
3-succinoyl-pyridin (SP) is an important precursor of antihypertensive drugs. SP is not easy to obtain and thus makes it expensive. Fortunately, some researchers found a way to transform nicotine to SP.

Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical and its addiction is comparable to well-known psychological drugs like heroin, cocaine. Uptake of nicotine may promote the abnormal release of neural messengers, which cause emotional and physiological disorders. As a form of alkaloid, many plants such as Tobacco contain abundant nicotine

As a well-known industrial crop, tobacco is widely plant around the world. Mature tobacco can be used as the raw material for cigarette industry which accounts for an unsubstitutable portion in China’s economy.

The tobacco leaves are roasted, cut into lumps, and then sliced and rolled into cigarettes. In this production process, there will be a large number of waste produced by tobacco leaves. Some chemicals like nicotine is included in these tobacco waste.

This year, our team designed three systems in E.coli K12 to transform nicotine to SP. The three systems are sensor system, regulation system and degradation system, whose gene elements are constructed on two plasmid backbones separately.