Read more..

  8. Writing about the importance of iGEM and science communication in Synthetic Biology in media:

    Our efforts in the language project and subsequent publicity through social media caught the attention of media houses and journals like the Indian chapter of IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Times of India and India Bioscience.

    1. IEEE India council newsletter (ICNL) (
    2. Times of India education supplement (
    3. India Bioscience article (

Developing software for Synthetic Biology

  1. ChassiDex: a database for synthetic hosts

    Continuing our project from 2017, we worked on improving the credibility and searchability of the data on our database. Further, we collaborated with Team Marburg to add data for their host organism; V. natrigens onto our database. We added data from our own experiments onto the A. baylyi entry. Read more..

  2. ComicSyns: icon font for drawing synBio circuits with ease

    ComicSyns is an iconic icon font that lets you draw SynBio circuit symbols by simply typing in characters on your keyboard and drawing genetic circuits with ease. The symbols are adapted from SBOL Visual. Read more..
