The PoPPY team would like to thank everyone who has helped make this project possible. For the past five years, undergraduates at UCSC have participated in iGEM. This year, the team is composed of students studying Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Bioengineering (Assistive Technology Motor), Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Marine Biology, and Cognitive Science: Artificial Intelligence and Human Computer Interaction. Our diverse group of individuals is crucial for the creative process behind using synthetic biology to help others. Modern engineering demands collaboration between individuals and pushes them to think critically and work efficiently. Through synthetic biology, the 2018 UCSC iGEM team is creating effective solutions and developing models for future success.
The Project Idea
We came to the idea of PoPPY after many journal club meetings including all team members. The initial idea was proposed by captain Morgan Tardy and was eventually agreed upon by the entire team.
Official Team Members
Dr. David Bernick, Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering
Guided our team and offered valuable insight and advice through each stage of the project. He also helped the team manage funding, finances and logistical tasks.
Mckenna Hicks, Master's Student, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering
Guided us and provided advice on gene design and wet lab experiments
Research Support
Lab Support
Dr. Hugh Olsen, Lab Manager, University of California, Santa Cruz, Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Labs
Provided assistance with autoclave-training, general laboratory safety training, obtaining materials and maintaining equipment.
Wiki Support
Evan Pepper, Former Undergraduate Student, University of California, Santa Cruz, Biomolecular Engineering
Provided advice for design choices and taking criticism regarding said design choices.
UCSC iGEM 2017
For providing us with inspiration for the UCSC 2018 wiki and, more specifically, a layout for an Attributions page.
Human Practices Support
Funding Support
UCSC iGEM 2017
Provide monetary support for our team.
Industry Support
Non Profit Partnerships
Difficult Technique Support
Presentation Support
General Support
Russell Evans, Senior Development Engineer, University of California, Santa Cruz, Campus Facilities
Provided the 2018 UCSC iGEM Team with separate dry lab research and wet lab rooms. Provided technical and equipment support.