Award Criteria Met
- We have registered for the Jamboree and we attended
- We completed the presentation, the wiki, the poster, and the judging form on time
- Attributions: We completed an in-depth attributions page that detailed what work we did ourselves and what work we got help with Attributions
- Characterization: We participated in the 2018 iGEM interlab study Interlab
- Validated Part: We created five bio bricks, Bba_K2893003, Bba_K2893004, Bba_K2893005, Bba_2893000, Bba_ 2124001Composite Parts. Our proteins were successfully synthesized, showing that our part worked link text
- Collaborations: We created a in depth guide with the iTesla team to help fellow community labs enter iGEM Collaborations
- Human practices: We talked to many different health professionals to consider the implications of our work and engaged in education to the public Human Practices
- Integrated Human Practices: We changed our project as needed based on the advantages and shortcomings of our project. We started the project without knowing the best delivery method for our cerastotin, but after talking to the head of the Cowley Shock Trauma Center, we changed from a gel based project, which could have entered the bloodstream and been dangerous, to a cerastotin laced bandage, which is much safer Integrated Human Practices
- Improved a previous part: The clot making team improved on the project idea of the Lethbridge High School iGEM 2016 team, which had a similar idea. We added His tags to the proteins and purified them to improve the safety of the system. We also incorporated human practices and math modeling into our project Improved Part
- Modeling: We did a lot of math modeling to find out the adequate ration of tPA or Cerastotin to blood. We also calculated the amount of time the agents should be in the bloodstream Modeling