Team:Sorbonne U Paris/Team-members

Our team

We are the Sorbonne U Paris iGEM team. Our team is composed of 16 students: 14 Master's students in Biology, 1 undergraduate student, 1 PhD student and one microalgae Claude. Sugar, spices, and everything nice, these were the ingredients chosen to create the Sugar[R]evolution team. This is our third year participating in the iGEM competition, and we look forward to continuing for years to come! Meet the Suga[R]evolution team after clicking on the pictures.

iGEM Team Sorbonne U Paris and their Mascot Claude

Team members

Charlotte BELLAMY

Charlotte BELLAMY

Responsable of Instagram

Aurelie Bouin

Aurelie BOUIN

Project Manager

Dounia Chater


Head of Human practices

Soukeyna Diallo

Soukeyna DIALLO

Head of finance

Marie-Charlotte Firobind

Marie-Charlotte FIROBIND

Head of Graphism

Asmaa Foda

Asmaa FODA

Head of InterLab

Valentin Hure

Valentin HURE

Member of HP team

Saniya Kari

Saniya KARI

Head of wiki