
Project Description

The project aims to use E. coli with type III secretion system (T3SS) cultured in a customised device as a simple protein production and purification system (see Figure 1). The proposed device consists of two compartments. The first compartment contains the transformed E. coli with the gene of interest and the T3SS vector (see Figure 2). The T3SS complex will have its tip protein specifically recognises the biomimetic membrane and secrete the protein of interest through such membrane into the second compartment, the collecting chamber. The secreted protein is then collected in the buffer, which is free of contaminants.


Schematic representation of the proposed simple protein production and purification device

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the proposed simple protein production and purification device (not to scale)


E. coli containing the T3SS vector and the expression vector on a membrane with porous support

Figure 2. E. coli containing the T3SS vector and the expression vector on a membrane with porous support (not to scale)